Wednesday, June 11, 2014

SBC 2014 - Tuesday, Day 3

It is 1:30 am Wednesday morning and I am winding down from a very long day. Up early for business meetings and the SBC Presidential election, and back at the hotel late tonight. I have many things to say, but no time nor energy to say them in writing.

Instead, I'd like you to read what others are saying.

Ben Cole gives his genuinely razor sharp analysis of Ronnie Floyd's election as President of the SBC.

Watchdog gives a stunning indictment on the silence of SBC leaders regarding the Darryl Gilyard affair.

The official blog of Baptist Press reported on the nearly one dozen motions offered from the floor Tuesday by individual messengers today.  Of note was the motion that the "trustees of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary report to the convention the reason a person of 'another faith' was allowed to enroll in their seminary." I suspect the trustees of SWBTS will be doing just that very thing tomorrow at 3:57 pm (their Convention report).

There are a few things that went unnoticed by many in the SBC today, and it could possibly be I might write about some of them in a future post. Among those things unnoticed include the reason why Tim Rogers was first nominated to be a trustee of the International Mission Board, but was later removed from the list presented by the Committee on Nominations.

Finally, I had some great fellowship with several individuals today from Oklahoma and around the nation. I learned a great deal about Louisiana College, Brewton-Parker College, and Cedarville University. The future at these three institutions will be filled with interesting developments.

It will again be late evening before I can post my thoughts tomorrow night.


Rex Ray said...


Who writes the report to the SBC for SWBTS?

Maybe they’ll quote Patterson saying to my relative, “That Burleson’s blog is noting but lies.”

Rex Ray said...

"...nothing but lies."

Wade Burleson said...

Ah, Rex, I'm sure who ever wrote the report probably feels the same way!

I try never to go to motive of people, rarely attempt to conjecture what someone is thinking, and simply focus on 'just the facts' as the old Dragnet duo used to say.

Interestingly, I learned a long time ago, the best defense is truth.

One of the ways you know that someone is uninterested in the truth is they say in private what they won't say in public, and vice versa (they say in public what they don't say in private), while a truth teller says publicly AND privately the same thing.

Should be an interesting day.

Anonymous said...

I have no dog in this hunt and very rarely, if ever, read blogs other than Wade's but seems to me that Ben Cole is just whining sour grapes and Tom Rich needs to be sure of his facts. Not up to the standards I usually see on Wade's blog. Forget those other blogs and just give us the facts and your interpretation as you see them.

Anonymous said...

I doubt seriously if anyone even cares what Jerry Vines writes in a book and it certainly doesn't rise to the level of something that needs to be brought to the floor of the SBC. Kind of the same for the Tim Rogers deal. Noone cares.

J Pow said...

Yeah, Anons @ 7:20 and 7:24---Why should anyone care about abuse victims? Why should anyone care if a leader in the SBC lies and uses their position to protect their power? Why should we care that such a leader would now implicitly impugn the character of (at the time) a high school girl and minimize her abuse?

I can't think of a single reason why that might be useful information for SBC members.

J Pow said...

(sarcasm off)

Anonymous said...

You might actually care but the convention floor is no place to get anything done. You will be ruled out of order and finished for the day.

J Pow said...

I don't see where anyone suggested that Vines words be brought to the convention floor. Wade just linked to some SBC stories written recently and that he had heard others had talked about.

I do challenge the notion that "no one cares" about what Vines writes in a book.