"My view of government places trust not in one person or one party,
but in those values that transcend persons and parties. The trust is where it belongs — in the people." (Ronald Reagan, in
his acceptance speech for the Republican Presidential Nomination, June 17, 1980)
"Certain basic principles must be observed in order to satisfy moral, ethical, and legal concepts of medicine, including:
The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.
This means that the person should have the legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior forms of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision."
German physicians hung for their war crimes after the Nuremberg Trials (June 2, 1948) |
When the
National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nazi Party) came to power in the 1930s, Adolph Hitler began shutting down all public dissent over government policies. Before the Nazi takeover, Germany had 4,700 different newspapers, reflecting all shades of political opinion. The Nazi regime quickly eliminated freedom of the press in Germany, shutting down oppositional newspapers and manipulating the press. The Nazi Party's press empire rapidly expanded after 1933, as did the readership of its newspapers. The Nazi press accounted for more than 80% of the newspapers circulated in Germany by mid-1941.
Adolf Hitler and the Nazis succeeded in destroying Germany's vibrant and diverse newspaper culture. The newly created
Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment handed out daily instructions to all German newspapers, Nazi or independent, detailing how the news was reported. Any dissenter to the official narrative became an enemy of the state. (Source;
The Holocaust National Museum)
The German people were kind, trusting, and caring people. They were told by the
Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and German physicians that Jews, Gypsies, and Nazi Party dissenters all carried vermin, parasites, and diseases.
Nazi ideology focused on the idea that the "blood of these weak, ignorant peoples" threatened German national prosperity. The German media, controlled by the Nazi government narrative, depicted Jews, political opponents, and other "enemies of the state" as
parasitic organisms that threatened the overall health of the so-called
Volksgemeinschaft (the German people). Reflecting common themes in Nazi propaganda, physicians repeatedly pushed the false claim that Jews were primarily responsible for outbreaks of typhus—a deadly contagious disease.
For this reason, non-compliant Germans, ethnic Jews, and zealots like the gypsies and Poles were gathered into "Concentration Camps" so that the
Volksgemeinschaft might be protected from these disease carriers. Only the pure had the right to live, travel, and shop freely. The pure were only those who obeyed the government mandates.
Ilse Koch's mug shot |
Ilse was trained as a librarian. She was a proud German woman. Ilse believed that she and her husband were responsible to German society to protect the Voksgemeinshaft from the diseased people who walked among them. Ilse was a good, moral woman. But Ilse's fear of spreading disease, a fear propagated by the German government and its media propaganda arm, caused this otherwise ordinary woman named Ilse to do things in the early 1940s that few Americans can comprehend in the early 2020s.
While her husband Karl supervised Buchenwald, Ilse developed a reputation of her own. She had no formal government authority in the camp, but she was known to beat prisoners with her own hands or her horse's riding-whip. She would walk with her husband's German Shepherd beside her and delighted in ordering the dog to attack pregnant women. Those were her mild-mannered activities.
Ilse believed that medical experimentation at Buchenwald would benefit German society as a whole. Due to her academic background, she personally supervised medical research conducted by German physicians, research designed to save "thousands of lives." Men and women in the concentration camps were injected with tetanus, rabies, typhus, syphilis, and other diseases and then used as laboratory rats to experiment with new treatments. In a movie based on Ilse's life, a prisoner asks for anesthesia before being injected with a new strain of typhus. Isle responds, "One does not give caviar to guinea pigs." (Source: Holocaust Pornography: Profaning the Sacred in "Ilsa, She-Wolf of the SS" Shofar, Fall 2002, Vol. 22, No. 1. Special Issue: Jewish Film (FALL 2003), pp. 53-79, Purdue University Press).
Ilse believed that the pharmaceutical research conducted by German doctors would benefit German society. It mattered not that the patients would not give their consent. Indeed, based on orders and instructions from German pharmaceutical corporations, SS physicians carried out pharmacological experiments in Dachau, Buchenwald, Ravensbruck, Sachsenhausen, Natzeiler, Strutthof, and other concentration camps. Patients were injected with either disease or medicine without their consent. These experiments took place on the initiative of the highest German medical authorities of the Reich and under the watchful eye of Ilse Koch at Buchenwald. The experiments were forced upon the patients by pressure, government strategies, and deception.
Isle Kock on trial. |
Ilse believed medical coercion suitable for the
Volksgemeinschaft. Any resistance by "the diseased" brought more punishment from the elite. The prisoners in Buchenwald had no power. The German Socialist Workers' Party-controlled their bodies.
In time, Ilse Koch's hard heart led her to do things to prisoners at Buchenwald that gave Ilsa the
nicknames "The Beast of Buchenwald," "Queen of Buchenwald," "Red Witch of Buchenwald," "Butcher Widow," "The Bitch of Buchenwald," and "The Lady of the Lampshade."
Reports at her trial indicated that Ilse treated skins of deceased medical prisoners at Buchenwald and then used their skin as home accessories. She bragged to friends that the skins of gypsies and Russians made the best lampshades because of the "swirls of color" across their chests and backs. Albert Grenowski, a Jew who was forced to work in the pathology laboratory of Buchenwald, told Allied judicial authorities at Ilsa Koch's trial that men with tattoos were Ilsa's favorite:
"After they were examined by her, those who were deemed artistically interesting specimens were killed by lethal injection. It was important that the skin of the victims was not damaged. There was one sure way to find yourself in a coffin and that was to damage the skin that the Hexe (witch) wanted for her lampshades. The bodies were taken to the pathology lab where they were treated with alcohol and the skins were removed with painstaking attention to detail so as not to split them or otherwise mark them. Then they were dried, often oiled afterward, and taken in small packages to Ilsa Kock so they could be made into lampshades or gloves. Once we saw Ilsa walking around the compound wearing a brightly patterned pari of summer gloves and just sexy underwear - you know, like she had forgotten to put a dress on. I particularly paid attention to the gloves. The last time I had seen their decoration was on the back of a gypsy prisoner on my block." (Source: Alan Hall, Murder and Madness, Leicester, UK: Bookmart, Ltc, 1993, p. 51).
Forcing medical treatment on the unwilling is the first step toward the dungeon of believing that people who don't think like you are vermin.
After World War II, Ilsa Kock and dozens of German physicians were placed on trial by the Allies at Nuremberg. All were convicted for war crimes, and seven were hung. Ilsa Kock was sentenced to prison, and twenty years later, on September 1, 1967, Ilse Koch hanged herself at Aichach women's prison at age 60. Ilse experienced delusions and had become convinced that concentration camp survivors would abuse her in her cell.
Why do I tell you Ilse Kock's story? For five reasons:
1. The Nuremberg Code of 1947 - the official statement issued by the Allies in conjunction with the Nuremberg Trials where German doctors were executed for injecting patients with disease and/or medicine without their consent - categorically states the main transcendent principle of ethical medical treatment is "the voluntary consent of the human subject."
2. I have had Covid-19 twice and nicely recovered both times. I have always taken my personal health seriously, eating healthy, exercising, and taking vitamin supplements (Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Zinc) as needed. I have robust natural immunity to the entire DNA chain of coronarivuses, over 6000 variants. The Oklahoma Blood Institute has scientifically determined that I have natural antibodies to coronaviruses. I will not voluntary consent to an injection of a Covid-19 therapeutic shot nr any other shot for coronavirus varients no matter the pressure, coercion, or government punishments that come my way.
3. I am not afraid of shots nor "vaccines." I have received many vaccines throughout my life. This Covid-19 innoculation is not necessary for me. I am not afraid of the Covid-19 shot and would encourage any person with who feels led to take it. Thank you for your concern that I may day unvaccinated against coronaviruses, but I have done my research, and I am neither afraid of dying from Covid-19 nor of the belief that I will die. I have recovered and developed natural immunity. I do not consent to the Covid-19 innoculation because I believe it is in my best health interest as well as society's best interest for me not to consent. Were I to give in to coercion, be it public, private, or governmental, I would enable the Ilse Kock's of this world.
4. I respect and affirm all my fellow citizens who have by their "free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior forms of constraint or coercion; (having) sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved" made the choice to voluntary receive the Covid-19 therapeutic shot. Good for you.
5. If you don't understand what I have just written, then I would encourage you to re-read this article. "Those who fail to learn history are condemned to repeat it." (Winston Churchill, 1948 Speech to the House of Commons).