Friday, June 06, 2014

Always Glad to Know I'm Appreciated!

Thank you Dr. and Mrs. Patterson for your thoughtful expression.
Trust I'll be able to say 'Thank You' in person at Baltimore.


Bill said...

Always great to see our Cooperative Program dollars at work!

Anonymous said...

Wade, it looks like Paige and Dorothy read the blog!! lol

Christiane said...

WADE, in England you would hear mention of something called the 'language of flowers'

each flower symbolized something special . . .

might be nice to look up what the flowers in this very beautiful arrangement symbolize in 'the language of flowers' :)

Dwight McKissic said...


I'm jealous. I've never gotten a beautiful arrangement of flowers from Dr.and Mrs. Patterson-:). Purple flowers too? Purple is my favorite color.

I heard Dr, Patterson say once that he will send a gift, and if my memory serve me correctly-neckties-to persons that he want to express love to who may have been challenging or critical of him in some way.

You and I both love, respect, and appreciate Dr. Patterson dearly.I happen to largely agree with your basic assessment of the SWBTS Muslim student response. So, if that was what triggered Dr. Patterson to send you those beautiful purple flowers, then maybe he or someone who reads your blog that reports to him will read this. I am requesting a purple necktie.It would be the delight of my day if I received one. I've never posted a picture of anything on my blog. But, if Dr. Patterson send me a purple necktie, I am going to have to ask my assistant to figure out how to post a picture of my purple necktie on my blog.

In all seriousness, I think that that was a great gesture by Dr. and Mrs. Patterson. It was also wonderful to see you post on this here. Look forward to seeing you in Baltimore.

Dwight McKissic

Wade Burleson said...


Always wonderful to hear from my long-time Arlington pastor friend!

Look forward to catching up in Baltimore!

Rex Ray said...

"Beware of geeks bearing gifs"

Anonymous said...

Hey!!! Im a baby boomer!! I want a purple neck tie too!! Lol


Romans 3:25-26

The Govteach said...

Good one....

Wade Burleson said...


That's funny.

Anonymous said...

If it wasn't so sick it might be funny. Patterson never does anything without a motive behind it.

Christiane said...

found this:

could the 'secret' meaning of the beautiful gift be found therein? (you can scroll through the dictionary, if you like)


Ben C said...

That's not a bouquet of flowers. They've sent you one of Dorothy's hats.

Anonymous said...

You could send him a dozen TULIPS.

dapreacherzwife said...

Roses are red, violets are purple.
Ya got these flowers so ya won't stir up more trouble. ;)


Anonymous said...

He sends gifts to people who are critical of him- using swbts money of course.