Sunday, June 08, 2014

SBC 2014 - Sunday, June 8, Day 1

I spent today with my good friend Colonel Andy Hamann in Washington D.C. Andy is now stationed with the Defense Intelligence Agency at Joint Base Anacostia-Bollling. Andy and I attended Capital Hill Metropolitan Baptist Church Sunday morning. Pastor Mark Dever was warm and welcoming, and the teaching we heard was excellent. Both Andy and I were impressed with the ministries of CHMBC. It was particularly encouraging to see the number of young families and single professionals involved and engaged in worship this morning.

After a quick tour of Bolling, we had lunch with the Commander of the Presidential Flying Group and Chief Pilot for Air Force One. Bruce is a former classmate of Andy's. Bruce, his wife, and four young children comprise one of the most delightful families you will ever meet. After lunch Andy took me to Fort McNear and we had a private tour of Building 20, the site of the imprisonment, trial and execution in 1865 of the Lincoln assassination conspirators. I have written a great deal on the assassination of Lincoln, and to see this historic site was pretty special for me. After the afternoon tour of Fort McNear, we went downtown D.C. and had a visit with the Park Rangers before going to Ford Theater and making an impromptu visit to Baptist Alley behind the historic site of Lincoln's assassination.

We ate dinner with my friend Ben Cole, who now works at the Capital. It was quite the entertaining evening reminiscing with Ben at the Capital Grille on Pennsylvania. For those of you who have missed Ben at the SBC the last few years, good news! Ben will be joining us at the Southern Baptist Convention this year in Baltimore, and he will be posting throughout the Convention at Baptist Blogger - a definite 'can't miss' read.

I have arrived in Baltimore (late evening) and will be registering at the SBC early in the morning during the Pastor's Conference. Look forward to seeing many of you there!

1 comment:

Rex Ray said...


Glad to hear Ben Cole is doing OK. I guess he likes politics.

Comments on your previous post are making me laugh more than the funny papers.

If the Executive Committee’s recommendation is not mentioned or voted down, I’ll be happy.

On the other hand if it passes, I’ll be happy because our church will support the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship which I’ve admired from when it first started.

They believed the glue that held Baptists together was missions vs. the C/R arguing it was doctrine.

In 1992, President Jimmy Carter urged Keith Parks to be its global mission’s coordinator. Parks retired after 45 years of mission’s service.

On 2-11-2002, the Baptist Standard printed a letter from Parks stating:

“A confession becomes a creed when others determine the beliefs one is forced to sign.”

I’ve talked with Parks long ago. I never met his wife, but she told my cousin, “I believe every word that Rex Ray the blogger writes. Hey! Wonder if she still reads your post?