Dr. Richard Land, the Oxford and Princeton educated
Director of the Southern Baptist Convention's Religious Liberty and Ethics Commission in Washington DC, issued an apology on his radio show Monday afternoon, April 16, 2012. The previous Saturday afternoon,
Baylor Ph.D. candidate Aaron Douglas Weaver wrote a blog charging Dr. Land with plagiarism. Aaron's evidence seemed irrefutible.
The Washington Post picked up on Aaron's charges against Dr. Land by Monday. Dr. Land's apology that same day (Monday) was swift, succinct, and specific. I find it interesting that the head of the Southern Baptist Convention's agency on ethics does not refute the charges, but simply apologizes. I do not know how this will ultimately play out, but I suggest that any person desiring to study the best way to deflect personal charges that have the potential to be explosive in nature examine
the timing and content of Dr. Land's apology. He is erudite in more than just scholarly things. He seems to understand that Southern Baptists have a streak of mercy which can be triggered when someone says,
"Aw, shucks! I didn't mean to do it. In fact, it's such a minor thing I wouldn't have even noticed had it not been pointed out to me! I promise to pay better attention to such minor details in the future!" In academia and politics, Dr. Land's "oversight" has historically been deemed punishable behavior. We'll see if Dr. Land managed to strike the cord of mercy in Southern Baptists' collective heart through his astute apology aimed at amnesty. We'll see.
Link correction: Washingtonpost > Richard Land accused of lifting Trayvon Martin comments
Robert I Masters
Please.....Even your buddy Dave Miller has been trying to hammer Dr Land. Problem is BDW has always been a leftist and nothing is new here.
Congratulations BDW for exposing Land!
ABP News > Richard Land cries media bias
Thy Peace,
Mr. Masters,
I was restrained in my remarks on Dr. Land. I will let people judge for themselves.
Never trust a man who color's his hair...
Trayvon was an American kid and this is an American tragedy.
I think that if Tray had not been black and wearing his hoodie, he would be likely be alive today.
I don't want to 'judge' anyone,
but I have grown so very weary of how we mark those who are 'different' and label them ...
we have no right to bring harm on people in this way. We have no right.
Just goes to show you that even among religious circles people are not always honest. How much can a person be trusted with such a shallow response? Just thinking.
Looks like even those in religious circles in high places still cannot be totally trusted? Does the shallow response of repentance reflect his attitude in this? Just thinking.
Richard Land only apologized because he was pressured.
Land never apologized for the way he treated Christa Brown:
Richard Land never apologized for the way he treated Christa Brown:
I still fail to see what was so vile and evil with what Richard Land said. Al Sharpton, Rev. Jackson, and the Obama administration have clearly used this so called "tragedy" for political gain. People HAVE jumped to conclusions on this case and they want to see Zimmerman burn. Only a fool (Obama supporter) would think otherwise. They want to stir up racial tension, they want to take away our guns, they want take away our rights to defend ourselves, and they want us by the base of our you know whats. It also seems day by day that evidence is pointing towards the innocence of George Zimmerman. It all gets swept under the rug, though, because certain people have already sentenced him in their minds. There have even been groups of people (savages) who have already taken summary punishment on people of a certain fair complexion. (Odd, I didn't think Zimmerman was white. Hmmm?) One incident involved 15 men, women, and children armed with paint cans beating a man into a coma on his own front porch all while chanting "This is for Trayvon!" Haha! Don't you love it! You very well know the Obama administration loves it, you know Al loves it, and you know Rev. Jackson loves it. I could name four others incidences just like this but I won't. You will have to look them up in the dark recesses of the internet because you know the mainstream media doesn't deal in truth, only lies and deceit. Please wake up America! Please wake up Church! The days where political correctness and the government controlled media guides our thinking and actions are over! There are good men and women of all races and creeds who are waking up everyday and seeing through the lies and deceit that is constantly shoved down their throats by this corrupt administration and, frankly, government.
I do feel sorry for Land and Zimmerman. I feel they have been wronged and mistreated in this case. Things won't go back to normal for them, especially Zimmerman. Even if he is found innocent, which he won't be, he will have to go into hiding because he has a price on his head. This is horrifying people. Standing up for what you believe in or defending yourself can get you silenced, fired, jailed, or even killed. This is as backwards as it can get. Good=Evil Evil=Good It can happen to any of us. I know this is long so read it if you want or delete if you want. I just feel burdened and wronged.
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