Saturday, June 09, 2007

Arrived in San Antonio Safely: Church on Sunday

Rachelle and I completed the eight hour drive to San Antonio, arriving around 6:30 p.m. Central Time. We are staying at the Marriott Rivercenter Hotel in downtown San Antonio, right across the street from the convention center where the Southern Baptist Convention will be held beginning Tuesday morning.

Tonight we had dinner on the Riverwalk with Ben Cole and Art Rogers. While we were eating a host of Southern Baptists stopped to say hello. It was quite easy to pick out the Southern Baptists among the throng of people walking the Riverwalk, including thousands who are here for the NBA Finals between San Antonio and Cleveland. Game two of the best of seven series is Sunday night here in San Antonio.

This morning, Sunday, June 10, Rachelle and I plan to attend the worship services at Castle Hills Baptist Church in north San Antonio. The Pastor's Conference begins Sunday night at 6:00 p.m. Immediately after the Pastor's Conference Rachelle and I will be in the lobby of the Marriott Rivercenter and anyone who reads this blog and happens to be in San Antonio is welcome to come to the lobby for a time of fellowship. Lord willing we plan on possibly hosting an informal prayer meeting in one of the suites late Sunday night, but regardless, if you are reading this we would love for you to come to the Marriot Rivercenter lobby around 9:00 to 9:30 p.m. Sunday and meet some very special people who will be with us.

I plan on blogging about tomorrow's events early Monday morning. There are already a huge number of people in downtown San Antonio, but it is hard for me to tell if it is because of the basketball game or the Southern Baptist Convention. Either way, it is an exciting time to be in San Antonio.

In His Grace,



Anonymous said...

Praying for you.

Bart Barber said...

See you at church.

irreverend fox said...

San Antonio is going to need a special prayer meeting tonight...the depression that will come upon that city will be tangible...after my CAVS take their revenge from Thursday night and shock the world with tonight’s stunning upset!

And yes...I am a Witness! The pride of Akron will Rise Up tonight!

Remember where you heard it first...bang bang!

OC Hands said...

We will be praying for you and the other delegates as decisions are made that can have impact on the SBC for years to come. said...

I'll look for you Bart, said...

Thanks Bryan, and OC.

I think you may be a prophet Fox!


Emily Hunter McGowin said...

Pastor Wade,

My husband, Ronnie, and I may be joining the prayer meeting on Sunday night at the invitation of our pastor, Mack Roller. If the Lord wills, I look forward to the time together.

Grace and peace,


David Simpson said...

I'll be checking your blog for all the "real" SBC news.

Emily Hunter McGowin said...


I was wrong about the meeting. Perhaps we'll see you around the convention.

Have a great evening,


Katherine said...

I'm curious: how was it quite easy to pick out the Southern Baptists?

LivingDust said...

Brother Wade,

Those of us who cannot travel to the Convention will be watching and listening via the internet stream, but certainly look forward to your on-the-spot insights throughout the week.

May God be glorified in all that happens this week in San Antonio!

Marty Duren said...

Wade will be the one with a weather map...

See you guys tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

May this convention be blessed from on high.

(And the Cavs & Spurs are just lucky they don't have to tangle with the Florida Gators from America's basketball & football powerhouse, the Southeastern Conference!)

Steve Austin

Anonymous said...

Has anyone seen Jerry Corbaley's latest post? He seems to be changing his stance concerning ppl's.

R. L. Vaughn said...

Hope y'all are having a lovely time in SA. It seems the Cavs didn't. So much for Prophet "irreverend fox". Deut. 18:22. Go Spurs.

irreverend fox said...

Wade...say a prayer for me head is hurting...and crow does not taste anything like chicken!