Thursday, June 28, 2007

Add A Title to Capture the Essence of the Photo

32 comments: said...

"How I Feel After Writing a Long Post"

longjonblu said...

This is just to cool.

Tyson Wynn said...

Psalm 4:8: "I will lie down and sleep in peace,for you alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety."

This Scripture was matted with our print of Wyeth's "Master Bedroom" (, which hangs over our mantle.

Anonymous said...

And to think that I actually wanted to blog with the "big dogs." (Dog Yawn)

volfan007 said...

my master has gone so overboard on that gluttony resolution that he wont hardly feed me anymore. i wish that i could have ribs and leftover gravy again. yawn, if my master wont eat good, then i guess i'll just lay down and sleep.

david :)

Anonymous said...

Not exactly a caption--but a story.

My beautiful artist daughter is named "Michelle." But from the time she was able to talk until she was eight or so, she called herself "Shell." We never called her that, and I never heard any of her friends call her that, so I wondered how she came up with it. Then it hit me, one day when she was arguing with her older brother. He took something of hers, and she yelled out, "NO! My toy!" Later I heard her say, "My doll," then "My mamma." And it was a short transition from that to "My 'Shell!" She thought the "Mi" in her name was the possessive personal pronoun "my," and consequently, her name was simply 'Shell, (or 'Chelle, whatever).

Caption: MY CHAIR! MY ME!

In the scandal of the cross,

John Fariss

gmay said...

I was thinking more how you must feel after one that generates a lot of response.

Jason Epps said...

"Perpendicular Bliss"

Anonymous said...

We see that every day in our house. I'm soooo envious. One of them acturally can sleep with her eyes open.

Anonymous said...

zzzz...."jump the hurdle"...zzzz

Emily Hunter McGowin said...

A Sabbath rest remains for God's people (Heb. 4:9).

Bob Cleveland said...

Great Dane sleeps in Pike Position.

Dog-gone deep sleep.


Sleeping? I think he's recovering after a full sprint after a frisbee and then BLAM! A tree.

P.S. You know you're the blog master when you can garner more comments on a post like this then most of us can get in an entire month.:)

Anonymous said...

reminds me of that great classic hymn:

"Ethan Allen, my happy home"


AUJeff said...

No more trustee meetings for me

CB Scott said...

"Doing these running shoe commercials is wearing me out, but NIKE is paying us so much."

--Quote from---Micheal Jordan's dog "JORDY"--

Anonymous said...

"Dere's tahr-ed...and den dere's dawg tahr-ed"

davidinflorida said...

" who said just one glass of wine is no big deal? "


" I knew we should have never bred that hound dog with that kangaroo "

chadwick said...

Bobby Welch's Evangelistic Huntin' Dog Named "Finney!"

JayLee said...

To quote Disney

"COLOSSAL POWERS...itty bitty living space."

Glen Alan Woods said...

Marmaduke demonstrates his gymnastics technique while sleeping...

Anonymous said...

These old legs got to go somewhere!

Steve A

Anonymous said...

Ben Cole after the SBC convention and a night ot strong drink

Anonymous said...

Rex Ray said…
A moderate having to sleep ‘our way or the highway.’

Tim Rogers said...

It's a dog's life and some dogs are destined for front porch duty.

S.A.M. said...

Sometimes, there just aren't any chairs big enough!

Professor X said...

Noche ain't got nothin' on me

Anonymous said...

I know that I have places to go and things to do--but I just can't figure out how to get started.

I've had days like this.
Bennett Willis

Chris Walls said...

Hey, Wade can you get me another?

Anonymous said...

"wake me up when the church business meeting is over!"


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I'm tired, so very tired.

Especially since davidinflorida and anonymous commenting on BC have to get a jab in, even on a dog picture.
