Friday, September 25, 2020

U.S. Citizens Must Have the Mentality of a Marine

Slavery is evil.

All human beings intuitively know this. That knowledge is part of the innate Law of God that the Creator makes plain in every human conscience.  

Philosopher John Locke (1632-1704) called this knowledge Natural Law, and argued that humans know by nature that it is wrong to kill, enslave, or steal. 

Therefore, according to Locke, every human being has Natural Rights guaranteed by Nature and Nature's God. They are "life, liberty, and property." Thomas Jefferson and the Founders of the United States changed Locke's concept of  "property" to  "the pursuit of happiness" in The Declaration of Independence. The Founders knew that citizens' freedom to pursue private property led to the general happiness of the population.

In today's civil anarchy, many citizens of the United States have made the mistake of believing that the problem our country faces is one of race. They say that black lives have been historically, institutionally, and culturally enslaved and that "white, Christian privilege" has been the heart of America's problem. 

A little history will expose the error in their thinking.

Robert Davis, Emeritus Professor of History at Ohio State University, writes in his book Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters: White Slavery in the Mediterranean, the Barbary Coast, and Italy, 1500-1800:
"From 1500 to 1650, when trans-Atlantic slaving was still in its infancy, more white Christian slaves were taken to Barbary (Northern Africa) than black African slaves to the Americas." 
That is an inconvenient truth for those who think "white privilege, Christianity, and the United States republic" should be destroyed and a new system of governance and leadership established. 

Slavery is not about race or religion. Slavery is about power.

Dr. Davis writes: 
"One of the things that both the public and many scholars have tended to take as given is that slavery was always racial in nature – that only blacks have been slaves. But that is not true. We cannot think of slavery as something that only white people did to black people.”

Evil people in power, regardless of color or creed, enslave others. 

The United States was built on the concept of moral political leaders ensuring individual citizen's freedoms; freedom from tyranny. freedom from oppression, and freedom from enslavement. 

The Founders knew that the immortal principle "all men are created equal" might lead to an internal war, which it did less than a century later.  Those having economic power in the south, though intuitively knowing slavery to be "evil," desired it to continue. They were just like the men and women of today who know that pornography is evil and exploits women, but Americans do nothing to stop it.  A day of reckoning always comes.

America had her day of reckoning over race. It was a brutal and costly Civil War (1861-1865). Now, blacks can be President. The finest athletes, movie stars, educators, businessmen, and intellectuals are black, and they stand equal and toe-to-toe with any gifted white person. 

America is the land of liberty and equality. America's problem is not about race.

America's problem is with people who don't understand that Natural Law and Natural Rights are the foundational principles upon which the United States of America are established.

There are some who wish to cause chaos in the United States in an attempt to tear down the system of government they say is built on "white, Christian privilege." 

The idea the United States is built on "white, Christian privilege" is pure ignorance. The United States was built on the immortal principle that "all men are created equal,"  and that we are guaranteed by the Creator "certain inalienable rights." Inalienable means they supersede any government laws and cannot be removed since the Creator gives them to us, not the states.

Our clear and present danger in the United States is the increasing and absolute power of the state and the resulting enslavement of citizens to the states' dictates, denying the individual citizen's Natural Rights.

Those of us who know history are warning you.

The enslavement of people, regardless of their color or creed, occurs when absolute power is handed to evil leaders.  Evil leaders are those who deny Natural Law and Natural Rights and make mandates to which people must conform, soon enslaving those same people for resisting the state's power. 

Slavery has nothing to do with race and everything to do with immoral power.  

As we see citizens of the United States arrested while singing hymns in front of their courthouse, as we observe a woman getting tasered and arrested for not complying with a mask mandate at an outdoor football game for her children, as we see random United States citizens assaulted and robbed on the streets by anarchists, United States citizens have arrived at a momentous crossroads. 

We must make all make a decision as to what we are going to do to stop the impending enslavement.

In 1805, the Marines were sent by President Jefferson to rescue white slaves on the coast of North Africa (Tripoli) during the First Barbary War. We hear about their mission every time we hear the Marines' Hymn played

From the Halls of Montezuma
To the shores of Tripoli;
We fight our country’s battles
On the land as on the sea;
First to fight for right and freedom
And to keep our honor clean;
We are proud to claim the title
Of United States Marine.

It's time for every American to take the mentality of a Marine.  


Christiane said...

In memory of Heather Heyer who was murdered by a white supremacist at Charlottesville, I'd like to shar that this is what IS going on now that IS OPENLY known:

Acting DHS secretary: White supremacy is 'most persistent and lethal threat' internally to US
Savannah Behrmann

WASHINGTON – Acting Department of Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf said Wednesday during his confirmation hearing that white supremacists have become the “most persistent and lethal" internal "threat” to the U.S.

“White supremacist extremists, from a lethality standpoint over the last two years, particularly when you look at 2018 and 2019, are certainly the most persistent and lethal threat when we talk about domestic violent extremists,” said Wolf, who has been heading the DHS in an acting capacity since November.

The Senate committee hearing came just a few weeks after a whistleblower, Brian Murphy, who served as an undersecretary in the Homeland Security Department's intelligence office, said Wolf told him to squash information regarding the threat of white supremacy and assessments of Russian interference in the U.S. election to better fit President Donald Trump's agenda."

Christiane said...

When speaking of 'race' in our country, it is helpful to know of these groups and of their work which now is being examined closely by the FBI and our American security forces:

Rex Ray said...


Thanks for a much-needed post.

Yes, by Natural Law, we know it’s wrong to kill, enslave, and steal.
My Dad said, “We’re all born to tell lies, be lazy, and steal.”

I agree race is not the problem, but many believe it is as promoted by “Black Lives Matter”.
I didn’t know Marines rescued White slaves in Africa; (Tripoli.) Judy started singing the Marine song.

Victorious said...

The headlines in the Sept. 13 News-Press read "Stepping down to take a stand." Judge Hugh Starnes is resigning in protest. He no longer wants to be gagged by judicial ethics that have kept him silent about "deep, serious flaws in our society." Starnes served in the 20th Judicial Circuit for over 40 years. He wanted to link arms with all those who proclaim "Black lives matter." That stand would be strictly forbidden by judicial ethics.

The article is lengthy by this especially stood out for me:

In a 2016 peer-reviewed paper published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, "Deaths Due to Use of Lethal Force by Law Enforcement" reported victims were disproportionately black (32 percent), with a fatality rate 2.8 times higher among blacks than whites.

Starnes suggests it hasn't gotten any better in the last four years.

I admire his courage and willingness to stand with African Americans in their Black Lives Matter protests. Courage that reached the point that he felt he had to resign his circuit court position to do so.

Victorious said...

Now if I may tell a couple of my favorite memories of black people in my life. There were many, but one in particular reminds me that blacks and whites can get along. This incident happened about 1962 and I lived in Hollywood and got a job at Imperial Records. My boss was a black man by the name of Eddie Ray. There were several black recording artists at Imperial Records, but one called the O'Jays (money; money; money song) invited me to lunch when they heard I was leaving to go to another job. I asked by boss if that was ok and he said "of course." The group picked me up from work and took me to their house in Beverly Hills to enjoy a barbecue lunch. I must admit at one point I looked around and saw 5-6 black men and me in the yard and was a bit taken shaken at the possibility of what could happen had that group been inclined to cross the line with me.

As it turned out, they cooked; we ate together; and they safely returned me to my office where I thanked them for their thoughtfullness.

One more short story....while still at Imperial Records, the staff was invited to a party in Beverly Hills (I don't remember who it was for). In the middle of this great yard was a fountain flowing with champagne and everyone was drinking. I was not a drinker, but decided to participate with a glass. Not a wise decision as in a short time I was heading to the restroom with an upset stomach. The restroom was occupied, however, and I vomited on the bed in that gorgeous home. I must have passed out for a couple minutes, but when I opened by eyes, my boss, Eddie Ray, was at my side with a cool cloth to my face. Needless to say, I was so embarrassed and Eddie comforted me and drove me home without mentioning that ever again.

There were other experiences, but what I want to say is that it's possible for good relationships regardless of race, ethnicity, age and/or gender.

Debbie said...

TWW 9/25 1) You just put "natural law" above God's Word.
2) You only listed right-wing grievances in your "call to Marine Arms". I live in the Pacific Northwest, and although I hate antifa, I am terrified by Patriot Prayer; I insist everyone who comes to my home mask up; and, praise God, our conservative baptist church will continue to meet online until our governor tells us it is medically safe to do so.
3) Shame on you for advocating harm to me.

RB Kuter said...

"3) Shame on you for advocating harm to me"

Whew! Bet you didn't see THAT one coming, did you, Wade?!

A big aspect of all of today's madness in the USA is that it is impossible to dialogue in an objective manner if your position varies from the popular leftist position. If one step's off the path from being 100% against the concept of the white race being evil, wicked, supremacists bent on keeping their boots on the necks of people of color, they are indeed racists themselves and guilty of discrimination against non-whites. Forget reasoning.

Whites of today are shamed into groveling at the bequests of those non-whites shouting for reparation and those leftist whites who have already submitted to being enslaved by the militant oppressive movement taking place with the incentive of totally overthrowing the traditional ideology of the United States. I suppose this is a manner of reparation in itself when it is considered to be "pay back" time for whites today who are deemed guilty of those race discrimination crimes of the past.

In today's America, you either kneel or lock arms during the playing of the national anthem in protests against all of those white members of society who represent the vicious, racist, slave masters of yesteryear or you are considered to be the contemporary equivalent to them.

Good luck on your attempt to introduce any meaningful, rational dialogue.

Rex Ray said...


After World War II, our parents taught school in Germany. Although my brother and I were in the 10th grade we attended their 8th grade school for half a year in Giessen. I developed a ‘crush’ on Mary Ann, the prettiest girl in school.

She never knew I liked her. Her father was transferred and I never saw her again until two years later. I was going to school in Frankfurt when our coach said, “Anyone who wants to run track in Munich, be on the bus at seven.” (There were seven American schools there.)

The first race was the mile. I won, and was walking back to our group when I saw Mary Ann in the distance waving. I waved back. That was the last time I saw her. She was easy to identify because she was Black.

I told that because, like you, I’m not predigest against Blacks. But people need to know there’s a GOOD reason why police kill more Blacks than Whites. It’s because Blacks kill a lot more people; including other Blacks.

Wade Burleson said...


"For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for Me will find it" (Matthew 16:34). I am simply giving truth and the Author of truth states that "the truth will set you free." I wish no harm to your life, but your anxiety about potentially losing should be a concern worth considering.

Thanks for commenting.

Wade Burleson said...


There's not a prejudicial bone in your body. I, sir, can vouch for that truth. BTW, some of the finest law enforcement officers and administrators I know are black.

Wade Burleson said...


The emphasis on "race" in our society is puzzling to me. When I see a man or woman, I don't see color, I see giftedness, character, and dignity. Unfortunately, those who emphasize race disparities typically tend to lack the three things mentioned.

Christiane said...

I remember the first time I saw a picture of Colin Kaepernick 'kneeling' during our national anthem,
and another image came to mind: the man described by St. Bede from the oral tradition of the Church as "as being "[of] black complexion, with [a] heavy beard" who came as a 'Magi' to kneel before the infant Christ, and whom the Church now calls 'Balthazar'.

I'm not sure why that image stays, except that there is something in the silent protest of that kneeling that bespeaks of an more ancient dignity and a remembrance of a wise man's journey two thousand years ago,
not to bring 'trouble', no; nor to cause alarm,
but to honor with myrrh the coming of One Who, in His own being, and through suffering would reconcile mankind to God

Racism exists. In America. It's part of the ancient evil. In a land where 'taking the knee' destroyed the career of one who remains silent in his dignity having knelt with his own self as offering to point to the need for an end to the suffering of racism. This country has a long way to go to 'overcome' the horrors of what still haunt our nation from a time when 'owners' of men were themselves enslaved by evil.

I admire Colin in his kneeling, and still more in his dignified silence. It was, I believe, a self-sacrificial act of love. And so it remains. He witnesses to suffering that we have refused to see and acknowledge, and his silent suffering witnesses to love.

"And I saw the river over which every soul must pass

to reach the kingdom of heaven

and the name of that river was suffering:

and I saw a boat which carries souls across the river

and the name of that boat was love."

(St. John of the Cross)

Victorious said...

When I see a man or woman, I don't see color,

some of the finest law enforcement officers and administrators I know are black.

Unless one is color blind, the difference between colors is obvious. It's how we perceive the difference that's important. That was the intent of my post. The 5/6 members of that rock group recognized my respect and invited me to lunch. They, undoubtedly, knew I was white and had respect for me as well.

There should be mutual respect and appreciation.

Wade Burleson said...


I do not define a man by his color. We are all of one blood.

Rex Ray said...


Our previous generation were prejudices against Blacks. My young sister was thirsty but the water fountain at the Courthouse had “White Only”. Her skin wasn’t white. She got bawled out for drinking from the fountain that said, “Colored Only”.

One day, I visited my Aunt. She was upset from standing on a bus. There were several Blacks riding in the front. She asked the bus-driver to make them sit in the back where they were supposed to sit. He told her the law had changed. She stood rather than sit in the back that was empty.

In the Air Force, a friend started laughing. I asked him why.
“You know I’m Black, right?”
“But you’ve been telling me how you and your brother hunted rabbits with Niger Shooters.”

Victorious said...

I do not define a man by his color.

Wade, on this we can agree. :)

Christiane said...

I am not certain about this, but we generally think of old people in our country as having gained insight and wisdom on important matters,

but lately it occurs that it might instead be the very young who 'get it' about 'race' rather than the old folks.

So very often, we 'adults' step in and excuse the older generations we have loved from their 'cringe-worthy' statements about race because we have all had older family members who profoundly lacked comprehension on racial matters, but whom we knew still had good hearts.

The young among us, the very young genuinely have less need to be 'condescending', thank God because they have no need to be that way towards people of color. No need to be color-blind as though people somehow 'walked invisible' with only their souls visibly shining in witness to their humanity.

The VERY young are the ones who SEE the 'color' but know WHY it 'doesn't matter' and that they don't have need to 'pretend' it doesn't matter in order to be 'polite' in some fading class structure that is morphing into 'the New World' where it is 'okay' to be black and it is 'okay' to be white and it is 'okay' because it is known that people of different colors are 'persons made in the image of God' and derive their human dignity from their Creator who made them as they are.

It takes a lot of propaganda to create hatred for 'the others' and the training starts very young as littles watch how 'the others' are talked about and treated. But sometimes writers come along and illustrate for us just how horrible it is for 'the others' when they are treated with 'condescension' and 'politeness';
and these writers hold up a mirror for us to see ourselves as we really are.

Flannery O'Connor did that for me. She was herself 'racist' enough to know how it worked, the 'condescension', the 'politeness', the 'hope that 'the others rise but on their own side of the fence'. She knew. And her stories absolutely put me through the wall. Powerful stuff, Flannery O'Connor. Her Irish Catholic DNA in that Southern milieu she was raised in came to bear fruit in some power stories that convict depending on if they can be stomached.

Generation by generation, sometimes barely 'falling forward', but forward yes;
'til our kind arrives in some better place, in some better time. Until then, may God have mercy on us. And may our imagined 'kindness' not be in reality condescension, but may we finally know who is 'our neighbor' and stop to help his suffering in the way of the Samaritan as Our Lord taught us.

Rex Ray said...

Do you like controversy? :)

The link above tells it was the young voters that elected Obama.

His best attribute was being a good speaker.

I believe in time his legacy will be the worst President ever. For starters what he caused at the UN made Israel very angry. When Judy and I went with Wade’s church group to tour Israel, I told Wade I was glad Trump promised he would reverse what Obama did because I’d hate to have thousands of Jews angry with Americans.

Obama reversed the military policy they had for gays. When my Dad was in the army, gays were kicked out.

The large amount of money Obama gave Iran had a ‘smell’ to it.

He appointed Hillary as Secretary of State. The ‘smell’ of Benghazi will be in hell.

About every country he visited, he apologized for what America had done.

He was raised by his Grandparents that were Muslim.

He said the most beautiful sound on earth was the Muslim call to prayer.
He bowed to a Muslim King. He said, “The Holy Karan tells us…”

His Birth Certificate from Hawaii was printed in a different font than the year he was born. His Grandmother said she was in the Kenya delivery room when he was born.

We’re lucky Obama didn’t do more harm than he did.

My brother-in-law who taught school 30 years, had to clean the spit off his TV screen every time he saw Obama on it.

Christiane said...

Hey to REX RAY,

I'm okay with 'controversy' among people of good will, sure.

That's quite a litany of 'charges' against Obama you've got there, but what sources in the media did you use? A couple of those are pretty interesting, too. :)

If you like up-to-date controversy, how do you feel about the tax information coming out about Trump? According to the 'source' this information is just the 'beginning' of stuff to come, so I'm wondering if there will be anything about which people were behind monies given to Trump from other countries passing as 'loans' from international banks;
because knowing that would also be a matter of our national security and I see that as the more needed information: either to 'clear' him or to explain why on earth he has debased himself to Putin and others and said that he trusts Putin more than he trusts our own American government agencies. We do need to understand that behavior for the sake of our country's security, yes.

Another controversy that is timely:
What do you think about Amy Coney Barrett as a choice for a candidate for the SCOTUS?
She's supposed to be smart as a whip. And have conservative approval.

Of course there are other controversy's out there, not all of them 'real', but enough to make it very true that we live in interesting times.

How are you holding up? Sadly, I hear that the midwest states are showing more covid virus activity, so please be on guard and be self-protective. Maybe a vaccine soon, God willing. Take care. I'm always good for a haggle about controversial subjects, sure thing. I'm voting this week! Early! And safely.

Lissa Roberson said...

My husband and I have been listening to podcasts from Red Pilled America: audio storytelling the truth, Episodes 74 and 75, "Hands Up" (referencing "Hands Up, Don't Shoot") cover many stories of police brutality in high-profile shootings of Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, and George Floyd. They also give the story behind Black Lives Matter. BLM actually started in the 1960s during the unrest that led to Black Power, the Black Panther movement, and other African-American Marxist groups.

Many of today's grievances and social justice strategies mirror those of the 1960s radical movements. It's as though today we are witnessing a generational legacy. Children whose parents grew up in the '60s have adopted their parents' worldview and are bringing it into the public square. The worldview of evil white oppression founding America (ie: the 1619 history curriculum) is not a new lesson plan; the concept was alive and well in the '60s. Just as Christian parents raise their children with a worldview that puts Jesus and the Bible at the center of life, black radical parents immerse their children in the values that defined their worldview.

A question: When our most famous and skilled athletes, and many famous actors are African-American, why are whites accused of holding blacks down?

These thoughts are purely my opinion, and I might make some enemies. My apologies.

What were nascent BLM concepts are now mainstream in public and higher education by way of "critical theory", Intersectionality and critical Marxist thought. We see it acted out through the demands for reparations, the rage, anarchy and violent behavior in our cities and suburbs, and the unreasonable demands that whites either apologize for being white, and/or endorse the platform of BLM.

None of the intellectual exercises or anti-social behaviors address extra-racial issues that are currently keeping the African-American community oppressed. I'm referring to the tragedies of fatherless families among the black community and the prevalence of black-on-black crime. Those must be addressed if there is to be true and lasting healing.

RB Kuter said...

I believe the skin color of people, along with other distinctive physical features of hair, height, facial features, etc., lead us to assess the "culture" of a person even though these personal attributes are simply the genetic physical features associated with their ethnicity.

"Culture" is an interesting element in a person's identity. Unlike ethnicity, which is genetic, inherited, unchanging, and not an element in a person's behavior or world perspective in and of itself, "culture" is a learned, or formed aspect of a person's identity having no relevance with their ethnicity but does tend to influence their view of things.

A person's "ethnicity" most often gives insight into a person's likely "culture" given that people of "like" ethnicity group together and learn behavior from one another. Hence, you see someone with facial features identifying them as being ethnic "Chinese", and you likely assume they have a world perspective of the Chinese culture. However, the Chinese person could be someone who was adopted by a European and raised through their formative years in that culture so as to embed its attributes into the identity of the ethnic Chinese person; i.e., "Chinese ethnicity"/ "European culture".

In the case of ethnic African Americans, the same may be said that even though they may be of the same ethnicity, their cultural attributes may vary depending upon the influences impacting them through their formative stages. I "think" that our problem with discrimination might be that we assess a person's "cultural" attributes based on their "ethnicity".

If segments of the African American ethnic group come from a culture of crime, violence, dependency upon government social programs due to the environment in which they were raised during their formative years, we tend to categorize others of the same ethnic group within that same culture. In reality, if a Caucasian child was adopted and raised in that same community, chances are they would assume the same "cultural" attributes. I think that's where the concept of "PRE-Judice" enters the scene.

It's similar to leftists categorizing Trump supporters as all being from the same culture of uneducated, ignorant, racist, fascists because their appearance is similar.

Rex Ray said...


I think a good post would be ‘U.S. Citizens Must Have the Mentality of Lissa Robeson’

RB Kuter,
Good logic!

Lissa Roberson said...

Rex Ray,

I grew up a USMC brat. Suppose that might factor into my mentality? Ha!

RB Kuter said...

I agree, Rex. Lissa Roberson's views lead me to consider that the entire "Black Lives Matter" label and affiliation has been more counter-productive to strides being made to remedy our racist issues than serving to eliminate them.

What is particularly absurd as to almost being comical are all of the politicians, athletes, celebrities, and high profile personalities joining in as "posers" to identify with the popular, "politically correct", leftist movement labeled by "Black Lives Matter" which is in fact an obstacle and adversary to our society progressing toward being less discriminatory toward "race".

This includes all of the elite, white, young, protestor/rioters who violently infringe upon the rights of innocent bystanders who are not even involved in the debate or movement one way or the other. Those "posers" remind me of people described by Lissa as being nothing but actors playing out what they think would be attractive characters in a movie or a CNN feature film.

Curious Thinker said...

Having read all these comments, I wanted to clear up certain facts that was addressed. First, regarding homicides, the majority of killings are intraracial, meaning both black and white people are likely to be killed by someone of the same race. Also studies I found showed unarmed black people who die at hands of the police are higher among other races. Another study I read is that police are more likely to use more force against black people even when they use less resistance than white people plus black people more likely to be stopped by police even when they're not commmitting a crime known as "driving while black".

As former president Obama. It was pointing that his grandmother claimed that she was there when he was born in Kenya. This is not true. The story was that Obama's step-grandmother Sarah Onyango Obama, claimed this to an Anabaptist Bishop Ron Mcrae over the recorded telephone call interview. But in reality this was due to miscommunication as Sarah didn't speak English and had a translator and it was Mcrae who stated Obama was born in Kenya but Sarah corrected him saying he was born in America but some parts of the conversation got omitted. Obama's step-grandmother would confirmed he was born in America in another interview few years later. In 2008, Obama released certification of the live birth which is computer generated which stated he was born at the Kapiolani Medical Center in Honolulu, Hawaii since the hospital's records were confidential under federal law. In 2011, he released the original long-form version of his birth certificate and in 2009, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, the then director of Hawaii Department of Health made a statement that she personally seen the original records on file and confirmed that Obama was born in Hawaii. As for Obama's grandparents, his paternal grandfather once converted to Catholicism from this tribal religion then later he did convert Islam although Obama himself was never a Muslim. I will add more in another post. God Bless.

Curious Thinker said...

In conclusion with my previous post, I wanted to make a few more points.

Regarding the Black Lives Matter Movement, the term BLM was started in 2013 by three black women, Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi after the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the Trayvon Martin case. It started out as a social movement protesting against police brutality, racially-motivated violence, racial profiling and other inequalities against black people. It gained a large support in the U.S. that according to a pew research in June 2020, the majority of Americans of different racial and ethnic groups support the movement although that has since decreased a bit. The movement has also become global as many countries in different continents have supported the movement. As for being Marxist, one of three founders stated in 2015 she and another co-founder was a trained Marxist, but the movement itself isn't Marxist since majority of the supports and participants in the movement are not Marxists. Although there has been plenty of riots and lootings and vandalizing property during protests and that's unfortunate, many protests are non-violent, in fact recently a study claimed that 93% of the protests have been peaceful and even some police officers have kneeled with these protestors. Ironically I found that plenty of white protesters within the BLM are engaging in these violent actions in some black members of the BLM have openly condemned them. In fact many activists are against violent actions period. Some of these looters weren't even BLM protestors but just using the protests to engage in criminal activities.

As for black-on-black crime, many in the black community have long addressed this issue of black people killing each other in the urban crime-infested areas where street gangs, and shootings are more of the norm and are still addressing it. But as I mentioned before, many violent crimes are intra-racial and white-on-white crime is also predominates among white people even though it's true that homicides is higher among black males than white male but suicides are higher among white males than black males statistics also shows.

I didn't want to start a debate just want clear up some facts and give another perspective even if most won't agree, but I agree with most of what the article stated. God Bless.

Rex Ray said...

Curious Thinker,

It seems at one time Arizona didn’t like Obama. Years ago, at its border there was a large highway sign that had pictures of several great Presidents of the U.S. The largest picture that took up most of the sign was a picture of a smiling Obama, but two of his teeth were painted black.

I remember a cartoon of a car stopped by the police. In the car was Obama, and the officer said, “Birth Certificate, please.”

Rex Ray said...

Lissa Roberson,

Your saying, “…I grew up a USMC brat…” reminded me of years ago when I was in the 10th grade.

Our parents were in German teaching Military kids. My mother asked me to watch her fourth grade class for ten minutes.

She left, and they gathered all around me. Someone kicked me in the back of my leg.
I whirled around and said, WHO DID THAT?
I got another kick in my leg.

When my mother came back, I was in a corner facing a bunch of laughing brats.

Scott Shaver said...

You sound more like part of the problem than any viable solution. IMO

Rex Ray said...

Scott Shaver,

Your humble opinion is so right.
I taught fifth and sixth grade in King Cove, Alaska ½ year, one year in Fairplay, Colorado as Wood Shop, Math, and Chemistry teacher, two years in Midland, Texas as shop teacher, and on year in Duncanville, as drafting teacher before I gave up teaching. In all those schools I lacked ‘class control’.


What do you think about changing the name of Southern Baptist? (The name “Foreign Mission Board” was changed to “International Mission Board a long-time age.)

“J. D. Greear, president of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), recently announced that his church, The Summit Church, will from now on describe itself as a “Great Commission Baptist” church rather than a “Southern Baptist” church. He also announced that the theme of next year’s annual Baptist convention will be “We are Great Commission Baptists.” In response, many SBC leaders—including former SBC presidents James Merritt, Ronnie Floyd, and Jimmy Draper—have spoken out in favor of “Great Commission Baptist” nomenclature.”

Rex Ray said...

When I first heard about Southern Baptists thinking of changing its name to Great Commission Baptist, I was against it.

Now I’m 100% for it. Judy likes it also.

CHRISTIANE, what do you think?

Christiane said...


It's above my pay grade to name a denomination or a faith community, but it has ties to ancient Church that was 'sent forth' to bring Christ to the world, so I do like it, but it is not my decision, no.

Why is the name change important to people now? There must be a reason(s).

Alaskan in Texas said...

As someone who knows history, certainly you know that it is unorthodox, to say the least, to use a fact about white European Christians being enslaved during centuries prior to creation of the United States of America and use that fact to lessen the impact of Africans who were enslaved in the United States of America after 1780. Assuming Dr. Davis's facts are correct (I have never read his works), they take nothing away from the centuries of oppression (power exerted) and prejudice (power denied) that African Americans have experienced at the hands of white Americans. Slavery is immoral. Much of America's power in the world was built on the backs of slaves. The vastly overwhelming majority of slaves in America were black. It has been just over two lifetimes (assuming a lifetime is 80 years) since the Emancipation Proclamation, less than that since Dred Scott, and roughly one lifetime since Brown v Board of Education. White people in America are not far removed from the systems that privileged them based on the color of their skin.

Rex Ray said...

Alaskan in Texas,

“White people in America are not far removed from the systems that privileged them based on the color of their skin.”

I retired as a Tool Designer from Ling-Tempo-Vaught that made parts for airplanes like the Boeing 747 and the Stealth Bomber. I designed one tool for the space shuttle nose cone.

With that said, it gripped me to see Blacks that had less experience promoted over Whites.

Rex Ray said...


Management explained the Federal Government required equal numbers of White and Black in management positions.