Wednesday, September 02, 2020

Do You Know What Our Public Universities Teach?

The worst indictment on American culture in 2020 is that Americans pay more attention to football coaches and college championships than university professors and classroom curricula. 

We focus intently on what's happening on the football field and demand that coaches be a winner.  Yet we couldn't care less about what's happening in the college classroom and yawn as professors are given their tenure. 

It is in the university classroom that America is being destroyed, one student at a time. America used to be a melting pot of all cultures. Just a little over a generation ago, to be an American meant allegiance to the principle of individual liberties.  America was known worldwide for the capitalistic freedoms of individual thought, expression, and religion.  Conformity is the new normal.

Today, to be an "American" means you must adhere to the elitist's ideas. For the average American to express opinions different than those of the liberal cultural elites that rule the fields of education, medicine, and government is forbidden by the new socialists that are attempting to overtake American capitalism. The freedoms of individual thought, personal religion, and differing speech are now being ridiculed and punished via social shaming.

"Do you disagree with us?" We'll destroy you. "Do you have more than us?" We'll take it from you. "Do you live differently than I?" I'll shame you till you're just like me. 

Why has this change come over a new generation of Americans? I believe it's because the average American citizen has paid little attention to what public universities are teaching our children.

An example comes from my family's alma-mater, Oklahoma University, in Norman, Oklahoma. 

A Construction Science major at Oklahoma University recently told me that this fall (2020), he began taking a Resident Construction class, learning about the science of architecture in residential areas.  Construction Science is a blended program of science, engineering, business, architecture, and technology that provides a strong, broad background in construction management.

On the first day of class, the professor walked in wearing a 2020 Biden t-shirt. 

Then, the professor informed the class that a requirement for the class would be the mandatory reading of The Color of Law. Before I wrote this post, I purchased and read The Color of Law so I could comment on it. It is not about construction science. The author of the book is a socialist who believes more government control, more government intervention, and more government authority is needed to limit the freedoms of private developers. 

The author, Richard Rothstein, is a liberal academic historian. He knows nothing about residential construction.  Like all socialists,  Rothstein advocates that the government should rule over all American lives, using racial divisions as the excuse for more government. He believes in demanding the private developers be forced to conform to government mandates on housing. More government intervention, not less, is the solution to America's problems for every socialist. 

In the name of cultural diversity, university professors are mocking American liberty. In devout denials of the Creator God, educators are demanding that our young people give allegiance to an all-controlling government. Whereas freedom of thought, expression, and religion were once encouraged in the university classroom, professors now practice outright coercion, intimidation, and submission to government intervention. 

If you don't agree with the Construction Science professor at Oklahoma University, and if you disagree with the premise of The Color of Law, you'll not pass the class. That's the impression received by those who spoke with me privately in order to avoid any retribution. 

Americans shouldn't be surprised. Since the 1920s, communists have sought to destroy capitalism in the United States with little success. In the 1960s, the communists began changing their tactics. They settled on the more palatable word  "socialism," and sought to condition a new generation of Americans to give up their liberties in the name of progress. And now, our public university classrooms are filled with socialist professors that turn out students loose with the intent of destroying historic American values. 

We fell asleep while our universities were overrun. Take five minutes and watch this chilling video of a man who warned America in 1969 of what we are now seeing in 2020. 

It's time to wake up, America, and defend your liberties. 


RB Kuter said...

My understanding of the system, at least in my state of Georgia, is that the Governor "appoints" the Board of Regents who then appoint a Chancellor. This body is pretty much responsible for the direction of the university system throughout the state. This in turn serves to direct the entire university system and those who determine the course and ideologies represented by the universities.

Of course, these universities produce all of those will eventually be teaching from kindergarten through the highest levels of university education. Even the local Boards of Education that determine the curriculum and direction of lower level education come from backgrounds of having studied in those university systems and are influenced great by that experience.

That being the case, it is befuddling to me how in states with predominantly conservative governors and legislators the Board of Regents tend to consist of those members who continue to keep our university systems in the extreme left ideologies. I know it is up to we voters to actively push our representative to change this situation but I for one have not been active in pressuring our politicians to take action to change things. Still, I'm befuddled as to how our politicians professing to hold conservative values continue to support such liberal promotion in the most influential centers of education. That impacts everything and the future of where our entire education structure goes.

Guess I better wake up and begin sending emails and making calls.

I'm guessing that all states have a similar process where elected officials are ultimately responsible for who runs our education systems.

Christiane said...

My university grew from a foundation formed by the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg and doesn't seem to have the 'traits' of the kinds of 'public universities' spoken of here;

but it is interesting to see how the conservative Christian right views higher education and the professions in our countries;
and we are witnessing during the covid-19 pandemic just how much impact this view of academia and the scientific communities has on the nation.

I am confused by the use of the term 'liberal' in association with higher education, in the sense of how the right-wing current political scene uses the term. My own view is that higher education does offer in the first two years of university a wide range of subject matter in 'the liberal arts', with specialization in one's chosen area of study coming into the third and fourth years resulting in a Bachelor of Arts/or a Bachelor of Science degree being taken from the university. So for me, the term 'liberal arts' does not mean the same thing as the way in which the right wing political scene defines the term 'liberal'.

Aside from that, what IS IT that is so 'threatening' about a classic liberal arts education at a major university in the United States???? Check out the courses offered as basic for the first two years and you won't find anything that is threatening, in my opinion, unless helping a student learn to think for themselves after researching all sides of an issue is threatening to trumpism. (?)

A 'liberal arts' education will at least teach something profoundly American, this:
that 'loyalty to the Constitution of the United States of America' is NOT the same thing as the abject unquestioning loyalty to Donald Trump, the person, who idolizes Vladimir Putin, the leader of our most threatening adversary.

That knowledge alone is worth the price of a university tuition, in my opinion.

Wade Burleson said...


You make a good point. It's all in the definition. I used liberal in this post as "hostility toward opposing views."


Debbie Kaufman said...

I agree with your comment Christianne. Good thoughts and well written.

Mercy and Truth said...

Unfortunately, there are too many higher education professors who think their job is to create “anti-trumpers” - anti-police, anti-first and second amendment radicals - rather than helping students to learn to think for themselves after researching all sides.

It’s not that a classic liberal arts education at a major university is threatening. The threatening thing is when a liberal arts education replaces a professional education, and no one seems to notice that a paradigm shift has occurred.

Gerry Milligan said...

Wade, basing this post on one anecdotal comment leaves me scratching my head. One anecdote does not equal the full truth. It is too easy for conservatives to accuse anyone who does not totally agree with them as being liberals. Not very responsible journalism.

Christiane said...
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Wade Burleson said...


Multiple more anecdotes on my Facebook page from all over.


Mercy and Truth said...

I am not interested in a debate on the issue. The premise of my post is that If/when a professional education is replaced by a liberal arts education, that would constitute a threat.

Christiane said...

Here is a SAMPLE of what might be included in a university's liberal arts course offerings:

foundational courses:

Science and Society—
Learn the foundational elements and principles of the scientific method, as well as its relation to social and material impacts and policy.

Norms and Ethics—
Examine basic methods and issues around moral and ethical concerns and enduring challenges of the human pursuit of the good life across cultures.

Social Sciences—
Study key issues in areas including government, economics, sociology, history, American studies, anthropology, psychology, and political science.

Explore basic methods and issues across various humanities disciplines (including theology, literature, performing arts, and more).

I suspect that none of these areas would HURT a student to become familiar with, no;
but I also suspect that ignoring these basic areas when attempting to get an education would 'limit' the ability of a person to present as a well-educated individual in a professional environment some day. These areas are classical areas for study, but certainly not the all-in-all of what is required to know for admittance into professions, as many advanced years of specialization must be accomplished prior to certifications, etc.

'liberal arts' - the presumption is that a student comes into university having attained a certain level of education already prior to entering;
so if that level is insufficent, it is not beneath a college to offer some 'remedial' services for some individuals and this also is closely supervised because of the imbalance in the quality of public education in the USA, where one's address and community may provide a 'better' public school experience than in the 'inner city'.

I worked in the inner city as a teacher and all my efforts included BASIC SKILLS surveys and remedial warm ups to bring everyone up to speed. This involved the hardest work I've ever planned and conducted, and also the most rewarding. It was privilege for me to do this work.

RB Kuter said...

It's at least as much related to the creation of an "atmosphere" on campuses as it is the curriculum and the openness of the teacher/professor to "educating" as opposed to "indoctrinating".

Anyone with an ideology based upon conservative views as expressed in dialogue along economics, political science, sociology,science and other fields, and who display this leaning in the course of their studies, papers, essays written, would be hard-pressed to find a receptive consideration by professors and the clone students being indoctrinated. They would encounter resistance and even disdain for their perspective and be oppressed from openly sharing things from a different view.

The atmosphere is created from the trustees downward. On-campus sites designated for the expression and sharing of ideas are generally restricted to those with a liberal, leftist, opinion. Too often, those few seeking to express their opposing, conservative ideas and positions are frequently shouted down and sometimes aggressively approached physically.

This atmosphere that oppresses what should be an open-minded, objective, diverse, offering for thoughts and the expression of ideas by faculty and students is dominant. It is perpetuated by the mind-factories that spew out cookie-cutter brains that all think alike and go on to maintain this trend that has gone on for decades.

I experienced this oppression when I attended seminary. I was blind-sided when I attended by the extreme political warfare going on in our Southern Baptist Convention. The seminaries were the epicenter of the battle, but I didn't have a clue prior to going myself.

Coming from a small church I had never even heard of Convention politics or "liberal" vs "conservative" battles that were raging at the time. I just needed a degree to qualify me to be a church planter with FMB so my wife and I began our graduate studies. We were not prepared for the un-Godly strife and fighting that we would encounter.

This was "pre-takeover" days so my seminary turned out to be one of the most "liberal" schools we had at that time, although all six were quite "progressive". After studying there I quickly learned what the term "liberal" related to, in particular, in regards to theological studies.

There were few like me among the student population who had come from a basic Bible-centered, "Jesus" focused, background. I thought everyone was like me! The oppression of those holding views contrary to the predominant liberal views was applied primarily through the "atmosphere" that existed. One would feel uncomfortable, at best, in expressing a position contrary to the dominating liberal views.

Now things in all our seminaries have swung far in the opposite direction and I suspect that anyone holding a view, shall we say, more progressive, would experience that same sense of discomfort that I had when attending and possessing a more traditional, Biblical-conservative, or literal, mindset.

Regardless of which concept dominates, it's all anti-education due to its denying students the expansion of their minds to assess issues from all perspectives and facets.

Rex Ray said...


You said: “…Donald Trump, the person, who idolizes Vladimir Putin, the leader of our most threatening adversary.”

“Marco Rubio attacked Donald Trump at Thursday’s debate for expressing admiration for Vladimir Putin. “Wrong, wrong, wrong!” Trump said, before explaining that it had been the other way around. Putin said about me—I didn’t say about Putin—Putin said very nice things about me. And I said, very nicely, ‘Wouldn’t it be nice if actually we could get along with Russia?”

Christiane, if a person said: “Wouldn’t it be nice if we could get along with the devil” is NOT saying they idolize the devil. That’s saying we DON’T get along with the devil.

RB Kuter said...

Rex Ray, my contention is that Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, or any other "government" are not our most threatening adversary. The greatest threat to our national security that is already infiltrating deep into our society and political/judicial/law enforcement infrastructure are the international drug cartels.

They have totally over turned the Mexican national government and run that country unabated as portrayed by the President of Mexico's announced surrender this summer. They run drug supply lines into the United States freely due to the pure quantity of drugs flowing in like a tsunami that cannot significantly be reduced. Due to the addictive aspects of their commodity, the demand for their product surges without limits and the immense value means incomprehensible wealth to those producing and supplying it.

This enemy has billions, if not trillions, of dollars at their disposal. They can buy ANYTHING and anyone refusing to sell what they demand will suffer the consequences as demonstrated in the bold, daylight attacks and carnage in the streets of Mexican cities and in ours. Recent battles in the streets of Mexico demonstrate that not even the national armed forces of a nation can match that of the cartels. They demanded and obtained the release of one of their highest leaders being held in Mexican prison by a complete assault and victory over the Mexican forces in the streets of the cities.

Similar violence perpetrated by the cartels’ agents is taking place on the streets of the US. The only difference is that the violence and carnage taking place by the cartel-based agents in the US has not been identified as being by those to whom they ultimately report; i.e., the cartels. This is part of their strategy. They prefer to not have to confront intensive federal forces for as long as possible so blur the reality of who is in control. They want us to underestimate the surge that is taking place.

It is fool hearty to attempt to remedy the problem by continuing to attack the symptom of the disease without addressing the source. The next "war" in which this nation will be involved, in a very real, armed, strategic manner, will be within the borders of other countries in which the cartels are based. We will ultimately be forced to either elicit the permission and cooperation of those national governments to battle this enemy hunkered down within their borders or to stealthily attack without their permission. Bottom line is, this is a cancerous tumor spreading its tentacles across the borders of the US into ALL areas of our nation and the world.

Eventually, from desperation, we will either get serious about eliminating the cartels in Central, South America, Europe, Asia and Africa. Or will become another Mexico. It is indeed a global threat.

To get all flustered about all of these other proposed “threats” while this very real invasion of hostile forces is taking place is like expressing despair about children being separated from parents at the southern border while never actively striving to condemn the slaughter of millions of children in the womb, and out. Quite hypocritical and disingenuous.

Christiane said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Christiane said...

Hello Mr. Kuter,

I can't join you in your priorities here, although what the opioid crisis has done to the red states and to the 'rust belt' states is an American tragedy, but I also hold Big Pharma to fault for the crisis as well as drug-pushers.

I think Russia is particularly an active adversary of our nation and there is Konstantin Kilimnik to consider in his connection to Trump's '16 campaign. Trump is currently seeing that even Congress is not getting a chance to question written reports coming in on Russian activity currently, so he and his cronies are active in keeping 'secret' what is going on, sad to say.

The GOP-led Senate Intelligence Committee has released its long-awaited Russia interference report detailing significant contacts between the Trump campaign and Moscow during the 2016 election.

The report went further than other U.S. officials have in its description of Konstantin Kilimnik, Manafort’s former business partner, by labeling him a “Russian intelligence officer.”

I would not want to 'defend' any of this interference with our voting freedoms in this country by Kilimnik or Derapaska or Putin. I would not want to 'diminish' the importance of this interference as being a major threat to our American way of life and to our Constitution.

But the tide has turned in that our nation's military are no longer solidly supporting Trump's re-election according to the polls.
FYI, many people in the US military have been horrified that Trump did not speak up when it was revealed that Putin's government had placed bounties on the heads of American soldiers in Afghanistan.
But, in my own opinion, I think where Trump really lost ground with the US military when he ordered our troops to abandon their allies, the Kurds, who were then slaughtered by Trump's buddy, Turkish dictator Erdogan. . . . . that was a breech of our military's honor by Trump, and you can't do that to our soldiers without some loss of support, you bet

enough already

Gerry Milligan said...

Wade, a rebuttal by a university educator might give a differing slant. I wish that would happen.

Rex Ray said...


Commerce, Texas is “In the Bible Belt of Texas.”

I attended college at Commerce, for two years, but orientation questions never got close to what a grandson and granddaughter were asked:

She was asked, “male, female, or other?”

He was asked, “What would you do if your girlfriend said no to sex, and you were both drunk?”

RB Kuter said...

I agree, Christiane, that Big Pharma has its own indefensible drug racket going on. It's amazing to me that so many physicians are so irresponsible in prescribing meds without efficient monitoring and control. Then again, I could never understand how any physician could collaborate in abortions so I suppose I should not be surprised at the immoral mindset of many who take the Hippocratic Oath.

Speaking of the "GOP-led Senate Intelligence Committee" you always amaze me at your one-sided perspective on politics. Perhaps both of us wear patches over one eye, yours on your right eye so as to see solely the leftist view and me with a patch over my left eye.

For instance, you bring up the possibility of communication between Trump and Russians during his election campaign. Is that illegal? At the same time, you totally seem to have missed the immense amount of illegal acts uncovered from the Obama Administration before and immediately after the election. The very real corruption using the FBI and intelligence community to orchestrate totally illegal scam operations to fabricate what has been revealed to be lies for the purpose of obtaining search warrants to accommodate their attempts to create a fantasy of Russian interference.

It has proven to be so undeniable that one would think there would be charges of treason by the former Administration to overthrow a duly elected President through illegal spying and an intentional sting operation through illegal means to eliminate a potential witness to their corrupt attempts to interfere with an opponent's political campaign and instigate what amounts to a political coup!

To achieve their purpose they totally fabricated reports where the author was paid by the Democratic Party to gather what has been uncovered as being false testimonies from bogus "Russian agents and operatives" used in the year-long Russian investigation. There is so much dirt, lies, corruption and cover-up that it makes Richard Nixon look like a choir boy! If he was still here I am sure he would be demanding an apology!

I know politicians are corrupt and routinely use their power in Washington to escape prosecution for felonious crime but the Democratic Party players have gone over the top to the point that it would seem impossible for them to escape. Destroying thousands of what must have been incriminating evidence, hard drives and computers to elude investigation. Obstruction of Justice and committing perjury have been done so frequently as to make it an accepted behavior. No wonder they continue to ignore the law whenever it is convenient. They are never held accountable, so, why fear prosecution for crime?

This while using their tenure as being the "majority" party in the House entirely to attack the sitting President, not simply by typical political rhetoric and opposition to legislation he promotes, but by hamstringing the Administration through, first one bogus investigation, and then another, while never uncovering any legitimate, illegal acts. Top it off with their wasting their advantage in being the majority party to conduct bogus impeachment proceedings as they began announcing in his first months of accepting office! What can that party claim to have accomplished in the past four years?! So sad. A total waste.

So when you and your side make mention of any wrong doings by this President you can understand why the rest of just yawn and say, "Here they go again."

Christiane said...

Hello Mr. Kuter,

yes, I can see that, knowing how 'sources of information' are so very different on the right and on the left;

but Kilimnik has been identified as a Russian agent by a GOP-led Senate Committee, so there is some question as to the nature of his involvement in the '16 election together with Manafort.
You would have a better case IF that Senate Committe was not led by GOP Senators, I think.

Speaking of 'sides', there is a new controversy that is not yet confirmed, so I hesitate to mention it here;
but it has to do with an article by The Atlantic magazine contributor Jeffrey Goldberg who claims he has four anonymous sources each confirming his information (?)

It's the worst account about Trump I have ever seen, and if it's true, then it makes sense why Trump didn't confront Putin over the bounties put on our soldiers in Afghanistan, and WHY Trump would command our soldiers to abandon their allies, the Kurds, in the field of battle (something that DID happen, and brought tremendous dishonor on our nation), something for which many in the military cannot forgive Trump, as his 'buddy' Erdogan, Turkey's dictator, then proceeded to order the slaughter of the abandoned Kurds.

Strange days, Mr. Kuter. Depending on one's source of information, we are treated to some really heavy accusations against the present candidates, but I must say that Trump's treatment of the Kurds was a terrible blow to the honor of our troops who had to leave their allies in the field of battle. Very un-American of Trump to do this. Our country doesn't abandon its allies in the field of battle, no.

I agree with you about the physicians who prescribed opioids indiscriminately to people who had on-going pain issues, thereby getting these patients 'hooked' on the prescriptions. The tragedy that followed for many is documented in one instance in this video:

These doctors need to lose their licenses to practice medicine. And the people who have been addicted under their care need help badly, as they were not responsible for what was happening to them.

Well, we've got two months to go before the election. Stand by for fireworks all around.
The forecast is storm and thunder. May God have mercy.

Rex Ray said...


Until this morning, there’s never been anything on my cellphone that I wouldn’t show in church.

At five in the morning, I wanted to know the weather, but instead a message said, “Warning! Sex pictures will be shown.”

Above the message, was a picture of a half nude woman.

I want to know how/who did that and what to do with my cellphone.

CM said...

Rex Ray,

For starters, just like on your desktop computer, you should never open, reply, read, etc ANY text message, email, Instant Message, etc from someone you do not know. EVER.

What weather website or app do you use on your phone? From another phone or computer do an internet search to see if that particular site has been hacked and if other users of that app have had the same problem (obviously do not go to that program/app's website). Another option is to remove the weather app completely and uninstall it (and find another one).

Another thing is just like your desktop/laptop computer, you need make to sure the system and program/app software is kept updated.

Hope this helps.

Rex Ray said...



This is the usually condition of my phone. Phone is the color black. Punching the bottom button brings up time, day, and date. Punching button again, reveals 12 items (one of them is the weather).

But at five this morning, on the second punch, a nude picture came up with a warning about sex pictures.

Later, I asked Judy to open my phone. On the second punch she said, “WOW”, then clicked “un-scribe” and my phone is back to normal.

Questions remains of who and how was it done. And if it happened once, what prevents it happening again. Also, can it be done to any cellphone?

Has the devil found a new trick?

CM said...


You may want to see if there is an update for that app (a security update). Alternatively, uninstall and remove that App and find a different for your weather.

My guess is somehow that app (or the site that does the weather) was either breached or spoofed (a fake site with the pics) temporarily. If that is the case, then potential it could impact all cellphones. If the app (and revision) is limited to a certain types or vintages of phones, then presumable phones that do not use that app will not be affected this way.

Also, you may want to double-check your security and notification settings on your phone.

Also, check on another phone or computer in an online search to see if other users of that weather app have had see the same problem. That may turn up more details on what and how it happened.

Rex Ray said...


I didn’t select ‘weather’ or any of other 11 choices, so none of them are contaminated.

If Judy had hit “subscribe”, maybe it would have led to the ‘villain’ being identified.

Besides regular communication with cellphones, the only ‘outside information’ is ‘amber’ and ‘weather’ alerts.

Could it be the source comes from one of those?

CM said...


Possibly. I think the next step would be do an internet search to see if the problem has happened using the same alert apps, phone model, etc. These weather and amber alerts are an app on your phone (whether default app by the phone maker and/or your cell company) or a 3rd party app installed on your phone.

Basically the weather and amber alert app is pinging for this information to wherever it gets it from (a website or web address presumably). When there are updates to the weather for example, this information is received by the app. Obviously you have to let your weather app send your location information in order to get the weather information where you are located (kind of pointless if sends information from say NYC if you are in Dallas). As an aside, there are ways set up the location without using the GPS tracking feature on cellphones on some of these weather apps (manually setting the zip code or city and state for example).

If somehow that information location (website) was temporarily spoofed or hijacked on their end, your app would not necessarily know it. This would likely mean that other people who have the same issue as you did. Hence the internet search to see if others were affected like you.

Hope this makes sense.

Rex Ray said...


Thanks. I was worn out; so took a nap. I’m off to weld on a project. Hope it never happens again.

Paul D said...

Rex Ray - the socialist must have gotten ahold of your phone. :)

Wade - from editorial reviews via Amazon:

“Rothstein’s work should make everyone, all across the political spectrum, reconsider what it is we allow those in power to do in the name of 'social harmony' and 'progress' with more skepticism… The Color of Law shows what happens when Americans lose their natural rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, or in the case of African-Americans, when there are those still waiting to receive them in full.”
- Carl Paulus, American Conservative

My take on this is, a Biblical worldview has nothing to fear from books, education, media reports, anything. We believe in absolute truth. There's certainly no denying that higher ed is left leaning, and that media is left leaning. Perhaps there is an explanation for this from a Biblical worldview - such a thing as truth exists.

Now, from a political perspective, I suppose 2020 conservatism (i.e. Liberty University style) certainly has some things to fear from higher education and responsible journalism.

Just my 2 cents


Paul D said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Paul D said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Paul D said...

Sorry – want to include one more quote from Paulus

"The Color of Law should be a clarion call for supporters of the Constitution, limited government, and the free market to think about urban areas, poverty, and race relations in new ways."


RB Kuter said...

Christiane, I wrote another wordy response to your absurd comments but then decided not to post it because our dialogue has gone totally partisan politics and way off the charts in terms of hi-jacking Wade's post. I imagine any readers of his post are repulsed when we use this forum for continuous, non-productive, political discussion that mirrors all that is being said in all the social/mainstream media.

Suffice it to say that I consider your most recent comments to simulate all that coming from the leftist-elite side. My response continues to be that it is so out of proportion, slanted to the point of causing a rock slide, and in denial of reality and objective thinking so as to elicit a bored yawn and my saying, "Here she goes again."

Christiane said...

Hello Mr. Kuter,

It's okay with me to write what you really think about what I wrote, as I don't take things personally. So no need to not speak your mind. I thought my comment was civil, but the areas of disagreement I'm sure may have not been well-written on my part, as I did not intend to offend you personally. So sorry if I was insensitive. It was not my intention, I assure you.

These are tough times. Communicating between people who get information from different sources is fraught with misunderstanding, I know. But I do still think the effort to communicate is still important in trying to understand 'the other point of view', as long as the commenting is respectful of the dignity of the participants.
God Bless!

Christiane said...

Mr. Kuter,
I do hope you at least had an opportunity to see this video, as I think the judge is a saint in how he is helping his community who suffer from the opioid crisis:

RB Kuter said...

Christiane, I never take personal offense to anything that you write and I appreciate your grace in not being offended by my remarks which can sometimes express my frustration. Sometimes my desire to be Christlike is regretfully compromised. Matter of being passionate about the issues, I guess.

I know you speak your views and I enjoy the dialogue but began feeling a bit guilty about our conversation dominating streams of responses that are more appropriately related to Wade's posts.

Thanks for the video. Sad, sad situation. Addictions of all sorts are rampant. Perhaps it is hopeless to eliminate the problem entirely and return to the days that I remember as a young person when "dope" only referred to an epoxy we used to build model airplanes.

We must continue to strive to rescue those few that we can from the addiction which, as the video displays, may seem hopeless but there are those victory cases.

Christiane said...

In returning to the topic of this post, I wanted to suggest that people become familiar with the term 'de jure segregation', and how it differs from 'de facto segregation'.

My own thought is that, having observed the conditions in the inner city schools in the Northeast and in other parts of the country, that there ARE 'policies' that have encouraged 'de facto segregation' in ways that were INTENDED to keep segregation as a mainstay in American public education. PROBLEM: when dis-advantaged students are put into large classes with poor facilities and limited resources, the 'gap in learning' seen statistically CAN be measured and the public can actually SEE the results in comparing the 'state test scores' of a community's schools where in the areas that poverty has not blighted, the schools are better built and equipped and staffed and have many resources that the inner-city schools may not be able to offer their students . . . .

but what I saw was also that due to re-districting, busloads of project children are brought into the more dis-advantaged school and that this is a PLANNED and INTENDED activity that has great effect of how the disadvantaged school can handle the overload of students who bear burdens that many of our American children in the 'better' schools thankfully have been spared.

Look at the 'test scores' that realtors provide to prospective buyers, which show the truth of how it is that THE CHILDREN from disadvantaged neighborhoods are not able to cope with
the challenges of the state's accreditation system and KNOW that this is NOT the fault of these children . . .

maybe you have to volunteer or substitute teach, or work professional in the inner cities to know one special thing: A CHILD CAN LEARN, GIVEN THE CHANCE. And I can tell you that 'race' is NOT the critical 'difference' in how children 'learn', no. It is a combination of many 'burdens' on disadvantaged children and WHEN a 'system' legally buses disadvantaged children into 'de facto' 'warehouse' schools, where there is such a negative differential in what is offered that affects HOW the challenges to teach these children can be met successfully, our communities AS COMMUNITIES have a lot to answer for in how they have set some very innocent children who already are carrying heavy burdens up for less chances to succeed.

And this is wrong.

How to remedy it, that is of course a matter under discussion.

But don't overlook the PROBLEM. Those lower test scores are an indictment not of the race of the children, but of the community that has permitted them to be in situations where they are not offered the help they need to overcome burdens they bear with them, burdens that are not of their own doing.

Time's running out. . . . . just give these children a chance to succeed, here in the richest country in the world, and our future will be more secure as a nation, you bet.

Christiane said...

In returning to the topic of this post, I wanted to suggest that people become familiar with the term 'de jure segregation', and how it differs from 'de facto segregation'.

My own thought is that, having observed the conditions in the inner city schools in the Northeast and in other parts of the country, that there ARE 'policies' that have encouraged 'de facto segregation' in ways that were INTENDED to keep segregation as a mainstay in American public education. PROBLEM: when dis-advantaged students are put into large classes with poor facilities and limited resources, the 'gap in learning' seen statistically CAN be measured and the public can actually SEE the results in comparing the 'state test scores' of a community's schools where in the areas that poverty has not blighted, the schools are better built and equipped and staffed and have many resources that the inner-city schools may not be able to offer their students . . . .

but what I saw was also that due to re-districting, busloads of project children are brought into the more dis-advantaged school and that this is a PLANNED and INTENDED activity that has great effect of how the disadvantaged school can handle the overload of students who bear burdens that many of our American children in the 'better' schools thankfully have been spared.

Look at the 'test scores' that realtors provide to prospective buyers, which show the truth of how it is that THE CHILDREN from disadvantaged neighborhoods are not able to cope with
the challenges of the state's accreditation system and KNOW that this is NOT the fault of these children . . .

maybe you have to volunteer or substitute teach, or work professional in the inner cities to know one special thing: A CHILD CAN LEARN, GIVEN THE CHANCE. And I can tell you that 'race' is NOT the critical 'difference' in how children 'learn', no. It is a combination of many 'burdens' on disadvantaged children and WHEN a 'system' legally buses disadvantaged children into 'de facto' 'warehouse' schools, where there is such a negative differential in what is offered that affects HOW the challenges to teach these children can be met successfully, our communities AS COMMUNITIES have a lot to answer for in how they have set some very innocent children who already are carrying heavy burdens up for less chances to succeed.

And this is wrong.

How to remedy it, that is of course a matter under discussion.

But don't overlook the PROBLEM. Those lower test scores are an indictment not of the race of the children, but of the community that has permitted them to be in situations where they are not offered the help they need to overcome burdens they bear with them, burdens that are not of their own doing.

Time's running out. . . . . just give these children a chance to succeed, here in the richest country in the world, and our future will be more secure as a nation, you bet.

Rex Ray said...

“When President Donald Trump canceled a visit to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery near Paris in 2018, he blamed rain for the last-minute decision, saying that “the helicopter couldn’t fly” and that the Secret Service wouldn’t drive him there. Neither claim was true. Trump rejected the idea of the visit because he feared his hair would become disheveled in the rain, and because he did not believe it important to honor American war dead, according to four people with firsthand knowledge of the discussion that day. In a conversation with senior staff members on the morning of the scheduled visit, Trump said, “Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.” In a separate conversation on the same trip, Trump referred to the more than 1,800 marines who lost their lives at Belleau Wood as “suckers” for getting killed.”

Trump told reporters that the Atlantic was a terrible magazine. Everyone with Trump that day denies him saying it. Trump said, I swear that I never said those things.

Yesterday’s newspaper: “Joe Biden declared Trump unfit for presidency for mocking American dead soldiers as suckers and losers.”

In my opinion, what’s scary about Biden’s brain is revealed by Biden saying “Trump’s comments, if true, are deplorable”, then he goes on to condemn Trump.

Christiane said...


maybe someday this will be addressed on this post by Wade and we can discuss it here more appropriately, but some are not comfortable with going off-topic.

The problem with your trust in Trump's statement of denial is this:
Trump failed in his duty to serve his country in his youth, and told his sons not to go into military service when one had considered it but was threatened with being cut off from an inheritance, should he sign on for duty.
Trump is also on record as having called John McCain, an American war hero, a 'loser' because he was captured and imprisioned and tortured for over five years. The problem with this is that Trump said it on film. The further problem is something any American might be troubled by, this:

that early on, the enemy found out that McCain was the son of a powerful American family and the enemy offered McCain a way out of his imprisonment early;
BUT McCAIN REFUSED TO LEAVE HIS COMRADES IN ARMS BEHIND IN PRISON IF HE WAS RELEASED EARLY, and so he remained for years, injured from his wounds, and also TORTURED even more harshly for having refused the offer.

Every thought well, when Trump's followers knew this, his '16 candidacy would be over, but it seems his followers swallowed the Trump line and continued to support him, regarding the hero McCain in Trump's words, as a 'loser'.

So now we wonder. The new charges are horrific but not 'surprising' to many who DID think Trump had disgraced himself by condemning McCain as a 'loser'. And that 'many' may be more people than can still stand by him against the honor of John McCain, who would not leave his fallen comrades behind in a North Viet Nam prison to be tortured, no.

People have to choose eventually what IS honorable and what lines may not be crossed. I say let Americans examine all that is known and then make up their own minds and vote accordingly. I stand with the man who served his country and stood by his fallen comrades and would not abandon them, that HIS MEMORY be honored in this land; and not the words of Donald Trump who lied about calling him 'a loser'. We each of us must choose. My father, my brother-in-law, my son, my niece, my nephew, all either served or are active duty now. So I have a dog in this fight, you bet. So the honor of John McCain means something to me, especially as regards the cousin I lost in the Viet Nam War, who was just a boy when he died.

People choose what is important to them, what matters. And some 'look away' and stay 'loyal' to the person who called McCain a 'loser' on film, and that is their choice to do so for reasons that they hold dear. I have to trust them also to believe that here in this country, we are free to determine what is the greater good.

But I tell you, the honor of our military is sacred, REX RAY. Their blood is sacred to this nation and its freedom. 'Sacred' not in a blasphemous way, no; but 'sacred' in that they fight and give their lives sometimes for this land so we CAN vote freely.

John would not leave his men behind in that prison. He stayed. That matters to me, you bet.

Christiane said...


maybe someday this will be addressed on this post by Wade and we can discuss it here more appropriately, but some are not comfortable with going off-topic.

The problem with your trust in Trump's statement of denial is this:
Trump failed in his duty to serve his country in his youth, and told his sons not to go into military service when one had considered it but was threatened with being cut off from an inheritance, should he sign on for duty.
Trump is also on record as having called John McCain, an American war hero, a 'loser' because he was captured and imprisioned and tortured for over five years. The problem with this is that Trump said it on film. The further problem is something any American might be troubled by, this:

that early on, the enemy found out that McCain was the son of a powerful American family and the enemy offered McCain a way out of his imprisonment early;
BUT McCAIN REFUSED TO LEAVE HIS COMRADES IN ARMS BEHIND IN PRISON IF HE WAS RELEASED EARLY, and so he remained for years, injured from his wounds, and also TORTURED even more harshly for having refused the offer.

Every thought well, when Trump's followers knew this, his '16 candidacy would be over, but it seems his followers swallowed the Trump line and continued to support him, regarding the hero McCain in Trump's words, as a 'loser'.

So now we wonder. The new charges are horrific but not 'surprising' to many who DID think Trump had disgraced himself by condemning McCain as a 'loser'. And that 'many' may be more people than can still stand by him against the honor of John McCain, who would not leave his fallen comrades behind in a North Viet Nam prison to be tortured, no.

People have to choose eventually what IS honorable and what lines may not be crossed. I say let Americans examine all that is known and then make up their own minds and vote accordingly. I stand with the man who served his country and stood by his fallen comrades and would not abandon them, that HIS MEMORY be honored in this land; and not the words of Donald Trump who lied about calling him 'a loser'. We each of us must choose. My father, my brother-in-law, my son, my niece, my nephew, all either served or are active duty now. So I have a dog in this fight, you bet. So the honor of John McCain means something to me, especially as regards the cousin I lost in the Viet Nam War, who was just a boy when he died.

People choose what is important to them, what matters. And some 'look away' and stay 'loyal' to the person who called McCain a 'loser' on film, and that is their choice to do so for reasons that they hold dear. I have to trust them also to believe that here in this country, we are free to determine what is the greater good.

But I tell you, the honor of our military is sacred, REX RAY. Their blood is sacred to this nation and its freedom. 'Sacred' not in a blasphemous way, no; but 'sacred' in that they fight and give their lives sometimes for this land so we CAN vote freely.

John would not leave his men behind in that prison. He stayed. That matters to me, you bet.

Rex Ray said...


Are you trying to defend what Joe Biden said?

Rex Ray said...

The conversion of Joe Large.

Years ago, our Dad stored hay to sell in the winter when the price was higher. He knew that Joe Large, an old man, would get some from time to time to feed his milk cow. Dad didn’t mind because Joe was poor.

Ector was the nearest town three miles from my Uncle Hez. One day, he was in his pasture and heard someone say, “Go to Ector”, but there was no one there. It happened two more times. He went to the house and asked his wife if they needed any groceries. She said no, but he went anyway. Not having a car, he pulled his wagon to town with horses.

At the grocery story, someone said Joe was on his deathbed. Everyone knew Joe was not a Christian. Hez went to see him, and asked if he wanted to be a Christian.

“Hez, I don’t know how.”

Taking his hand, Hez told him to repeat after him. “Jesus, please save me.”

Joe did that, and with joy called his wife to come. He told her; I’VE GOT SOME HAY TO HALL.

“You old fool, you’re not in shape to hall hay.”

Joe died three days later.

Rex Ray said...

The conversion of Joe Large.

Years ago, our Dad stored hay to sell in the winter when the price was higher. He knew that Joe Large, an old man, would get some from time to time to feed his milk cow. Dad didn’t mind because Joe was poor.

Ector was the nearest town three miles from my Uncle Hez. One day, he was in his pasture and heard someone say, “Go to Ector”, but there was no one there. It happened two more times. He went to the house and asked his wife if they needed any groceries. She said no, but he went anyway. Not having a car, he pulled his wagon to town with horses.

At the grocery story, someone said Joe was on his deathbed. Everyone knew Joe was not a Christian. Hez went to see him, and asked if he wanted to be a Christian.

“Hez, I don’t know how.”

Taking his hand, Hez told him to repeat after him. “Jesus, please save me.”

Joe did that, and with joy called his wife to come. He told her; I’VE GOT SOME HAY TO HALL.

“You old fool, you’re not in shape to hall hay.”

Joe died three days later.

RB Kuter said...

The defining question for this veteran is, "Which would you want to be your Commander in Chief who is charged with watching your back and holding your best interest in heart, Barak Huessein Obama, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, or, Donald Trump?

Absolutely, unequivocally, no contest. Action speaks much louder than words or accusations coming from your political opponents.

RB Kuter said...

Keeping this within the scope of the original post: the racist, oppressive, policies of politicians citing themselves as being friends of minorities have successfully entrapped minorities in the confines of the run down, inescapable prisons of their slum dwellings for scores of years. They do it with continued promises of "giving" them a better life, improved living conditions and equal status with those living in the suburbs. They NEVER have fulfilled their promises but those enslaved continue to hear the empty rhetoric and promises and their civil rights leaders continue to partner with those political masters in power whose only agenda is to remain in their powerful, exorbitant rule in Washington, decade after decade.

The only way for the prison walls of oppression and racism to be torn down is for there to be a leader who can effectively bring in the power of capitalism within those urban prison walls. A knowledgeable, qualified, leader who knows how to orchestrate big business and use its power to target the wasteland of those inner cities in a manner that injects capital, investment, and vibrant economic activity enlisting the involvement of the local urbanite residents.

The corporations will be draw into investing their capital through incentives that benefit their operations while they direct their resources into areas that have become like the bombed out ruins of post WW II Europe. They will recognize the potential of using those local residents in the urban areas and invest in their becoming qualified as workers and eventual "home grown" corporate leaders. The corporations will be led by the able President to see their benefit in creating a life full of opportunity for those already living in these areas that assures of their devotion and longevity in being "company people". It will include the building of restored urban communities where commuting to the job is not necessary. A new urban infrastructure of mass transit, parks, and schools and universities providing an education that is the envy of all suburbanites.

Those urban wastelands that have been kept as oppressive prisons for so long by the self-serving fascist, racist politicians, will be transformed into successful havens of opportunity, elevating those residents in a very real manner toward economic and cultural equality. Their restored, r-built communities will be elevated to a status that people living "outside" the urban areas will actually want to "live" and reside together with those in the restored, vibrant, urban areas.

THIS is the ONLY way and the ONLY hope those oppressed urban residents have to break the chains of continued enslavement by the career politicians.

A few are beginning to realize this truth. They are the new pioneers in a civil rights movement for the people. They are persevering in the the face of the intense racist and fascist opposition by those politicians and fake civil rights political leaders of old who speak out to oppose and defeat this new, revolutionary, freedom movement.

The political slave masters are desperate to silence them with comments accusing them of being mindless puppets of the capitalist,freedom crusaders. They scream racist slurs to shame them like their being "Uncle Toms" and extremely racist remarks like, "If you don't vote for me you ain't black"!!! (Can you believe the media did not scream "RACIST" over that remark??)

Perhaps, more will see the "light" and join this new movement and it will grow until one day we WILL see a true, significant elevation of those who have been oppressed for so many decades by the shameless, disgusting, racist, self-serving, politicians who are bent on keeping them under the knees of their oppression. The truth WILL one day be revealed and those responsible for the oppression of the vulnerable WILL be held accountable in the light of God's judgment.

RB Kuter said...

Rex Ray, the qualifying answer is, "As a veteran, who would you rather have as your Commander in Chief, Barak Huessein Obama, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, or Donald Trump?" Actions speak much louder than words. From my standpoint as a veteran and envisioning my being on active duty and concerned with who had my best interest at heart, there would be no contest.

RB Kuter said...

Test. Seems I am having difficulties using this site.

RB Kuter said...

Keeping this within the scope of the original post: the racist, oppressive, policies of politicians citing themselves as being friends of minorities have successfully entrapped minorities in the confines of the run down, inescapable prisons of their slum dwellings for scores of years. They do it with continued promises of "giving" them a better life, improved living conditions and equal status with those living in the suburbs. They NEVER have fulfilled their promises but those enslaved continue to hear the empty rhetoric and promises and their civil rights leaders continue to partner with those political masters in power whose only agenda is to remain in their powerful, exorbitant rule in Washington, decade after decade.

The only way for the prison walls of oppression and racism to be torn down is for there to be a leader who can effectively bring in the power of capitalism within those urban prison walls. A knowledgeable, qualified, leader who knows how to orchestrate big business and use its power to target the wasteland of those inner cities in a manner that injects capital, investment, and vibrant economic activity enlisting the involvement of the local urbanite residents.

The corporations will be draw into investing their capital through incentives that benefit their operations while they direct their resources into areas that have become like the bombed out ruins of post WW II Europe. They will recognize the potential of using those local residents in the urban areas and invest in their becoming qualified as workers and eventual "home grown" corporate leaders. The corporations will be led by the able President to see their benefit in creating a life full of opportunity for those already living in these areas that assures of their devotion and longevity in being "company people". It will include the building of restored urban communities where commuting to the job is not necessary. A new urban infrastructure of mass transit, parks, and schools and universities providing an education that is the envy of all suburbanites.

Those urban wastelands that have been kept as oppressive prisons for so long by the self-serving fascist, racist politicians, will be transformed into successful havens of opportunity, elevating those residents in a very real manner toward economic and cultural equality. Their restored, r-built communities will be elevated to a status that people living "outside" the urban areas will actually want to "live" and reside together with those in the restored, vibrant, urban areas.

THIS is the ONLY way and the ONLY hope those oppressed urban residents have to break the chains of continued enslavement by the career politicians.

A few are beginning to realize this truth. They are the new pioneers in a civil rights movement for the people. They are persevering in the the face of the intense racist and fascist opposition by those politicians and fake civil rights political leaders of old who speak out to oppose and defeat this new, revolutionary, freedom movement.

The political slave masters are desperate to silence them with comments accusing them of being mindless puppets of the capitalist,freedom crusaders. They scream racist slurs to shame them like their being "Uncle Toms" and extremely racist remarks like, "If you don't vote for me you ain't black"!!! (Can you believe the media did not scream "RACIST" over that remark??)

Perhaps, more will see the "light" and join this new movement and it will grow until one day we WILL see a true, significant elevation of those who have been oppressed for so many decades by the shameless, disgusting, racist, self-serving, politicians who are bent on keeping them under the knees of their oppression. The truth WILL one day be revealed and those responsible for the oppression of the vulnerable WILL be held accountable in the light of God's judgment.

Christiane said...

Hello REX RAY,

you have to make up your own mind about Trump's behavior on film

all else, without sworn witnesses coming forth, is conjecture

I stand by everything I wrote.
I see McCain as a war hero who honored the code 'first prisoner in, first prisoner out'. He behaved accordingly and suffered much for it. Trump's words on film speak for Trump, as to what Trump is, not what McCain was, in my opinion.

I let Biden speak for himself.

I don't know if you have seen the film I am speaking of. (?)
It's what most of us thought would end Trump's 2016 campaign because of its offensiveness.
But those in his audience just laughed, which sadly speaks for what they were also.

Can I speak for McCain's honor as an American war hero? Yes, without any hesitation at all.

I think people need to come to their own conclusions about trumpism.
In my opinion, trumpism, as a political movement, is neither conservative, nor in sync with the Constitution of the United States.

Christiane said...

Hello REX RAY,

you have to make up your own mind about Trump's behavior on film

all else, without sworn witnesses coming forth, is conjecture

I stand by everything I wrote.
I see McCain as a war hero who honored the code 'first prisoner in, first prisoner out'. He behaved accordingly and suffered much for it. Trump's words on film speak for Trump, as to what Trump is, not what McCain was, in my opinion.

I let Biden speak for himself.

I don't know if you have seen the film I am speaking of. (?)
It's what most of us thought would end Trump's 2016 campaign because of its offensiveness.
But those in his audience just laughed, which sadly speaks for what they were also.

Can I speak for McCain's honor as an American war hero? Yes, without any hesitation at all.

I think people need to come to their own conclusions about trumpism.
In my opinion, trumpism, as a political movement, is neither conservative, nor in sync with the Constitution of the United States.

Rex Ray said...


Yes, McCain was a GREAT war hero.

I believe Trump referring to him as a failure, was because he failed twice in running to be president of America.

But the enemies of Trump like to take his words out of context.

Rex Ray said...


The six Ray brothers were known for being strong. (This is important to know later.) Many don’t know how strong bailing wire is. I wrapped one around a hoe handle and tied it to tree; put my feet on the tree and pulled but couldn’t break it.

Uncle Hez could wrap a bailing wire around his gloved hands and break it.

Hez believed, “Thou shall not kill.” In World War one, sometimes opposing armies fought with bayonets only. (A bayonet was a large knife on end of rifle.)

Hez stood at attention with his rifle and bayonet by his side. A German started to kill him, but their eyes locked. The German realized, ‘you can kill me but I won’t kill you’, and passed him by.

Later, he almost died from mustard gas.

Brandon Dutcher said...

Excellent post. Alas, I fear the administrators are more dangerous than the professors:

Bruce Miller said...

From the Wikipedia article on the fine Christian gentleman in the YouTube video:

"G. Edward Griffin (born November 7, 1931) is an American author of 48 books, filmmaker, and conspiracy theorist. Griffin's writings promote a number of right-wing views and conspiracy theories regarding various of his political, defense and health care interests. In his book World Without Cancer, he argued in favor of a pseudo-scientific theory that asserted cancer to be a nutritional deficiency curable by consuming amygdalin. He is the author of The Creature from Jekyll Island (1994)[2], which advances debunked conspiracy theories[5] about the Federal Reserve System. He is an HIV/AIDS denialist, supports the 9/11 Truth movement, and supports a specific John F. Kennedy assassination conspiracy theory. He also believes that the Biblical Noah's Ark is located at the Durupınar site in Turkey."