Tuesday, July 28, 2020

The Wizard of Oz and Skyrocketing Silver and Gold

One of my earliest memories as a child is being sick in bed and having my mother read to me The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by Frank Baum, a book most people know by its shortened title The Wizard of Oz.

Rachelle and I have attended the award winning West End theatre presentation of Wicked in London, England. Wicked is the musical prequel to The Wizard of Oz. Fellow Oklahoman and Broken Arrow friend Kristen Chenowith played Glinda the Good Witch of the South when Broadway brought Wicked to the Broadway stage in New York in 2003.

Few people have actually read The Wizard of Oz. Most people are familiar with the book through the Broadway play adapted from it or the classic Hollywood 1939 film version starring Judy Garland
The differences between the the book, written in 1900, and the later film and Broadway adaptations of the book may at first seem minor, but as is the case in many attempts to bring written material to life through the visual arts, small changes impact the overall theme of the original author.

For example, in order to showcase new improvements in Technicolor, movie producers changed Dorothy's silver shoes in the book version to ruby slippers for the 1939 film version.
Unfortunately changing silver slippers to ruby caused the public to miss the⁹ economic and financial lessons of Baum's book. 
Most see the The Wizard of Oz as a cute morality play for children. But Frank Baum wrote The Wizard of Oz in the late 1890's as a powerful allegory of the economic problems faced by the United States. Our country's economic and financial problems in 2020 are very similar to the issues of the 1890s, as I'll explain.

Frank Baum's The Wizard of Oz is to economics what John Bunyan's The Pilgrim's Progress is to Christianity. If you understand Baum's allegory, you will know why America and European countries are in their current economic crises and why we are headed toward a financial panic in America the likes of which our country has rarely seen. 

To understand the allegorical parts of The Wizard of Oz, you must have some historical background regarding the economic crisis throughout America during the 1880's and 1890's. You will not regret reading carefully this post, even if you don't like history or economics. Your retirement savings and your economic future are in the balance.

In what is now called The Crime of 1873, the United States government took silver out of monetary circulation and went to gold as the standard for the American dollar.

From the formation of the United States in 1776 until the year of the 'crime' of 1873,  the United States had been on a bimetallic standard. For approximately one hundred years after America's founding as a country, an American citizen could go into a reserve bank, hand over any amount of paper currency (i.e. $10, $20, $100, $1,000, etc...) and be given either gold or silver in return. You would be given about 15 times more silver than gold in terms of weight (for silver traded to gold at a ratio of about 15 to 1).

So an American could choose the metal (e.g. "silver OR gold") to exchange for the American dollars. But in the "Crime of 1873" the U.S. government decided to take silver out of monetary circulation. That meant you could no longer get silver for your dollars.

Therefore, the amount of money in circulation shrank after The Crime of 73. .

Beginning in 1873 the government only issued dollars and increased the money supply in proportion to the amount of gold it held in reserve. Silver no longer served as a reserve metal for dollars. Therefore, beginning in 1873, the collective pool of money available for the exchange of goods in the American economy decreased. A decrease in the available money supply will always lead to deflation.

Less money in circulation means lower prices.

Let me illustrate how a decreased money supply lowers prices. Let's say you are on the game Survivor and you and your fellow contestants have not eaten food for 20 days. On the 21st day you and the other 10 contestants are each are given just $20 to bid on 11 different dishes of sumptuous food that have been prepared and brought to the camp. You can also choose to bid on new bedding materials which will make your night's sleep more comfortable.  Everyone with $20 in hand sees what is available for purchase because it is all laid out in front of all the contestants.

There's a steak and baked potato, there's a cheeseburger, a chicken salad sandwich as well as blankets, pillows, air mattresses, etc...   You're limited as to what you can buy since you have a limited supply of money.
Due to the small amount of money in circulation the price of everything goes down!  
However, if you and each of your fellow contestants had been given $100 each instead of $20, then the price of everything goes up! Why? Because the money supply has gone up, and when more money is in circulation, the price of goods for cheeseburgers and other commodities soars.
Prices always eventually go up (i.e. inflation) in proportion to an increase in the money supplyand prices always eventually go down (i.e. deflation) in proportion to the decrease in the money supply.
This Survivor illustration helps you understand The Crime of 1873.

The government declared that silver could no longer be used as government money. Silver was taken out of circulation. It's like contestants on Survivor having a large portion of their money taken away before they can bid on goods.

The government decreased the money supply in 1873 and prices for goods across the nation fell as did the demand for those goods by the American public because Americans no longer had access to silver coins.

For the next 25 years, from 1873 to 1898, the United States experienced an average yearly deflation of 1.5%.

The people who were hurt the most by the government's decision were farmers from Kansas and the Midwest. The prices people were willing to pay for the farmers' crops decreased. Even worse, because farmers were already in debt (as most farmers are), they were having to use the dollars from the shrinking money supply to pay off their old debts. 

Think back to Survivor illustration and imagine trying to buy food and bedding materials when you have to pay a past debt with the limited $20 you have in hand. It would be much easier to pay off your old debts if your supply of money is greater. Many farmers in the late 1800's were facing bankruptcy because their debts was high, prices were too low, and there was not enough money in circulation for them to survive economically.

There is an important economic principle that can be derived from the 1873 government decision to remove silver from circulation, a principle that will shed light on today's economic problems and the allegory behind The Wizard of Oz.

The economic principle simply stated:
When people or nations  (governments) are in debt, the more money pumped into circulation (i.e. "inflation"), the easier it is to pay off  those debts. 
The more massive the debt, the more critical the need for a massive increase in money supply.  If deflation is occurring when there is indebtedness, then the debtor will struggle to pay old debts with scarcer, more valuable dollars. Debtors always need an ever increasing money supply.

 Enter Frank Baum and The Wizard of Oz. Dorothy and her cast of characters represent farmers (the Scarecrow), industrial workers (the Tin Man), and fearful politicians (the Cowardly Lion), and they all need help.

They follow the Yellow Brick Road (the gold standard) to the Emerald City (Washington D.C.). Oz is the abbreviation for the measurement of gold (i.e. "ounces" or oz.), and the Wizard behind the curtain represents the politicians pulling the strings to decrease the money supply by using only gold as a monetary standard and not silver,  harming all the weary travelers.

What Dorothy and her friends need is the addition of silver back into the money supply. The entire Oz narrative is the struggle between the common man and the powerful Washington elites over the supply of money.

In the Emerald Palace Dorothy and her friends enter 7 passages and climb 3 flights of stairs ( 73 representing The Crime of 73). Silver is found throughout the Wizard of Oz as the answer to the problems at hand, including the Tin Man receiving "a new ax with a handle made of gold and a blade polished so that it glistens like burnished silver and a silver oilcan to oil himself," a statement by Baum which describes his belief that the industrial worker will be helped with the addition of silver to the monetary supply.

And of course, Dorothy's passage back to her farm in Kansas is to click her "silver shoes" three times together, representing that the power to solve the farm girl's problems was there all the time (adding silver to the currency).

There are so many more economic principles in The Wizard of Oz, and for further study I would recommend that you read The Fable of the Allegory: The Wizard of Oz in Economics.

Frank Baum, author of The Wizard of Oz,  was an economic activist. He was considered a progressive, someone we might call 'liberal,' today.

One of his political friends, William Jennings Bryan, was the Democratic nominee for President in the 1896 and 1900 Presidential elections. Bryan rocketed to fame at the 1896 Chicago Democratic National Convention where he delivered his famous Cross of Gold Speech.

Bryan, who was a devout Christian and went on to infamy in the Scopes Trial, was also a liberal economist, and he closed his famous speech by declaring,
 "Having behind us the producing masses of this nation and the world, supported by the commercial interests, the laboring interests and the toilers everywhere, we will answer their demand for a gold standard by saying to them: You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns, you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold." 
Bryan and Baum eventually got their wish of a bimetal standard for the American dollar, for the U.S. government reversed course early in the 1900's and added silver back as part of the American currency. You probably remember paper bills with the words "Silver Certificate" etched on the top.

When the government increased the money supply in the early 1900's, the motive was to help the western farmers, just as Frank Baum and William Jennings Bryan requested.

 But for the last 100 years the government has continued to RADICALLY and RECKLESSLY increase the money supply in America. Why? Because the U.S. government began taking on massive debt of its own. With World War I and then World War II the U.S. government became a debtor nation. However, with the addition of massive social programs in the mid-to-late 20th century, U.S. government became swamped in debt. 

The U.S. government has become the Kansas farmer of the late 1800's. Our national debt has crossed the  twenty-six trillion dollars mark. How do you ever get enough cheap dollars to pay off that kind of debt while continuing to spend for an annual operating budget? Is it even possible? Do you add another precious metal as a standard to the American dollar? No. The United States government did something mind-boggling.

The United States government decided in the 1970's to move the American dollar OFF BOTH THE GOLD AND SILVER STANDARD.

What was once an argument in Frank Baum's day over a bimetal standard (silver and gold reserve for the dollar) versus a mono-metal standard (a gold reserve only), became an argument and an ultimate decision by our government to remove the dollar completely from any gold, silver or precious metal reserve standard.

Frank Baum, William Jennings Bryan and every other 19th century economists--both liberal and conservative--would have never dreamed the U.S. government could or would do such a thing.

 But it is exactly what our government has done. Try to go into any bank with a $100 bill today and ask to get paid in silver and/or gold for that $100 bill.

It won't happen.

It can't happen.

The government's decision to move the dollar off any precious metal standard had its genesis in a highly secretive meeting of bankers and politicians in 1910 as they met on an island off the coast of Georgia called Jekyll Island.

You may read about the extraordinary results of the government's decision in a highly readable book entitled The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Look at the Creation of the Federal Reserve.

What we now have in America is a system where the supply of money is controlled by the United States Federal Reserve and not by the amount of silver and gold we have in reserve to back those dollars.

European countries also have this same kind of currency system. The supply of euros is dictated by European Central Banks, all controlled by European governments.

There is no precious metal backing for currencies. If governments need an increase in the money supply, then governments simply create paper money. Remember that the people who benefit most with the high inflation caused by an increase in the money supply are those people (or governments) who are in debt. Those harmed by an increase in the money supply are the frugal and the savers. In other words, what Frank Baum wanted in 1900 for western farmers in debt, we now have in spades for western governments drowning in debt.

Baum wished to add silver to gold as a metal reserve to increase the amount of dollars in circulation, but he never dreamed of a government currency WITHOUT A STANDARD. Now we have NO precious metal standard.

The government cannot have the money supply bound by the amount of gold and silver we have in Fort Knox (if in fact any is still there), because the government needs MASSIVE AMOUNTS of dollars in circulation for the government to pay its massive debts.

The American dollar today is what is called a fiat currency.

The government prints it. People trust it and use it. If the government wishes to increase the money supply, they do so by simply allowing the creation of more paper dollars, in a process called fractional reserve banking, where the 'reserves' are paper money deposits, not metals!

The only thing that guarantees the fiat money has value is the trust of the people in the currency.

What happens when people begin losing trust in government currency?

The dollar becomes worthless.

This is beginning to take place in the United States as investors flee the commodities. When people  lose trust in the U.S. government and turn away from the government's fiat currency, economic collapse soon follows.

When that happens, the U.S. will face bankruptcy like Italy, Greece and other European countries.

The worst possible case scenario is for a government to be forced to pay back their debts in another government's currency. When this happens the money supply of the debtor government shrinks because the debtor country's currency is considered worthless by the lender country.  The indebted government is then forced to pay its debts using another country's stronger currency (think China).

This is why people find protection in precious metals or a stronger government's currency when governments are swamped by debt. The massive expansion of the supply of money which has no metal standard behind it is recklessly endangering a country's freedom and future.

 To say what is happening in America today is ultimately highly inflationary is a gross understatement.  One day soon people will lose complete confidence in the American dollar because the government hands out trillions of dollars to non-working people, causing people to depend on a bankrupt government's social programs than individual work.

As the Bible says, "The borrower is a servant to the lender" (Proverbs 22:7).

Our problem today is the very opposite of the one Dorothy faced in The Wizard of Oz. Dorothy needed an increase in the money supply. Deflation was ruining the economics of the Kansas farmer. The farmer couldn't get a good price for his crop, and he couldn't pay off his past debts with a shrinking money supply.

But over the last four years we have received as a nation a far greater money supply (printed money) than Dorothy (Frank Baum) ever wished.

We have had a grotesque growth in the money supply because silver and gold have both been REMOVED as a reserve for the American dollar.

With the Feds doing everything in their power to fight to keep money cheap to pay off government debt and support non-working people, there is coming very soon a rate of inflation the likes of which America has never seen. 

Silver and gold are spiking.

Where are the economic John Bunyan's of our day? Where are the Frank Baum's of our day? Where are the people with enough sense to know that America is in need of being taught lessons that are much more profound than cute children's fables suitable for Broadway and the big screen?


RB Kuter said...

WOW! Fantastic message, Wade! Thank you a lot for all the time and effort that must have been required to put that together and in a manner that is so informative and readable. I had no idea regarding the hidden agenda behind "The Wizard of Oz"!

I think we all are wary when our government escalates its borrowing to multiple "TRILLIONS" of dollars in just ONE YEAR! It's like the politicians think of it as candy to be manufactured and distributed to the populace without concern for the consequences.

My goodness, can you imagine the government actually giving temporarily unemployed people more money than they would be making if they were employed!??!! Absolute insanity! They gave my wife and I thousands of dollars this year for COVID 19 damage that we didn't need or ask for! We considered giving it back to the government but knew they would blow it so we sent some to our national sister church abroad and will use the rest in local mission projects. Still, it is scary to think how freely it is being printed and distributed.

The huge challenge is to handle one's finances now in a manner that prepares us for those stormy days which arrival is announced by the dark clouds of indebtedness today. Buy gold? Lot of people are. Buy bonds instead of stock? Some do. We're mostly trying to not owe anyone anything, use diverse forms of investment and remain frugal.

I anticipate the desperation intensifying causing even more volatile markets as the November elections approach. No matter what anyone thinks of the current President, even those that hate him must be full of trepidation over the possible insertion of a socialist regime.

Two things that will certainly occur if this President is defeated in November;
1. Stock market collapse
2. Vaporization of COVID 19

BUT “Hallelujah! For the Lord our God, the Almighty, reigns!!!"

Anonymous said...

Just a reminder that Article 1, section 8 of the US Constitution states:

"The Congress shall have Power To... coin Money, regulate the Value thereof"

This is achieved via the Federal Reserve Bank, which was created by congress, and whose board is appointed by the President and confirmed by the senate.

Thus your statement "What we now have in America is a system where the supply of money is controlled by the United States Federal Reserve and not by the amount of silver and gold we have in reserve to back those dollars." is entirely within the bounds of the US Constitution.

It is the role of congress to determine the value and amount of money in the US, not gold or silver. They do this through the Federal Reserve.

Anonymous said...


Rex Ray said...


You mentioned seeing the Broadway play, “Wicked”.


Judy’s son, Jim Abbott, works for Walt Disney, and played a piano in that Broadway play.

Anonymous said...

"Thus your statement "What we now have in America is a system where the supply of money is controlled by the United States Federal Reserve and not by the amount of silver and gold we have in reserve to back those dollars." is entirely within the bounds of the US Constitution.

It is the role of congress to determine the value and amount of money in the US, not gold or silver. They do this through the Federal Reserve."

Getting technical here - there is a difference between currency and money. See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyV0OfU3-FU

Paper that is not backed by precious metals is currency. The Constitution did not allow for this, thus our Federal Reserve fiat system was the biggest ponzi scheme (making the corporations, politicians, bankers filthy rich and powerful) ever known to man - until the invention of the virus as the cause of illness (making the politicized medical industry rich and richer). The Federal Reserve and the CDC are very much alike - highly duplicitous for profit entities.


Anonymous said...

"Give a man a gun and he can rob a bank, but give a man a bank, and he can rob the world." Tyrell Wellick

I would modify: "Give a man a gun and he can rob a bank, but give a man a bank or a "virus", and he can rob the world."


Donald Johnson said...

There is still a small commitment of US money to metals, namely that in coins, but that is quickly going away. The history of money is a steady march towards more and more abstract forms. At first there was just trade, then a store of value was recognized in raw pieces of gold and silver, then stamped metal ingots were made to standardize the amounts of metal in the ingot, then coins to make the ingots easier to carry, but all the while there were ways to debase the currency by either shaving off the metal or adding less valuable metals. It was inconvenient to carry around large sacks of metal, so banks would hold them for you and give you a deposit slip and merchants found these slips much easier to handle, voila! the invention of paper money. Now there is bitcoin which is even more abstract.

RB Kuter said...

I "think" Wade's point was not intended to say that the government was functioning illegally or contrary to the Constitution but that it is functioning like a runaway train and due to having zero accountability to a system of standards it has totally come off the tracks and is headed toward the abyss.

CM said...

A couple of things:

For starters Gold and other precious metals are inflation-resistant NOT inflation-proof. Sure they are many orders of magnitude more inflation-resistant that paper currency. But to say they are inflation-proof is incorrect. As prices for precious metals increases, new production sources will come online to increase supply. Another thing to look is the effect of all the gold brought from the New World to Europe in the 16th century.

Second, the amount of gold EVER mined in the history of the world is estimated to 197,576 tonnes (= metric ton) (end of 2019):


Because of inflation (which debases the value of the dollar) at current spot prices, gold is $63,014 per kg (https://www.monex.com/gold-prices/):

Simple math can calculate the total value (at today's spot prices):

$63,014.00 x 1000 (kg per metric ton) x 197,576 metric tons = $12.45 Trillion USD

Which may seem like a lot, but really isn't. The US GDP in 2019 was $21.43 Trillion. IOW, the total value of ALL the gold ever mined only 58% of the US GDP.

Third, remember, all MONEY is a medium of exchange of goods and services to deal with transactions more complicated than a simple 2-way barter. The ONLY reason people assign it any sort of "intrinsic value" is because our Stone Age ancestors saw that it was shiny. Yes it has numerous uses due to its electrical, chemical, and other properties, but to somehow make it as the "true" value of a currency is purely arbitrary. Gold (or Silver or any other metal) is no better or worse than pegging your currency to the number of icebergs in the North Atlantic or the number of Black Bears in the Rockies.

CM said...

By the way Fractional Reserve Banking ikely goes back to Roman times in the first century AD, so it is hardly new. Suffice to say the world GDP and standard of living has increased quite a bit since then. And Fractional Reserve Banking helped pave the way.

CM said...

Again, the only reason currencies were based upon precious metals was because Gold and Silver shiny. Copper was used as currency as was stone and other materials. The Yapese used this one:


To the Yapese, limestone was valuable. The ancient Maya use cacao (chocolate) beans as currency. What is considered valuable is both arbitrary and time, culture, and location dependent.

CM said...

The 21st century version of a gold-backed currency will be a cryptocurrency like Bitcoin.

Rex Ray said...


Check this out!


Richard Bartlett has practice medicine for 28 years and was part of former Texas Governor Rick Perry’s Health Disparities Task Force. He has reported 100% survival rate for his COVID-19 patients by using a steroid “budesonide”. It’s a medicine for asthmatic patients.

Christiane said...

thinking of 'values' in this modern age, an old story:

"1NOW Peter and John went up into the temple at the ninth hour of prayer. 2And a certain man who was lame from his mother's womb, was carried: whom they laid every day at the gate of the temple, which is called Beautiful, that he might ask alms of them that went into the temple. 3He, when he had seen Peter and John about to go into the temple, asked to receive an alms. 4But Peter with John fastening his eyes upon him, said: Look upon us. 5But he looked earnestly upon them, hoping that he should receive something of them. 6But Peter said: Silver and gold I have none; but what I have, I give thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, arise, and walk. 7And taking him by the right hand, he lifted him up, and forthwith his feet and soles received strength. 8And he leaping up, stood, and walked, and went in with them into the temple, walking, and leaping, and praising God." (Acts 3)

". . . the story of the time that St. Francis of Assisi visited Rome and the pope of the day proudly showed him all the wondrous treasures of the Vatican. Referring to a story in the Biblical Book of Acts in which St. Peter spoke with a beggar in Jerusalem and told him he had no money, the pope pointed to the treasures around him and said, “Peter can no longer say ‘Silver and gold have I none.'”

St. Francis’ response: “Neither can he say, ‘Rise up and walk.'”

CM said...


HT: St. Francis. Very well done.

People tend to forget that money is just a medium of exchange for goods and services. Due to its inertness, gold is found free in nature, and hence its appeal going back to the Stone Age. Silver, tin, copper, iron, mercury can be extracted from their ores with varying degrees of difficulty. Tin alloyed with copper makes bronze. Other precious metals like platinum, iridium, rhodium, and palladium were not discovered until much much later. Rhodium runs about 4-5 times the price of gold per Oz. Iridium and Osmium are much rarer than gold.

Again, what is considered "valuable" as a metal varies. There was a time when aluminum cost more than gold:


RB Kuter said...

Rex Ray, did you not see my notes providing the information on Dr. Bartlett's experience in using BUDESONIDE, the asthma medicine, several posts before this one?

Additionally, in this article (link follows) it is reported that, "Budesonide, a medicine used to help prevent the symptoms of asthma, is being touted as the “silver bullet” for COVID-19." and "Now, researchers from the Queensland University of Technology (QUT Brisbane, Australia) and the University of Oxford (Oxford, UK) are collaborating to test common asthma inhalers as a treatment for COVID-19 infection."

If my wife or I contract Covid we will immediately contact our doctor upon having initial symptoms and request this medication treatment, before, as Dr. Bartlett proposes, it progresses to more severe symptoms.

There are "naysayers" out there who are bent on diminishing consideration for alternative approaches to dealing with this virus, almost as though they do not "want" there to be a cure! Social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook just yesterday disallowed information on a video showing expert medical sources supporting the use of hydroxychloroquine as a very viable method for cure.

As is often the case with the elitist-left, they attempt to dumb-down and shame anyone who is not consistent with their agenda and this is a very vivid example of that. All the while, thousands are dying yet they push against proposals for alternative methods that apparently have a lot of validity for treatment. You can come to your own conclusions in that regard.

Christiane said...

Exodus 32:24
So I said to them, 'Whoever has gold, let him take it off,' and they gave it to me. And when I cast it into the fire, out came this calf!"

Exodus 32:35
And the LORD sent a plague on the people because of what they had done with the calf that Aaron had made.

Sometimes, the realities of cult-worship and materialism in our own day when placed next to the ancient sacred Scriptures can be very jarring indeed. :)

It's a good thing we read the sacred Scriptures through the lens of Jesus Christ, Who came to save those who were lost;
and when we read the ancient words of sacred Scripture in the light of Christ, we see God revealed to us more clearly, not as the vindictive 'monster' who dashes babies against the rocks, but as a 'Father' Whose chief characteristic is the CHESED, which translates as His 'loving-kindness'.

Christian values? These days, depending on 'what is emphasized', people seem divided into more distinct divisions of disagreement and loyalties;
but we CAN count on being able to recognize a Christ-follower as someone who possesses the 'fruit' of the Holy Spirit in the ways in which they live out their lives and inter-act with others, even with 'the others' who are not 'their own kind'.

So in the end, after all of the politics, and all of the strife and worry, and sickness, we can still meet at the Cross of Christ and find, not 'those other sinners', but ourselves seeking His mercy and forgiveness and peace.

This post reminds us of the impermanence of our 'material' security in THIS life, yes;
but it also makes us think about taking our own measure as human persons made in the image of God, and answerable to Him for our 'choices' that were freely made, and how it was that we used His gifts in this wounded world to help serve those who suffer. some thoughts

CM said...


To piggyback off what you are saying, it is love of money is a root of all sorts of evil. Again, money of any type is merely a medium of exchange for goods and services. It is basically a tool of commerce.

CM said...

RB Kuter,

Here are the links on the actual trial being conducted at QUT/Oxford:




This is a randomized control trial and the results will not be available until Sept.

This drug reduces/modulates the inflammatory response, which could reduce mortality should there be a cytokine storm-type response in COVID patients. Here’s why: Scientists have learned that the morbidity from this disease occurs not only because of the devastating effects of the virus, but also from an inflammatory state that begins about a week or so into the illness. If physicians can interfere before this cascade of inflammation begins, the theory goes, we might prevent the disease from progressing in severity, and keep patients out of hospitals, intensive care units, and morgues.

Rex Ray said...


I don’t remember seeing your notes of Dr. Bartlett’s.
My sister told me about it yesterday.

Thanks so much for your links!

Anonymous said...


say what?

RB Kuter said...

Thanks, CM.

Rex Ray, that's okay that my message didn't register with you. I have found that several people can say the same thing but only one is heard. Sometimes I say something that "I" think is quite profound and get no response and later another person say the same thing and gets a response of, "Oh, wow! THAT is so-o-o true! What an amazing observation!"

Guess your sister has more influence on you than I do!

Anonymous said...

RB Kuter,

I believe there are a couple of other clinical trials underway on the effectiveness BUDESONIDE in France and another location that should be out sometime in August. Corticosteroids are extremely useful drugs. In this case, they would be inhaled instead of pill form, so it stands to reason that the drug delivery would be more effective.

As an aside, one of the theories as to why the Spanish Flu was so deadly to people aged 18 to 50 (and not the very young or very old) was that it was cytokine storms caused by an un-modulated immune response.

Rex Ray said...

Sorry RB; my sister called me.

Yesterday, I didn’t know my brother’s headstone was placed between our parent’s Headstone and my Headstone. His daughter in Seattle paid the expenses.

One side had a map of Alaska and a map of Texas.
Between the maps: “You are my sunshine.”
Large letters had: “Hez Houston Ray”.
Also, between “March 10, 1932 and March 17, 2020” is a picture of a horse with it’s rider kneeling at the base of a cross.

The other side.

John 3:16

If I should leave too soon this sunlit place,
I’ll watch for you from the hills of grace
and when you leave to earth your charms,
I’ll greet you here in heaven’s arms!
Hez Ray

This was part of a poem he’d written his wife years ago.

RB Kuter said...

Rex Ray, TOLD YOU! He of course is waiting and consciously anticipating that reunion when you join him and all the rest of the family and loved ones who have already made that journey and now await our arrival.

Pretty cool headstone.

RB Kuter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

" Seems criminal to me"

RBK - I've been saying this for decades. Trouble is too many in the medical industry don't want to speak out against it due to fear of loss of reputation, license, or income. USA is on the brink of self destruction.

Have you seen what the FDA recently did to the missionaries that use chlorine dioxide in third world countries to purify water supplies and illnesses? I've used it effectively for my health. Cheaper than budesonide or Hydroxychloroquine, no script necessary to purchase. FDA doesn't want the public to know about it.



Christiane said...

Hello good people,

May I try again to affirm that most of our people in the medical profession are committed to trying to do the right thing for their patients?

Poor Herman Cain is proof that this virus does not 'recognize' political preferences. His suffering and passing are tragic for many reasons, but I would hope that those who cared for him medically were professional and ethical in how they attempt to save him. Nobody wanted this to happen.

I do think people have to realize how contagious this virus is and that they NEED to take reasonable precautions to shelter, to avoid crowds, to keep away from those who go without masks and make a joke about this virus as a 'hoax'. The effects of this virus targeted many with special needs, with complicated medical histories, and those in facilities where the town has decided it is 'okay' to allow infected care-givers to come to work.

I'm not sure people do understand that it is not yet known how this virus will affect any person over the long term, even children;
so until we know more, we need to go out of our way to protect all the innocent who cannot speak up for themselves or make decisions that are self-protective.

I'm for people being cautious and trying to do what is right.
That 'freedom' we all treasure may mean that we have to 'take precautions' AS A NATION in order to get this virus under control. We are in trouble as a nation. We need to have a national plan for mitigation and recovery that protects our people, not one that 'experiments' on them with untested pharmaceuticals that no ETHICAL professional doctor would use on a patient under his/her care.

Thanks for letting me rant. Pray for family of Herman Cain, and for all the victims to come . . . we can all do this together at least. May God have mercy on our foolish ways.

RB Kuter said...

Speaking of "ranting", Christiane, I deleted my recent rant regarding Herman Cain. I am greatly ashamed for having made the comment I did questioning decisions made by medical personnel, and by association, Mr. Cain and his family members, during those final days prior to his passing away.

How insensitive of me! I thought after writing it, "What if it was a beloved family member of mine that recently died and some brogue of a brute that knows nothing about the details of our case wrote questioning our decisions regarding our loved one's medical care!"

It was totally insensitive and actually mean on my part and I regret having done it. If any of his family or even acquaintances or those of the good medical personnel involved saw my comment I apologize profusely.

Robert said...

Clearly born of something other than actual economics.
Your argument is based on two invalid assumptions.

1. Wealth and currency are the same thing. This is not true.
You trade your currency, a temporary commodity, for wealth. You trade it for services, or a house, or a car. That is wealth.
“I agree with you, for dollars” but even on a desert island, gold is meaningless. Wealth in any given locality has nothing to do with any currency, including gold.
Currency is a transitive tool that provides a standard exchange of services instead of directly bartering with services.

2. There is a fixed pie. This is not true.
It’s not even recently, historically demonstrable. In the 1700s, there were far fewer people. Now, there are vastly more, AND, the vast majority have more wealth than ever before. Poverty is at a historical low. The world is wealthier than ever before.

People in Africa are not starving due to low wealth because there’s too many people sharing the pie.

Gold is itself “fiat” in the exact same way cash is. Both are only ever backed by trust.

The fixed by theory you subscribe to is clearly not born of actual economist theory. It’s why we have heard decades of people saying this and nothing ever actually happens. The reason why Greece went bankrupt is that they had a solvency issue due to a foreign bank. They had no central bank. When they cut Greece off, they defaulted. This can never happen in the US because the Treasury would just ask the Fed for more money. The US could possibly default on a foreign loan, but since we have a reserve currency that’s high in demand, it’s unlikely. Why is it high in demand? Because the goods and services the (predominantly private) sector produces are valuable. Why is it unlikely? Wealth is being created all the time and there’s no signs of the private sector as a whole suddenly becoming less valuable.

RB Kuter said...

Sorry to veer off the intended track of this post, but feel need to inject;
Yet another report by very credible doctors advocating use of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) at early stages as a COVID remedy. Could save lives.

CM said...


See my earlier posts about money being a medium of exchange for the sale of goods and services and my observations about gold.

Rex Ray said...


Your link:


Makes the FDA look like the GESTAPO by them having Mark Grenon and his two sons held in jail 19 days without being charged of breaking any law. Now they’ve been charged with contempt of court and fraud for violating FDA regulations.

Breaking FDA regulations has Never been a law, so they’re being charged with breaking a law that DOESN’T exist!


The FDA is angry because Mark Grenon proved chlorine dioxide is a better and cheaper way to fight COVID-19 than their expensive drugs, and vaccines.

Good Gracious, I thought we lived in America; the Land of the Free!

CM said...

Rb Kuter,

As a follow-up my earlier links regarding steroids to modulate the immune response in COVID caes, here a is another study:


Thing with steroids is that it suppresses the immune response, which when fighting a virus, timing and dosage are key. You don't want to suppress it too early or too much otherwise the body can't fight the virus. What is interesting about the study referenced in the link above is that it appears that a blood test can help determine which COVID patients could benefit from the steroid use and which ones where it would do more harm that good.

There was also a UK study (RECOVERY study) that indicated the benefit of steroids in the the treatment of COVID. As I stated earlier, steroids would modulate the immune response so the body does not overreact to the virus thereby causing more harm than good. If you are looking for an inexpensive way to mitigate a COVID infection, this is most likely it.

Anonymous said...

Well, my comment above was directed towards the system, not Herman Cain, so no apologies from me.

I've heard it from more than one honest doctor who did comprehensive research that our medical system in the states accounts for around 400k to as much as 800k deaths per year from medical errors, malpractice, properly prescribed medications, etc., which could rank it as the number one cause of death - even over heart disease. That equates to around 4 to 8 million deaths over a ten year period, which doesn't even include the millions of cases of those maimed, or crippled (physically, financially or both) unnecessarily by the criminally controlled system.

RFK Jr's 2018 lawsuit proved the medical industry lied for thirty years about vaccine safety:

"ICAN was therefore forced to file a lawsuit to force HHS to either provide copies of its
biennial vaccine safety reports to Congress or admit it never filed these reports. The
result of the lawsuit is that HHS had to finally and shockingly admit that it never, not
even once, submitted a single biennial report to Congress detailing the
improvements in vaccine safety. This speaks volumes to the seriousness by which
vaccine safety is treated at HHS and heightens the concern that HHS doesn’t have a
clue as to the actual safety profile of the now 29 doses, and growing, of vaccines
given by one year of age."


Did you know that our medical system has a billable code for legal executions like beheading via guillotines?

ICD-9-CM E978 is a billable medical code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis on a reimbursement claim, however, E978 should only be used for claims with a date of service on or before September 30, 2015. For claims with a date of service on or after October 1, 2015, use an equivalent ICD-10-CM code (or codes).
E978 describes the circumstance causing an injury, not the nature of the injury.
No ICD-10-CM code(s) convert to ICD-9-CM E978
Applies To
All executions performed at the behest of the judiciary or ruling authority [whether permanent or temporary] as:
asphyxiation by gas
beheading, decapitation (by guillotine)
capital punishment
other specified means



Anonymous said...

too much 'fake' and 'made-up' information floating out there;
people reap what they sow, meanwhile nation suffers from REAL troubles



RB Kuter said...

Anonymous wrote: "Well, my comment above was directed towards the system, not Herman Cain, so no apologies from me."

I am guessing that was related to the apology I expressed in associating the absence of attempting to help Herman Cain survive by using some of these alternative medications.

Anonymous, your statements related to these issues would not be seen as being offensive to anyone and in particular, the family of Herman Cain. "MY" original comment directly questioned the decisions made by those medical people who were treating Herman Cain and thereby, his very family members prior to his death. I saw my comment as being very insensitive and even cruel so deleted it and apologized for not being empathetic to those involved.

I see no such offense given by your comments so indeed, I don't believe you have written anything reflecting such content.

CM said...

So there is a code for be-headings by execution? BFD. What does that prove? This code would go on the death certificate of the deceased, and since it is an international standard code it would make sense since other countries still had at the time be-heading as an option for capital punishment. Either that or it was carried over from previous editions and not removed.

The point is that these codes are used by statisticians, accountants, actuaries, and other number crunchers. There is nothing inherently wrong or evil about classifying things (including the cause of death).

How is this different than SI units, ISO standards, ITU standards, IUPAC, and dozens of others? It isn't.

The ICD 9 codes are the older 9th revision, the current revision is ICD 10 (10th revision) which will be replaced in 2022 by the ICD 11 (11th edition) codes:



Interestingly there is an ICD 10 code for execution by gas or lethal injection.

CM said...

The point is the there is nothing WRONG with a code used on a death certificate. And since we don't do beheadings by execution here in the US, this code would NEVER appear on a death certificate in the US.

But if really wanted to go all in on this, here is a link on absurd ICD 10 codes:



Yes they are absurd, but I would bet that on at least some of them someone went to a doctor for it and they had no idea how to classify it.

CM said...

Either that or the people developing the ICD 10 codes wanted to put in an Easter Egg reference or be funny. Kind of like the bit about smokeless CPUs being incompatible with Linux Redhat 6.1 in the documentation:


From the link:

Smokeless CPUs: Smokeless CPUs are incompatible with the linux kernel and it is doubted that any work will ever be performed to change this. They are simply too unreliable in even the most standard system configuration. Those with a CPU missing its Magic Smoke should switch to a new CPU.

Anyone who has worked on electronics will tell you that this is an in-house joke.

Christiane said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Christiane said...

Christiane said...
If we are going to talk money and value and economics in the midst of a national tragedy, I did find out something interesting myself:

they have new 'covid-19' body bags for sale that are under $100 dollars per bag. Some with 'handles', some without.

The 'standard' models range from about $ 20.00 to $ 30.00.
The 'heavy duty' models range on up from there, but most of the heavy duty models come with handles. The only 'standard' model I saw WITH handles was $30.

I am wondering about our 'values' in this country and just how much it costs us to keep divisions going, in blood and in treasure. I am wondering what happened that 'freedom' in some circles sounds an awful lot like 'no way am I my brother's keeper' and how did it come to that????

A leader doesn't want to 'wear a mask' 'cause he doesn't think he looks good in it. I get that. So he doesn't wear the mask. And at the same time he is saying 'this is all a 'hoax' ' and people don't need to wear masks OR to distance from one another. And he holds a rally in the beloved heartland of our nation and his good friend attends in support, and is dead six weeks later and the leader mourns the loss of his friend.
That makes me think a lot about what's important and what isn't and in what odd places on this Earth people's main concern is to send a signal of complete trust in a 'leader' who tells them 'this virus will all completely disappear soon.'

What are we doing, good people?

And now we prepare to send the nation's children into situations that are unprepared for something so dangerous that we would not want our 'own' children to face, if we are honest about it. A beloved son or daughter sent into a classroom that must hold thirty-five students, some ill-behaved, some hygienically ill-prepared without proper masks that are too expensive for them to get, some just plain ill.



May I not grieve what we have lost that is REALLY important;
and it has nothing to do with gold or silver, no.

I want to go home again to my country I grew up in, but I don't know where it is anymore. And this breaks my heart, not for me, but for the sake of the helpless, and the children.
God have mercy on us. WHAT ARE WE DOING ????? What have we done? And WHY? Was it really 'worth it', all this chaos and death? In service of one man? I am unable to understand anymore. Heartbroken for the children.

Fri Jul 31, 11:38:00 PM 2020

Rex Ray said...


All the good things you said were diminished by saying: “In service of one man.” because you got into politics.

Christiane said...


I am mourning the truth that these children will be sent into harm's way BY COMMAND of a politician and his followers.

It is what it is. I cannot be more upset.

This country has always fought the good fight for freedom. But the sacrifices were made by our brave warriors who gave their lives for this country, not by our children.

We must disagree now, REX RAY.
This makes me sad also, but I am hopeful you understand, as I know a thing or two about working in public and private education, which I did for many years in various settings.
Our schools have become a favorite setting for mentally-ill people to act out violently, hence we get the deaths of little ones like the victims at Sandy Hook Elementary, whose killer was mentally disturbed, and twenty-six people died, most of them six and seven year olds (Newtown, Connecticut) Sadly, the conspiracy theorists used this tragedy to assault the parents further in the most dreadful kind of harassment.

But now, having become 'used to' these massacred of our children, do we now offer them up to more harm, when we might try to find 'a better way'?

The political reason, this:

"Last week, President Trump waded into the thorny debate over whether and how to reopen schools in his inimitable five-thumbed style, tweeting, "SCHOOLS MUST OPEN IN THE FALL!!!" Trump explained, "What we want to do is we want to get our schools open. We want to get them open quickly, beautifully, in the fall."

The president seemed disinterested in the complexities of a responsible reopening, declaring, "I disagree with @CDCgov on their very tough & expensive guidelines for opening schools ...They are asking schools to do very impractical things. I will be meeting with them!!!" (Rick Hess)

REX RAY, to me, this school-opening fiasco is tragic, and VERY politically-driven, I have friends still working as teachers who are resigning from their profession because of this, and they are devoted to their profession because they love children and want the best for them, and this is all too much for them,

so I know a thing or two about this, and I hope you understand my point of view.

The world seems very dark to me just now. Forgive, if I am too 'negative', but I am so sad for these children AND for the teachers who must work and put themselves and THEIR families in harm's way also. . . . .

used to be we had 'drills' in the classroom for what to do if an intruder with a gun came into the building;
but now, the 'intruder' will be silent and invisible and very deadly and the children don't understand so many things that are important

I'm upset, REX RAY. I am going to pray about it. Sometimes it's all too much.

Rex Ray said...


Would you agree that churches are much like schools? I mean churches have children.

If churches were closed, would you want our President to order them to be open or ignore it?

I don’t see much difference.

(Some parents don’t attend church, but drop their children off.)

CM said...


A couple things.

First, quarantines, public health issues, etc. are handled at the state and local level and that has always been the case (for good or bad). SCOTUS decisions and precedence have shown that states have a wide latitude in dealing with public health crises. PERIOD.

Second, same things with schools (LOCAL and STATE control - remember conservatives used to say that when it came to funding things like the Department of Education, push back against COMMON CORE, etc.). Again for good or bad.

Simply put that Federalism thing in the Constitution.

So the bottom the line is that the POTUS can't order jack one way or the other. Whether it is ordering schools or churches to open or ordering them closed.

CM said...


So if anyone is unhappy about your city or state regarding opening or closing, take it up with them. And if you still don't like it, you are free to move elsewhere. Again, that Federalism thing.

Anonymous said...

"The point is the there is nothing WRONG with a code used on a death certificate. And since we don't do beheadings by execution here in the US, this code would NEVER appear on a death certificate in the US."

CM - you gave me a chuckle with your triple post on the least of my points regarding medical corruption. :) Never say never...there are multiple credible sources over the years within and without that affirm certain FEMA camps have guillotines. I'll take their word over GOV's any day of the week. The late Justice Scalia warned Americans law will be suspended and will most likely be detained against their will in concentration camps in the near future. No doubt they will be using the corrupt medical system and the media with this fabricated crisis to do so.

"Of course, there have been countless reports about internment facilities all across the United States set up under the aegis of the Federal Emergency Management Agency — so-called “FEMA camps.” In 2006, a Halliburton subsidiary was even handed a $385-million contract to build a vast network of “detention centers” for the Department of Homeland Security. Officials downplayed the news, saying the camps were simply meant to prepare for a potential massive influx of immigrants.

Stories and fears about “FEMA camps” are often dismissed by the establishment and even some credible researchers who have investigated. The centers, however, along with countless videos claiming to show camps across the United States, have fueled strong suspicion all across the political spectrum. Meanwhile, even a cursory review of the so-called “executive orders” issued over the last century shows that the executive branch believes it can seize virtually total control of the nation in the event of an “emergency” declared by the president."


With FEMA heavily soliciting for workers during this plandemic and constantly servicing/stocking their camps (the one near me is going at it non stop weekly with choppers), one can only assume they are planning for chaos in the near future. With all fifty states declaring states of emergencies FEMA is in charge. They have the US divided up into ten regions or zones.


Anonymous said...

I would also add that the mask mandates are also producing loads of information with the help of the big corporations that are complicit in using their AI and biometric security systems to identify the nonconforming citizens, and handing the info over to those in power. Remember the big push to get every state on board with the REAL ID ACT and driver's licenses? That made it much easier to ID everyone who updated their license.

On a side note - our state finally caved and put exemption clauses in the Executive Orders effective yesterday. Guess my wife's letter and emails with important information had some sensibility, along with anyone else who tooted their horn. Hopefully, there will be no more hostility towards my wife in the stores with people blocking her with their shopping carts to yell at her for no mask. They seem to leave me alone. :)


Christiane said...


I'm likely not comprehending your comparison;

but I can say I think it is morally wrong to place any innocent helpless person into harm's way knowingly. Children have no voice but those who love them and want the best for them and when those voices refuse to speak up,
what then?

And why? If I could BEGIN to understand 'why', I might be more peaceful, but I cannot.

'looking away' and 'keeping silent' when innocents are betrayed into harm's way seems so abhorrent to any Christian way of life, and I am not able to process the thinking, no.

There is an old manipulation 'game' called 'Let's you and him go fight' where the instigator stands back and watches from a safe distance to see 'who wins'. And when I see someone whose child will NOT be placed knowingly in harm's way suggest that the citizens he supposedly serves offer their own children to situations that are not protected,
I am appalled by this betrayal.

For some reason, those who are devoted to the unborn surviving, have in many cases sided with a 'leader' who will not extend grace to the born who cannot protect themselves from his policies.

Manipulation? 'cutting off federal funds' from school districts that don't 'play ball' is a form of coercion, because Goodness Knows, it will take some threats to get parents and school administrators and teachers to 'co-operate' in this satanic experiment. That is how I see this.

I don't trust any entity/entities that try to profit politically off of exposing innocent people to a virus that has killed so many. How could I?

The children deserve so much better than what awaits them at the hands of those who disregard any and all the warnings to protect our nation's school children. The children don't deserve to 'tweets' that suggest they be placed in harm's way knowingly because, this:

"The president seemed disinterested in the complexities of a responsible reopening, declaring, "I disagree with @CDCgov on their very tough & expensive guidelines for opening schools ...They are asking schools to do very impractical things. I will be meeting with them!!!"

the ONLY reason for the 'hurry-up' would be November 3rd is coming and polls are down and it takes a work force back 'on the job' to help the economy and their kids need to be in school for them to go to work quickly,
so trumpism will not get voted out of power . . .

no other 'good reasonl for the 'hurry up' and expose the littles to a deadly virus, no, the sacrifice is too dear to make in this case, indeed

hence, my heart-break for all touched by this madness, and mostly for the littles and the vulnerable

it doesn't have to be this way

RB Kuter said...

I am so very tired of all the political ranting and raving going on this year. It is totally the worse election year we have EVER had. General election years are always terrible but before this one it was mainly irritating simply due to the barrage of campaign ads.

This year is over the top. Who know if someone intentionally manipulated the COVID virus to escalate to the levels it has, but along with the tremendous media hype related to it, to the race atrocities by several policemen, and all the riots and collateral damage to the economy, it has become so absurd so as to cause everyone to have mental depression!

I have been as worse as anyone in throwing my two cents worth into the pool of debate but am growing very weary of it all. That's a big statement for me because normally I "like" all the political drama and game playing that goes along with it. But this year is over the top.

It has come to the point that all of us seem to be pretty absurd to me. I mean, all the finger pointing at this one and that one being responsible for stuff that nobody but God has control over. Obviously, just about everyone is trying their best to deal with the virus. Nobody has intentionally tried to hurt anyone. Nobody suggests to send kids into monstrous COVID beds. The reality is that kids don't get it. Safety precautions can be made.

But none of that matters. We all, myself included, get caught up in the hype and parrot whatever our side of the boxing ring is propagating. We sure are gullible pawns who fall right into the trap of the scheming politicians' propaganda machine.

Christiane said...

Hello Mr. Kuter,

Do you see any national plan to get a handle on this virus, because I don't. So I must doubt that everything is being done that can be done.

And you are right: no sane country would put its children into harm's way OR place them 'in the middle of' a raging culture war in the midst of an out-of-control pandemic.

Putting our children in the middle of all this trouble would be a moral catastrophe that we would never recover from. Children can't handle this and they shouldn't have to.

What plan do you see that tells you 'everything is being done that can be done'? Maybe I have missed something? And thank you.

Rex Ray said...


Your saying, 'Let's you and him go fight' reminds me many years ago of my mother
‘jumping on’ my Uncle Hez.

“You come over here and ask something controversial about the Bible that gets people arguing. You never say anything but enjoy watching others argue.

I think that about Wade sometimes as he’s never said any of the 52 comments. What about you? :)

Christiane said...

Good Morning, REX RAY

I think WADE is a very kind and generous host to put up with the likes of all of us. He must have more patience and LONG-SUFFERING than most people. All I know is everytime I get REALLY upset (it usually involves how children are being treated), I've been known to get thrown off of a blog site. The last time was Gene Vieth's 'Cranach' blog, but I think the culprit may not have been Mr. Vieth, but one of his cohorts whose name I will not mention. I probably deserved getting put out on the curb as I was very upset about the treatment of the border babies and when I get that upset, I'm liable to say just about anything and if memory serves, I probably offended their right-wing sensitivities, past all edurance on their part, for which I must forgive them, as I was probably beastly. :)

I don't think this is a 'manipulative' site, no. I think it is more like allowing the Holy Spirit to 'go where He wills' and when Christian people here share their own experiences in the faith, it encourages rather than discourages;
and it helps others (like myself) to begin to understand what is meaningful to those from 'another branch of the family' so to speak. In short, this site is a blessing. As is Wade's sermons on Wartburg Watch each Sunday. The thing is that Wade has suffered for standing up for abused people, and I find that to be a remarkably Christ-like action on his part. And that took humility, which brings 'grace', which likely helped Wade be more patient with people on his blog, as long as they weren't abusing others here. Even then I think he tried to offer help rather than contempt for them. So, 'blessing', not 'game-playing' is my opinion after years of observation. Not that I agree with everything, but there is some core here of strength that I think is derived from kneeling at the Cross, and being Catholic, I get that and admire it greatly.

Well, today is Sunday. I hope people 'shelter', but if they don't, I hope they wear a mask TO PROTECT OTHERS, as is known to be the case medically.

Lot's of prayer for friends, for Bob Cleveland and his family who are grieving, for people with chronic medical problems and pain, for people 'who don't understand yet' what in time we all may come to understand (I include myself in this needy lot).

You take care of yourself, REX RAY. These are troubled times. God have mercy on us all.

Rex Ray said...


After you wrote those nice true things about Wade, I sort of hate to make the comment I’d already written before reading yours. But here it is.


Today’s SS lesson Scripture is from the Holman Christian Standard Bible
where Paul writes Ephesians 3:14-15:

“I bow my knees before the Father from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named.”

RB Kuter said...

"What plan do you see that tells you 'everything is being done that can be done'? Maybe I have missed something? And thank you."

One thing that perhaps is impossible for us to achieve is to alternate our image of the President implementing the Administration. For example, if Barak Obama was President and had the wisdom and boldness to do exactly what this President has done throughout this on-going, unprecedented (in the sense of its development and degree) virus pandemic, you would be all praise and affirmation. But given who is in the driver's seat now, it is impossible for you to accurately assess his effectiveness.

I never heard scathing outrage over the former Administration's support and expansion of abortion and that's because he was your choice.

What is my national plan? I would seek to limit the sources entering this country. I would seek to hear from those epidemiologists who might have insight as to what could be anticipated as the next stages, as to how best to prevent its spread. Being unprecedented, even the experts could not determine what was best initially and it was a "try and see" method with them changing their advice and sometimes coming up with proposals that contradicted their former ones.

I doubt that I would have been as submissive to the advice of the "experts" as this President has been. I doubt that I would have instigated the shelter in place to the extent they have done. I doubt I would have implemented the bans on gatherings as they have done. I probably would have encouraged churches to remain "open" as they have allowed huge gatherings for "protests" (?) and riots to take place.

But I probably would have made errors too. Your total lack of acknowledgement, and that of all on your opposing side, as to what this President HAS done is typical and portrays the blind politicization of assessment that can be expected. I admit, when the side opposing my choice is in power I do the same.

RB Kuter said...

Sorry, but some other thoughts about "my" plan came to mind; I would never have supported or signed a bill to in-debt US taxpayers "TRILLIONS" of dollars to give away like candy to people who don't need or deserve it or who end up making much more than they did on their job income. Given that I would not have shut down the nation, it would not have been necessary.

I would not have "tested" millions and millions of people who have no symptoms. I would have insisted that ALL possible remedies proven safe and reported by many doctors to be effective to be offered and the results observed to see which is most effective.

Could go on, but won't. Likely my plan would have been worse than what has been done. Also, much of what this President has done has been in response to situations likely instigated by the opposition.

Christiane said...

is this accurate?


Anonymous said...

Governors of NY, OH and now CA have admitted on film they do not have the power to mandate anything (none of these shutdowns or mask orders have gone through the legislative process). In other words, the executive orders are on the level of suggestions. Yet, thousands of arrests, fines, business closures, people dying from lack of hospital services, etc., have resulted.


Hillbilly :)

Rex Ray said...


You gave a link and asked if it was true. Sounded true to me. On March 17, 2020, it listed 6,421 cases of the virus and 108 deaths.

That was the day my brother was relieved of pneumonia as he met Jesus.

RB Kuter said...

Christiane, I'm sure there are strains of truth somehow embedded in NPR's portrayal of things. It's like the original mention Trump made of whether the use of hydrodoxinchloroquine in one of this daily, hour-long press conferences when everything was being discussed and there was an open forum from the panel of medical researchers. He had just come from the non-public session with the panel prior to the public conference where they had discussed possible trials for various remedies including hydrodoxinchloroquine, so Trump brought it up, looking at the medical experts standing on the sidelines as he said that various methods were being considered including hydrodoxinchloroquine.

All of a sudden, the hostile media jumped on this as an absurd Trump fantasy that was ridiculous and some whack-o and his wife caught on to the "chlorine" idea and used the chlorine made for fish tanks and died! All this was attributed to Trump!

So, yes, NPR saying that things were done in the early days of this crisis is true but without mention of adjustments being made as more data was available.

It's like any on-going war or crisis or football game when on the spot decisions must be made as to the play or counter-response occurring at that moment.

In reality, there is ZERO action taken by the Administration that could have been said to be in error at that moment. The "intentions" were serious and genuine. The "highest resources" were called upon AND hearkened to even though their fallibility was disclosed as well as the President's. The entire industrial complex, military and all Federal resources were mobilized to address shortages of materials, medical equipment and medications as directed primarily by the acknowledged medical experts giving guidance, even when sometimes giving misled information as proven AFTER their recommendations.

But it doesn't matter, Christiane, how efficiently or competently this Administration dealt with the crisis to those bent or portraying it as being disastrous. The COVID virus itself would be attribute by them as originating from the Administration if possible, and if that is a bit too absurd, even for them, then they can manufacture a version where he is responsible for its spread,
the murder of Floyd,
the subsequent riots,
the deaths of the aged in the residents for the elderly in New York where the Mayor insisted that infected residents return,
the seizing of Seattle, Portland,
the burning of the sections of the cities,
pulling down of the monuments,
Washington, DC church vandalized
and the hurricane in Texas!

The fact is, IF the face and name was changed from Trump to Obama, you AND NPR would be taking an entirely different position in support of the way things have been handled. I probably would as well.

As mentioned, you, and probably I, CANNOT accurately assess the functioning of this Administration or that of those politicians associated with the party that we support or oppose in Washington. We are blind to the truth and intent because we are continually fed from the political slant given to us by those sources from which we glean our information, like NPR, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, Fox News, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, etc.

I think the best angle for you and I to take would simply be to not try to even propose our opinion as being of substantive fact. We're too biased. It's difficult for anyone to have an "original" opinion not biased according to the noise going on around us.

Rex Ray said...

Many years ago, a man asked if Hez remember him.
“You grabbed my leg.”

30 years earlier, Doug was screaming as loud as he could because he had fallen through the roof of an aircraft hangar. He was hanging by one leg 55 feet above concrete. His shoe was caught in a roof support beam. He was yelling, “My foot’s coming out of my shoe!”

Hez told the strongest high-school kid to grab his ankles. Four other boys held that kid’s ankles, and they lowered Hez down.

Doug’s foot slipped out of his shoe. His scream was cut short because he felt Hez grab his ankle.

RB Kuter said...

Hey, guys, if you REALLY want to read something from a genuine, God-fearing, man who is embedded in the activities of the Federal Government, read this amazing link. It is one powerful sermon and an accurate, true testimony as to the basis of our intended Government.


Christiane said...

Is there anyone here who might want to offer what they believe is the NATIONAL response to fighting this virus?

Is there any NATIONAL consensus? Or not?

And if not, WHY NOT? Our nation is in great trouble now, as a nation . . . we have over 150,000 dead of this virus, we have economic problems, and millions of our countrymen and women are facing eviction from their homes or apartments. That is a lot of people.

What IS the national plan? I do not know, is why I ask.
(I don't mean to upset anyone, but our nation's school children are now going to be at risk in this crisis.)

At the very LEAST, is there a national plan for the sake of our nation's school-aged children? Something that will protect them ALL? Even that would be a good start, if there is still nothing proposed.

RB Kuter said...

Christiane, I know you are seeking input from others but perhaps there is one aspect of this Administration's response that I might mention that seems to lead you to conclude there has been no "national" response.

This Administration leans more strongly to a "federalist" style of governing than those from the "left" would apply, which would be a more assertive and high-profile application of power by the national/central government.

So this Administration has avoided "telling" state governments how they "must" respond to the crisis. A federalist approach sees the Central/National government's function as being to respond and support those decisions and requests rendered by the state-controlled governments. This is "federalism" at play when the national government acknowledges its limitations as directed by the Constitution.

In dealing with crisis that impacts the entire nation, the National government serves at the pleasure of those state governments. It makes available national and international information to which it has access. It uses its collective financial resources in response to what the states say they need. It really is a genius form of government when you think about it.

The Central Government can also function within this framework by using its influence to mobilize the resources of the private sector to increase the manufacture and supply of all of those materials that the state governments request and report are needed to meet the needs in their states. It still avoids mandating that the private sector respond to shortages but can use its influence to encourage its supportive involement as evidenced by the tremendous surge in supplies for medical/hospital needs.

This is NOT the method that would be used by the "leftist"-style Government. The current Administration has not taken the "leftist" approach of being more assertive and directive and "requiring" that the entire nation do what it concludes they should do. Hence, the less visible, high-profile, forceful, involvement of the national government into the local affairs that we would see with the application of a more “leftist” approach. Some feel comforted by a more heavy-handed involvement of the national government. Kind of like some church members are more comfortable having an authoritarian style pastor to tell them what to do. But others of us feel more intimidated by that level of forceful application of power.

The "left" approach would be to create and enforce measures to be taken and then require its application across the board whether it was appropriate on a local level or not. It would require those states reporting no cases of COVID to take the same "shut-down" measures as the more densely populated and more highly infected areas like New York City.

"Leftists" apply this more assertive style of governing by the central government and when it is not present, leftists conclude that the National Government is doing nothing; hence the confusion that "there is NO 'national' plan" when the federalist-style is used.

There has been a “national plan”, only it is less conspicuous due to the method of having more dependency upon the local state governments for its application, which follows the intent of the US Constitution's structure of a "federal" style government.

Christiane said...

Thank you, Mr. Kuter, for the explanation.

I think what is needed may be a plan that is more in tune with 'porous' borders between our states and localities. And although, I am for 'local politics' as much as the next one, I think this covid-19 thing might be a bit much to be handled piece-meal. My opinion, of course, but I appreciate the time you took to write your explanation, and yes, it made sense if one thought that the 'subsidiary' approach might be best for the problem. I tend to think that a 'solidarity' approach might be needed as, right now, what is being done hasn't worked.

This is a difficult problem. We are a big country with a lot of 'independent' thinkers, but I am not seeing things getting any better so maybe a different approach, perhaps like the ones in more successful countries used, might turn things around for the better. (?)

Thanks again.

RB Kuter said...

Christiane, it has been a crazy ride, huh? The ups and downs are amazing. Europe too seems to be at wits end as thousands protest in Germany against the government's attempt for continued assertion of virus restraints. France as well.

The important thing is for you and me to be wise and seek to avoid risks that are unnecessary. Some good things have come from this all, I think. Like what appears to be a reduction in incidents of colds and other contagious illnesses. I see where the concept of working at home is taking hold and will no doubt be something that continues after the virus threat has diminished simply because it makes sense and is more practical for some types of jobs than commuting for hours each day through smog-infested highways to get to the office to do what they could be doing at home and probably more efficiently.

It certainly has made us more aware of measures we can take to reduce contracting contagious illnesses. Another thing which "might" be effected in a positive light is a reduction in the huge amount of infections acquired during surgical procedures at hospitals. That was out of control in our Atlanta area and the greatest fear of having knee surgery was coming out of it with a subsequent infection in the area where the prosthesis had been inserted that required multiple additional surgeries to address. It was bad! Perhaps the increased emphasis of sanitizing surgery areas and instruments and proper sterilization along with the greatly reduced number of surgeries during this virus will show an on-going improvement.

Let's review it this time next year to see what we think!

CM said...

RB Kuter,

Just to piggyback off your comments. I suspect once is all said and done, many workers will be telecommuting from home permanently (especially once those new telecommuters get used to it). This will mean a reduction in traffic, congestion, etc. It will also mean that all those restaurants and services which cater to the office worker crowd will take a permanent hit.

That being said, eateries, stores, and services which embrace online sales, ordering, service etc. will stand to benefit. This means the retail apocalypse (especially in malls) will continue.

1) Mall foot traffic is down significantly in the past ten years.
2) Online sales and non-mall brick and mortar locations which will take sales away from malls.
3) According to a Swiss study some years ago, it was estimated that up to 25% of the enclosed shopping malls in the US will close by 2025.
4) There was a binge of overbuilding up through the 1990s.
5) As it is, shopping malls are a relic of the Baby Boomer / Early Gen-X generations. Gen-X (and even more so the Millennials and Gen-Z do not go to malls). Once the boomers retire and die off so will the enclosed shopping mall.

COVID-19 only serves to accelerate this trend.

RB Kuter said...

CM, you bring up some very valid points regarding the collateral impact of much of what is going on. As you mention, the decreasing mall traffic preceded the Virus but it no doubt has exasperated the situation.

The "stay at home office" will also have a negative impact on those businesses depending upon the downtown traffic of workers who formerly came in to the office and then gave business to the small shops and restaurants depending upon them. But who knows what adjustments will be made and how the traffic flows will shift to perhaps accommodate business close to the home as workers there go out with family more and their more flexible schedules accommodate their patronage at different shops.

The ingenuity of the American small business entrepreneur to adjust to change never ceases to amaze me. It's on the awesome marvels of our capitalistic system. It's like a flow of water going downstream. When it encounters a new obstruction or obstacle the water adjusts its path and seeks the weakest avenue to accommodate its continuing. Thus is the American business. Adjustments will be made and perhaps new avenues discovered that provide more prosperity for the creative entrepreneur than they formerly had.

Not so with the socialist/Marxist system that controls and smothers the ingenuity, drive and motivation of the business owner and inflicts its own controls to accommodate the state rather than the other way around.

The malls may continue their downward spiral from that image we have of former grandeur and luxury centers. But this new change could even have an impact on the mindset of consumers who are ready to get out and experience the joy and entertainment of doing their shopping in person, with family and friends, instead of sitting at home using the internet.

Or the malls could convert to other ventures of income, like being re-fitted to accommodate senior citizen villages all contained within one central location and facility. Or perhaps some of them will become high angle type flea market complexes.

This is the amazing aspect of Americans and our system.

One amazing thing I was just made aware of is that credit card debt has drastically DECREASED for our population! What a shocker that was to me! I figured it would increase due to people sitting at home and shopping on the internet as a means of filling their empty space of time and activity. Apparently, not so!

It is REALLY encouraging to me! Americans are NOT stupid as so many politicians propose. It is no wonder that, given the freedom and space to apply their own means and ideas, America's business flourishes.

RB Kuter said...

CM, you bring up some very valid points regarding the collateral impact of much of what is going on. As you mention, the decreasing mall traffic preceded the Virus but it no doubt has exasperated the situation.

The "stay at home office" will also have a negative impact on those businesses depending upon the downtown traffic of workers who formerly came in to the office and then gave business to the small shops and restaurants depending upon them. But who knows what adjustments will be made and how the traffic flows will shift to perhaps accommodate business close to the home as workers there go out with family more and their more flexible schedules accommodate their patronage at different shops.

The ingenuity of the American small business entrepreneur to adjust to change never ceases to amaze me. It's on the awesome marvels of our capitalistic system. It's like a flow of water going downstream. When it encounters a new obstruction or obstacle the water adjusts its path and seeks the weakest avenue to accommodate its continuing. Thus is the American business. Adjustments will be made and perhaps new avenues discovered that provide more prosperity for the creative entrepreneur than they formerly had.

Not so with the socialist/Marxist system that controls and smothers the ingenuity, drive and motivation of the business owner and inflicts its own controls to accommodate the state rather than the other way around.

RB Kuter said...

CM, thoughts that also came to mind:

The malls may continue their downward spiral from that image we have of former grandeur and luxury centers. But this new change could even have an impact on the mindset of consumers who are ready to get out and experience the joy and entertainment of doing their shopping in person, with family and friends, instead of sitting at home using the internet.

Or the malls could convert to other ventures of income, like being re-fitted to accommodate senior citizen villages all contained within one central location and facility. Or perhaps some of them will become high angle type flea market complexes.

This is the amazing aspect of Americans and our system.

One amazing thing I was just made aware of is that credit card debt has drastically DECREASED for our population! What a shocker that was to me! I figured it would increase due to people sitting at home and shopping on the internet as a means of filling their empty space of time and activity. Apparently, not so!

It is REALLY encouraging to me! Americans are NOT stupid as so many politicians propose. It is no wonder that, given the freedom and space to apply their own means and ideas, America's business flourishes.

RB Kuter said...

CM, some other thoughts that came to mind:
The malls may continue their downward spiral from that image we have of former grandeur and luxury centers. But this new change could even have an impact on the mindset of consumers who are ready to get out and experience the joy and entertainment of doing their shopping in person, with family and friends, instead of sitting at home using the internet.

Or the malls could convert to other ventures of income, like being re-fitted to accommodate senior citizen villages all contained within one central location and facility. Or perhaps some of them will become high angle type flea market complexes.

This is the amazing aspect of Americans and our system.

One amazing thing I was just made aware of is that credit card debt has drastically DECREASED for our population! What a shocker that was to me! I figured it would increase due to people sitting at home and shopping on the internet as a means of filling their empty space of time and activity. Apparently, not so!

It is REALLY encouraging to me! Americans are NOT stupid as so many politicians propose. It is no wonder that, given the freedom and space to apply their own means and ideas, America's business flourishes.

Christiane said...

"If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn't do it, it is sin for them."

(James 4:17)

RB Kuter said...

CM, some other thoughts that came to mind:
The malls may continue their downward spiral from that image we have of former grandeur and luxury centers. But this new change could even have an impact on the mindset of consumers who are ready to get out and experience the joy and entertainment of doing their shopping in person, with family and friends, instead of sitting at home using the internet.

Or the malls could convert to other ventures of income, like being re-fitted to accommodate senior citizen villages all contained within one central location and facility. Or perhaps some of them will become high angle type flea market complexes.

This is the amazing aspect of Americans and our system.

One amazing thing I was just made aware of is that credit card debt has drastically DECREASED for our population! What a shocker that was to me! I figured it would increase due to people sitting at home and shopping on the internet as a means of filling their empty space of time and activity. Apparently, not so!

It is REALLY encouraging to me! Americans are NOT stupid as so many politicians propose. It is no wonder that, given the freedom and space to apply their own means and ideas, America's business flourishes.

Christiane said...

Is trumpism an anti-gospel?


Rex Ray said...


I read a page of your link, but knew I couldn’t stand to read the other three pages. (What’s your point?)

RB Kuter said...

Are you asking if those who support Trump as President are opposed to Jesus Christ as Lord? Don't get the gist of the question and sure don't get the gist of the link. Sorry.

Christiane said...

the gist of the link?

it's a kind of 'parable'
about a 'trade' people sometimes make in order to get 'what they want' at a 'cost'

for many, the trade is accepted

but for some, they will walk away from the 'paradise' because they cannot accept the 'cost'

It reminds me of this from the Holy Gospel of St. Matthew 4:8
" 8Again, the devil took Him to a very high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. 9“All this I will give You,” he said, “if You will fall down and worship me.”

If you read that parable/allegory in the light of Matthew 4:8,
you may begin to comprehend the link;

but don't stress about it in any case

people see different things in the link;

some folks are willing to make a trade-off to get themselves the kind of country they want to live in, and many people voted accordingly;
but THEN, when some of these people learned the 'cost' of trumpism, they 'walked away'

I think the 'meaning' of the link lies in the part where eventually people 'find out' what the 'cost' is. That 'confrontation' is a test of their character. Of who they are. Of what is MOST IMPORTANT to them.

in the end, people read what they want to into the story by LeGuin, so it is a 'mirror' for them, and their response to it gives them insight into their own humane reactions

Mr. Kuter, do not stress over this. I'm sorry if any of this troubles you. I'm sad for our children during this covid plague and I write sometimes what I feel and it is insensitive of me not to consider first the feelings of others. Be at peace, Our Lord cares for us in spite of all troubles.

Rex Ray said...


“when some of these people learned the 'cost' of trumpism, they walked away.”

You just can’t let it go, can you? Did you cry with Hillary when she didn’t win?

I believe one of the worst things that hurt Hillary was when Obama ‘rooted’ for her. In my opinion, he is the worst President America has ever had.