Monday, March 19, 2012

The Time Has Come: Another Reason the Southern Baptist Convention Needs a Clergy Sexual Abuse Database

A sexual assault occurred on the campus of Southeastern Theological Seminary, Wake Forest, North Carolina, last Saturday, March 17, 2012. William Watson Birch sexually assaulted a 25-year-old male student at the seminary in the victim’s dorm room. After the incident, the victim called the police. According to television reports, Wake Forest police questioned Birch about the incident and he admitted to sexually assaulting the student. William Birch, 43 years old, previously worked in hotel managment, but was at Southeastern earning a M.Div in Church History. Several website owners have expressed their thoughts and prayers for William Birch. Allow me to express my thoughts and prayers for the victim and his family. According to police reports, the victim was assaulted while "in a mentally incapacitated and physically helpless state." This is usually police language for the victim being drugged (edit: Some defenders of Mr. Birch claim the language could mean the victim was 'sleeping.') Such predatory behavior is bold and brash, often indicative of a pattern of previous criminal activity. Since this is William Birch's first brush with the law, competent legal attorneys may plea bargain to a lesser offense. Regardless, a confession has already been obtained. William Birch's name ought to be placed in a data base accessible to all Southern Baptist churches for all time. Sexual assaults should disqualify William Birch from ever serving as a minister in any church, regardless of his remorse or repentance. According to Birch's LinkedIn profile, he professes to have studied Arminianism for the past ten years and is a now 'former' Calvinist. In spite of Birch's current beliefs, it is ordained that his ministerial career end. God willing, it will be the Southern Baptist Convention, by voting for a clergy sexual abuse database, that will be the means through which God brings an end to his ministry and others like him.


rebeca cole said...

This might be his first brush with the law, but I guarantee you, this isn't the first time he's done this. Southern Baptists should stop worrying about name changes and take every measure to protect church members and all people from sexual predators like this guy.

Jacob Cerone said...

While I completely agree with your concern that the SBC, and any church/denomination, should have safeguards such as a sexual abuse database, I am not entirely sure what this incident has to do with the Soteriological debate between Calvinists and Arminians.

Wade Burleson said...


It has nothing to do with the soteriological debate and everything to do with my poor effort at being witty. :)

Anonymous said...

"Several website owners have expressed their thoughts and prayers for William Birch."
This is so typical in todays society and churches. Their are others who feel sorry for the abusers(whatever that abuse may be)instead of the victims. It just goes to show how twisted people are in their thinking, that they would be so concerned about the abuser.

Victorious said...


I agree that this isn't likely his first offense.

The rate of recidivism is fairly high.

Anonymous said...

"Sexual assaults should disqualify William Birch from ever serving as a minister in any church, regardless of his remorse or repentance."


I am not sure what makes his sin worse than yours.

Wade Burleson said...


You write: "I'm not sure what makes his sin worse than yours."

In terms of guilt--nothing. In terms of victims--everything.

To violate the boundaries of another human being and sexually abuse them through rape or sodomy or some other means of sexual aggression is far different than other sins in terms of victimization. You go to jail for such activity, and I believe that a minister guilty of such predatory behavior permanently disqualifies himself from ever serving in church leadership.

Now, I'm about the last person in the entire world anybody would ever call a legalist, but if you think my position above warrants me that title, then I gladly embrace it.

buffaloesoldier said...

Having ministered in a prison for many years as a volunteer and assistant Chaplain, I have seen several or know of several who have been ordained and are or have done time for sex related crimes. Anyone who puts a seminary student, religious leader or even a pastor on some high moral pedestal needs to recognize that they have come out of the same society as we have and are vulnerable as we are.

Pege' said...

Are we living on the same planet?

"Sexual assaults should disqualify William Birch from ever serving as a minister in any church, regardless of his remorse or repentance."
I am not sure what makes his sin worse than yours."

He drugged the victim and raped him. Pre-meditated.
Would you like to re think your post?
Maliciously got the drugs, placed them in food or drink for the purpose of, when the drugs took affect, raping this person.
God's grace can forgive him if the repentance is true.
Society and that includes the church society has consequences.
Even in forgiveness the fruit and reaping of sin has consequences.
Make the list!!
Make it now!!

Unknown said...

I agree that Mr. Birch does not need to be restored to the ministry. The Bible is very clear that someone who commits sexual sin receives a reproach that "will not be wiped away" (Prov. 6:33). While I pray that Mr. Birch receives all the love, support, and help he needs to get back on the right track with Christ, restoration to Christian ministry is clearly not an option since a man of God is to be "above reproach" (1 Tim. 3:2).

Anonymous said...

It is amazing out how quickly Christians jump on to conviction when they do not know all of the details.

It would be nice if the facts were actually correct before blogging about them, but hey, why push for accuracy on a platform that you use to represent Christ?

Birch has admitted guilt, but the guilt is of inappropriately touching his roommate and not raping them. The person was incapacitated as in sleeping but we are led to believe he was drugged due to the translation of the charges by the author.

I am speaking as one who was molested for years as a child. The victim should have sympathies for having to go through this, but do not make it out to be more than what it is. This is not the same as instances of date rape or child molestation.

He struggles with the desires of homosexuality that needs to be addressed by the church instead of making them slink around out of shame and abandonment. Have you ever asked yourself why this is more demonized by the church than pornography or infidelity? What about all of those little SBC boys and girls who are out there having sex before marriage?

Maybe the SBC should have a sexual registry in place, so you can track both the clergy who have done something criminal or just committed a sexual sin and then you can also include all of the volunteers that make the church function who have done the same. Let's keep those who give us a bad name away from our churches and our sermons on grace and forgiveness.

Anonymous said...

If the victim was sleeping the police report would say he was sleeping. "Mentally incapacitated" and "physically helpless" is not language for "sleeping."

Anonymous said...

My point was already made on this post by reading some of the posts here. People feel sorry for the preditor/abuser and the victim just needs to get over it. Sickening and twisted....

By the way, you can't rehab a predator of any kind. The church really needs to wake up to this reality. Some things in this life never get fixed and this is one of them.It's clear in scripture that God gives men up to their own passions and desires because they refuse to repent.

Anonymous said...

Xander... if he is inappropriatly touching his roomie or raping him either way I wouldnt want him leading my church where he has the opportunity to eventually get kids cornered at church camp or bible study and do this to them. I mean look at that basketball coach..he raped and molested kids for years. A guy in "power" it had to have gotten started somewhere with one person and then it just snowballed.

So yes a registry would be good.


Jc_Freak: said...


you have some of your information wrong and I thought you may appecitate some more details on what precisely happened. . I've read a letter from William Birch (which he has given permission to share the contents there of), and he has not confessed to rape or drugging someone. He inappropriately touched his roommate while his roommate was asleep. While what he did was wrong and sinful, your are extrapulating more from the report than what actually happened. I agree that concern for the victum should be our first priority, and I laud your focus on that.

Anonymous said...

People "inappropriate touching" by definiton falls under "molestation".

molestation n. the crime of sexual acts with children up to the age of 18, including touching of private parts, exposure of genitalia, taking of pornographic pictures, rape, inducement of sexual acts with the molester or with other children, and variations of these acts by pedophiles. Molestation also applies to incest by a relative with a minor family member, and any unwanted sexual acts with adults short of rape.

I know some are trying to downplay "inappropriate touching"as not as bad as rape, but come parent wants their kids around a rapist or a molester,especially one as a pastor or deacon or priest.
So yes bring on the registry.

Besides dont we as a congregation have a right to know about our leaders and whether they might be harmful or not in this regard?

Its kind of like the printing business. There is a materials data sheet book every printer has that talks about all the printing chemicals and whats in them and how each one rates on a flammable scale and the dangers, hazards and warnings of each. It is the printers right to know what they are working with so they can keep themselves, their workers, their customers, family, other businesses near by, and passers-by safe from harm.

The registry is like that to a congregation.


Jc_Freak: said...

Except this wasn't molestation. this happened with his roommate, a guy who was 6"1' according to Billy, unless you know people who are under 18 who attend seminaries. I am not condoning what Billy did here, but it wasn't rape, and it wasn't molestation. It was wrong, it was sin, and billy deserved to be arrested for it, but condemn him for what he did, not for something else.

Anonymous said...

It should never the matter the size of anyone whether they are 5.0 or 6.10. Fine Sexual assult, sexual harrassment, but just because the abuser calls it one thing doesnt mean that is what he was actually doing.

A man can say "I was playing games with my boy. I was not doing anything wrong." But what said man failed to say was "I was playing games that you play when you are having sex with another adult. I was doing that with my boy." and said man would probably it the first way because he knows how bad it would sound if he said it the other way.

So just because the abuser calls it one thing doesnt mean its what he actually did.


Anonymous said...

The Society of Evangelical Arminians of which Billy used to be on the executive committee has issued a public statement:

Wade Burleson said...


Thanks for the information. If you have contact with William, I would ask that you request on my behalf that I speak with him. While on the one hand, I believe his actions should be lodged on a data base from this moment forward, and while I condemn what he did to this man who was sleeping, I would like to personally offer William some help. If he will call me at (580) 237-0602 I will explain.

Jc_Freak: said...

anony, My point was that the victum was an adult so it is not molestation. That is all. I am not defending Billy. It is simply important that we know the facts and not succumb to gossip.

Jc_Freak: said...


I am sure that Billy will appreciate the offer, but he is already getting help. He has expressed a penitent attitude but only time will tell if he truly repents.

Wade Burleson said...


My offer was not for counseling. It was to help him with a job in hotel reservations through some contacts I have in the industry.

Anonymous said...

I agree that he should be disqualified from church ministry, but I would not disqualify him from any ministry for the rest of his life. If he is truly repentant, and justice is served, God may still use William yet. There are people in church struggling with the issues William struggles with, and God may see fit to give William a ministry to help those people having been at the worst of it. We have felons of all kinds doing this sort of work somewhere in Christendom.

If God can turn a religious terrorist worse than al-Queda into the greatest Gentile missionary in history who wrote 13 books in the NT, God can redeem William and use him in ministry one day. We should all pray as much. His victim has forgiven him, we should too. William should be punished, but also be restored to fellowship after he has served his sentence.

Wade Burleson said...


Of course, William SHOULD be restored to fellowship - but if he sexually violates someone against their consent, he should NEVER be allowed to be in ministry leadership. He can minister to people, but he can never lead people, that is, be responsible for the ministry dynamics (i.e. "be in charge"). That's the consequence of his sin.

Pege' said...

My Apologies for my inaccurate response to the facts.

Anonymous said...

What makes everybody believe that this guy is a Christian. There are tons of counterfeits in the church.

I don't think anyone can make this assumption that he is a Christian.

Of course I believe that a preditory type person is a pathilogical narcissist from the get go and therefore not a Christian.

Anonymous said...

If not having a data base gives us this much freedom to conjecture, I can only imagine what the data base would bring to the blog table. We would have to hire a seamstress to keep up with all the “Scarlet Letters” we would be handing out. "P"! I can imagine we would be proud of ourselves for leading the way.

Westboro is only a little ahead of us in the hatred of others dept.

- Hester Prynne

Anonymous said...

I was there that day, wanting to trap Jesus and prove along with my fellow religious leaders that we were on the side of the right. “Teacher”, I said. “She has committed a sexual sin, what are you going to do with her?” He looked at me with penetrating eyes then with authority knelt down and wrote, with his finger, in the sand. I’ll never forget what He wrote that day, I dare not repeat it for it brings back memories I prefer to forget. It caused me to walk away in shame for taking God’s job as my own. I walked away knowing the teacher God the woman and all I could hope was, would he forgive me, also. Forgive me for making it about the woman and not the sin. God loved that woman, I hope he will love me, also.

Anonymous said...

All I can say is WOW, to the two last posts. Most people don't understand a pathilogocal person.People assume that they think like "normal" people and they don't. If you have never grown up or been around them then you don't get a vote on this issue.Pathilogicals/predators are camelions and have no remorse for what they do. Yes, they can pretend to show remorse but it is all an act. Just like the pharasees.

Also, the women caught in adultry wasn't pathilogical and showed remorse. Nice try on that one.

Anonymous said...

"Pathilogicals/predators are camelions and have no remorse for what they do. Yes, they can pretend to show remorse but it is all an act. Just like the pharasees."

Interesting that you can proclaim that there has been no remorse shown or never could be. That's a mighty broad brush you paint with.

The posts you commented on was about forgiveness. Maybe I should have just asked: How would Jesus deal with these people? Would he be saying the things those making judgmental comments are saying? Would he proclaim that this man can never show remorse? That's not the Jesus I read about in scripture.

Maybe there is more than one unpardonable sin. The sin of the inability to be remorseful. Therefor there is no repentance possible so no pardon available.

Anonymous said...

How did Jesus deal with the Pharasees? He exposed them for who they are and the pharasees thought that there was nothing wrong with them.Just like a pathilogical narcissist feels no need for repentance because they are already above everyone else and can do no wrong. So how does one get to heaven if they don't have true remorse or repentance from their sin.

Did Jesus "judge" the pharasees because he exposed their true nature? It is not judgemental to expose someones true nature. Also, scripture is very clear about reprobates.

My guess is that you have never been around these type of people because of your comments. Well I have and these people are reaking havock in our churches today because of the lack of discernment in Christians. Not to mention how many peoples lives get destroyed because of them.

Anonymous said...

"How did Jesus deal with the Pharasees?"

How did Jesus deal with the one found in sexual sin?

I am not supporting any wicked behavior, what was done was wrong, pure and simple. The cross still reaches that far, in my world. The problem is, we don't.

"It is not judgemental to expose someones true nature."

And what is your true nature? Have you stopped and noticed how honest scripture is when it deals with man's nature? It shows us clearly the sinful nature was evident in the lives of our biblical heroes.

Let me ask one more question and if you respond to it, I will concede and not comment again on this post stream.

How would you deal with someone like W. Birch if they came and wanted to be a part of your church? If you really believe there is no hope and never repentance, you could not allow them to be near any member of the church you attend. If you believe God's grace is sufficient, the response may be different.

Anonymous said...

It's obvious to me that you don't understand these type of people or anything that I have written. So to go on with this convo with you is pointless. Also, you seem to portray a holier than thou attitude in your writings.

Anonymous said...

Since you did not answer the questions, and that's OK, I respond.

"It's obvious to me that you don't understand these type of people or anything that I have written."

OK, I'll use your approach. It's obvious you don't understand God's grace or anything I have written.

"So to go on with this convo with you is pointless."

I agree. If you need me to agree with you, then it is pointless.

"Also, you seem to portray a holier than thou attitude in your writings."

Same approach, again. You seem to portray an intellect superiority in your writings.

Anonymous said...

Wow, now I really know who YOU are.Twisting everything back to me. Thanks for exposing yourself, narc.

Wade Burleson said...

May I ask the two anonymous people arguing to either identify yourselves or take your arguments elsewhere.


rebeca cole said...

"Birch has admitted guilt, but the guilt is of inappropriately touching his roommate and not raping them." Xander, I don't know about this specific case, but I do know that sometimes an abuser will plead guilty to a lesser or reduced charge. This can spare the victim having to go to trial-which is good. It can also give an inaccurate picture of how serious the assault really was - which is bad and can lead to shorter or no prison time. Again, this may not be the case with this particular sexual abuse, but it does happen.

Anonymous said...

Wade, What do you mean identify yourself? And by the way, I'm surprised that you can't see through this person.

Anon 7:05

Wade Burleson said...


Just post with names. Please.

Mike Frost said...

"... by the way, I'm surprised that you can't see through this person."

And you did?


Anonymous said...

Mike, Yep...

Anonymous said...

Mike, just to clarify. I was already suspicious after their second post. By the way, Why do you care?

Anonymous said...

If you judge same measure will be done to you in return. Just saying. Best thing to do is keep silent on judging another person of a certain sin, less you find one day God visits your heart and your own sin is exposed for all to know and see? Best to deal with your own heart personally. Best for you to focus on your own self, and look in your heart and when you see another person who has done wrong, ask yourself, do i have this sin, do i have any part of this sin in my heart, have i visited doing any kidn of sin in relation to what this person has done? Judgers usually hide there own sins in there own hearts. best to never said "it is ordained" either...cuz usually onees who go thru greatest judgment and wrath under humans are ones who will give greatest glory to GOd. i dont think in anyway that it is okay to harm another person. but our warfare Is against demons inside of us and outside of us. so deal with your own personal self first. judge your own self first. dont a person, a school, or anything til you have walked under the extreme judgemnt of Gods ways first for your own sins of your own heart and you will be surprised to see what is in your own heart. s eriously..... CONFESS YOUR OWN SINS FIRST TO GOD AND ANOTHER. less one day it will take a hold of you too and you wont be judging another person or in way partaking in conversation of another. deal with yourself FIRST....judge your heart cirtically first under holines sof GOd. better to not say a thing about another person, another brother, another school. Deeal with deeep logs in your heart first. show grace, love, mercy just like others show to you way you are commenting. I forgive you. show grace and love and silent prayer. silent prayer is best route rather than openly speaking about another less you fall to same one day and feel same pain.

Anonymous said...

confess your own sins to God and another....and then obey gospel...dont be focuysed on further exposing another person.

Anonymous said...

once a person confesses God considers themn set free and cleaned and anytime you further judge someone after that you are reaping up coals for yourself...and also coming against God in HIm and piercing Son of God better confess your own sins first

Mike Frost said...

"By the way, Why do you care?"

Because they are my posts.

The owner of this blog asked us to use our names In submission to the owner of this blog, I complied. I believe it was necessary if I was going to continue to post.

Obviously, you do not.

Anonymous said...

you set the blog to anonymous for peopel to have ability to blog commetning anonymouisly. so set it way you wish. but just saying why not confess own sins first of what in heart. you would want to be shown mercy in your time of exposure. Gods Spirit can expose all things....satan is set ou tot kill steal and destroy and even uses christians to come and expose further other christians and talk bad abou tthem. billy has confessed. he is set free. God has cleansed him immediately. any further comign against him will be delt with by God. Confess your own sins with what is in your own heart first. best to be silent prayer then speaking badly of another. just saying. we better to submit to Christ....First.

Anonymous said...

if you wishto be forgiven and show mercy then show it in return. i forgive you. i hope you will be forgiving and merciful to others in return who have fallen. Confess your own sins first and deal with your own personal sins first. God loves you best wishes./

Marc B. said...

I think this situation brings to mind 1 Cor. 5, but also Galatians 6: 1-10.

Anonymous said...

you seem to have heart for school of sebts. but take a look at 1 corinthians 6. dont judge the students. judge your own heart personally. no one knows details but God and confessoin he made. he didnt rape anyone. im sure many christians hold secret sins in there herats....all of which from EVERYONE needs to be confessed! everyone! ai apologize i ddint see you had a care for sebts. but you do but show same mercy and forgiveness to students and dont judge others. judge your own hearts first and dont read into stuff.

The Seeking Disciple said...

I am friends with Birch and I can attest to his repentance. Only God truly sees his heart and knows his true heart (2 Timothy 2:19). Time will tell if he has truly repented of his sins though I believe he has (Matthew 3:8; 2 Corinthians 7:10). That said, I think we need to be careful when drawing hard lines in the sand over issues such as this one. Billy did not drug the victim as some assert. The man was asleep. Billy has confessed his struggles with sexual sins. He is a repentant man. Some will always doubt his repentance and again, only God knows his heart. I pray that he is true and somehow God can take this tragic event and turn it into something that can help the Church. God can.

BTW, the victim has forgiven Billy. Billy asked the man for his forgiveness and the man has forgiven him. Of course, legality must take place and Billy is well aware of this. He is trusting God for his future. He knows he did wrong and perhaps may be going to jail.

Anonymous said...

"God can turn a religious terrorist worse than al-Queda into the greatest Gentile missionary in history who wrote 13 books in the NT,"

That terrorist was not professing Christian while being a terrorist Pharisee and persecuting people. His conversion actually changed him. He stopped persecuting people!!!!

That is the missing piece here. Was Birch filled with the Holy Spirit while doing this? What is a "Christian"? Someone who is a long time professing believer who has a "lapse" and does this? Where is pure in heart? Where is blessed are the meek?

This was willful sin while knowing the truth. (See Hebrews 10: 26-31)

Birch should work out his salvation with fear and trembling. And we all need to go back and study why we think a "believer" can commit heinous acts and claim Christ. If salvation does not change us, what is the point


Wade Burleson said...

The Seeking Disciple,

That is good to hear. Thanks for commenting.

Marc B. said...


What is "willful" sin? What is "knowing the truth"? If/when you (or any believer) sin, do you somehow forget the truth? If/when you sin, are you an unwilling participant? Or do you not sin?

Please know one thing: I am not excusing or defending William's actions. I am trying to understand where you are coming from. I think it's important for us to have a Biblical understanding of sin and what that means for a believer. Are we all on a descending road to perfect purity, or are there highs and lows during our walk?

"1 My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if anybody does sin, we have an advocate with the Father—Jesus Christ, the Righteous One. 2 He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world."
- 1 John

" 1 Brothers and sisters, if someone is caught in a sin, you who live by the Spirit should restore that person gently. But watch yourselves, or you also may be tempted. 2 Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ."
- Galatians 6

Anonymous said...

wanted to apologize for any harm in my speaking. or any hrut caused. however i still feel that it is important to is best to be silent. and deal with our personal sins and walk under judgment of a Holy God and look at ourselves. when God delt with David, GOD delt with david. 1 corinthians 6. when God delt, it was God who delt. you didnt see a court of law taking david in.. you saw God hismelf deal with David. 1 corinthians 6. I truely beleive Gods word on this. we need to deal with sins in our own hearts, demons that are in our own personal hearts and confess oru sins so we can be set free and ask ourselves what personal sexual immoral perversion sins have i done at anytime in past in thought word action ro deeed that i need to personally confess. we just need to spend time in reflection of our own sins rather than speaking of another and causing more pain to any person involved.

TP said...

I'm sick and disgusted by blogs from "Christians". I know Billy and as sure as anyone can be he is saved. How many of us or those who claim salvation are perfect. We all sin. I don't know everything but in the south, cops, and a strict school who stands a chance? My trust is in the Lord. I pray for forgiveness if needed, help if the younger man struggles with anything. I pray for God's mercy and grace. If Billy can't minister to souls many will be lost. God used him to set me on fire for the Lord. None of us are sinless and no one sin out weighs another. Plus the only sin that sends us to hell is not accepting Christ. Some of u bloggers aren't setting loving,forgiving and justice as God sees it. Billy is a wonderful man and friend and I'll always count him as a dear friend I love. I pray for forgiveness and mercy! Billy never stop loving the Lord. All u nit pickers southern baptist doesn't have the corner on salvation or any of ur other nit picking things. Read what Jesus says about salvation with an open heart. God bless those involved in anyway.

TP said...

I agree with Xander, why is homosexuality so wrong when affairs happen daily in our churches? Greed, lies, making a church a club and the heck if ur new no matter how well God uses u when u get one chance because no one else wants it?
I know Billy, he is a dear friend and he didn't drug anyone, the law reads many ways plus we are talking about the south, cops, a conservative religious college and one that thinks SBC has a corner on christianity! Well wake up SBC doesn't and Calvinism and armineism is really getting not picky. I love Billy as my friend, my brother in Christ and thank him for teaching me, talking with me about the Lord and making me read all sides and the Bible to find God's word and way. Billy was used to get me into the word and the Lord like never before. If we lose him to ministry I'm afraid many souls will be lost. He always found time and the most loving, non judgmental way to share Jesus Christ.
I pray for healing, forgiveness, God's mercy and grace on those involved including families. I've been raped 4 times from childhood to teens by trusted people. Life moves on and I can't say this is rape as many have. No one knows who or what either were or are struggling with. SBC and Christians everywhere wake up. Homosexuality will not send u to hell, not accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior is the only sin that keeps u from heaven. What abt " no one sin outweighs another" ? If u judge u r as guilty so those judging pls fall to your knees and pray for forgiveness.
I know I know and love Billy and will always, as far as anyone knowing about someone's salvation Billy is saved he is like the rest of us- we are far from perfect. Also putting clergy, decons etc up high just makes them fall harder. Why don't we worry about ourselves and the lost and help people in need and stop blogging a bunch of lies, unknowns and judging. I know I can't stand up to judgement- only thru Christ. I'm done w reading lies sent to me but this was too much by many. I pray for all involved and I pray God has His will done, not the souths! God bless.