Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Hitler Rants Against the SBC Name Change to GCB

My son Logan Burleson has a very fertile imagination. Takes after his mother. :)


John said...

You are bad!

Wade Burleson said...


All in fun.

Ramesh said...

Any wine drinkers among the baptists would appreciate this ... after Robert Parker decided not to cover California ... Vinography > Hitler as California Cult Winery Owner.

FBC Jax Watchdog said...


Dee said...

I think I laughed harder in the last hour than in the month of March and I laugh a whole bunch. Kudos to your son.
The Wartburg Witch of the North

Wade Burleson said...

Tom and Dee,

You two and Wanda are stars! A viral video in the making.


Anonymous said...

Brilliant !!!

Sallie said...

Still wiping away the tears from laughing so hard.


Aussie John said...


Have you raised your son to be a fair dinkum 'strine? :)

Anonymous said...

LOL Awesome!! I actually watched this with other faces on the ones shown. A Seminary President in Tx was the Star in my version hehehehe

Romans 5:1

Anonymous said...

The truth has been spoken in this video.

Randall Slack said...

Now that is funny!

Rex Ray said...

WOW! Sometimes laughter teaches the best.

I wish somewhere Hitler would have said, “We’ll be known as ‘Good Christian Bitches’.

Alaskan in Texas said...

Best line, "It's okay. We can become Methodists."

Anonymous said...

Though I agree with alot of the statements, using Hitler is over the top and only gives fodder to those who disagree with you.

Anonymous said...

Anon you said:"
Though I agree with alot of the statements, using Hitler is over the top and only gives fodder to those who disagree with you."

IMO sometimes it is necessary to go way over the line to get some folks attention and they will probably continue to disagree regardless.

Patti said...

Anonymous, at first I was thinking the same thing because watching Hitler gives me a very uncomfortable emotion. But then when I reminisced about some of the SBC leaders and IFB people I was raised around and the bigotry and misogyny that still exists in it today, that always makes me feel icky too. Maybe there will be enough shock value in this clip to make some of the lay members, if they are questioning their church, take notice. I don't think SBC really understand how scary they are without our help exposing them. IDK, I just have yet to persuade a hardcore SBC by being nice, so maybe a not so nice tactic is in order.

Anonymous said...

Laughed really hard!! c-:
Your son did an awesome job!


DLF said...

That is the most clever thing I have seen in years. Major kudos to your son. Not only did he hit the nail on the head, he drove it deep into the board with one hit.

Anonymous said...

Patti, Though I agree that the sins of bigotry and despotism that many have committed in the name of inerrancy is beyond belief. Yet they are still our brothers and sisters in Christ and to compare them to the person who is in Hell's septic tank???hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

B Nettles said...

Shouldn't "the sins of bigotry and despotism", along with every other sin be shut away from us like it is from Hell's septic tank. Not that they carry us there, if we are found to be in Christ, but it is behavior to be despised in our own life. Sin should really be worse than Hitler screaming.

If I behave in a bigoted manner, I am behaving no better than Hitler, and certainly am not reflecting Christ. That should be an image that grabs my soul. If I am willing to castigate anyone who disagrees with me, I am behaving no better than Stalin and am not reflecting Christ. Sin in my life NOW should be as repulsive as possible, even realizing it is forgiven. That forgiveness shows me, on one hand, a beaten, bloody pulp staked to a piece of wood, and on the other hand, a beautiful, glorified God-Man with my name engraved on his hands.

While I appreciate the parody, (John Cleese would be proud) I hope that it will make me think more deeply about how destructive sin, all sin, is to my redeemed humanity.

Anonymous said...

While sin is sin no matter what color you try to paint it and yes in our depravity we all more like Hitler than we are Christ I don't know of any baptist that has recently tried to kill 6 million other believers because he or she disagreed with them. As far as hell's septic tank anyone who has studied the scriptures knows there will be degrees of Heaven and Hell.

Another point on this parody. Is this really what we want to be showing to the world- especially a person of german descent who may lost and is looking for answers. If they watch this perody what what would they think of how we treat our brothers and sisters we disagree with? I think their conclusion would be; "If this how believers of Christ treat each other, count me out!!!"

Wade Burleson said...


Frankly, lost people respect Christians who aren't afraid to admit their weaknesses, never try to pretend their perfect, and know how to laugh.

It's the up-tight, never let them see you fail, cover-up, nicey-nicey Christians that are a turn-off to so many.

We do our part to keep us humble.


Anonymous said...

Your right Wade the masquerade party with the church needs to end. Working with drug addicts and being a pastor I know the church could take some definitive pages from rehab programs especially on openess, honesty and integrity but to compare fellow believers to the most evil man of the 20th century?? hmmmmmmmmmm.

Wade Burleson said...


No person was named. :)

No offense intended.

LMPG said...

I think it is about time that non believers see believers fight against the SBN (Scary Bible Nazis). They are the ones that declare NO-BIBLE-FOR-YOU! If you do not interpret the infallible scriptures in the same way that they do. Sometimes I question if the hard core leaders ARE my brothers in Christ. Thinking that way I suppose I should be kinder and witness to them.
And the Germans? I think this movie clip well depicts how horribly afraid even Hitler's high ranking soldiers were of him. The Germans are only offended when we make regular Germans look as guilty as Hitler. And anonymous, I know what it is like to be denied my personhood by Conservative Baptists declaring male supremacy and racism as God's way. When they can convince you that even God is bigoted you have no where else to turn in life. And just as they question my salvation for believing in a non-hierarchal God today, sometimes I question them because they do. I certainly doubt many who taught me in the Baptist school. I saw the wrath of God, I did not know that God loved me. How could he love me. He imprisoned me in a female body that was capable of doing everything my brothers could do and more (as an adult we get to carry babies, and I do think that is really cool.) And I desired all those things like sports and leadership and 'men's work. But their god said NO. Finally I got to know Jesus personally and He says YES I MAY!
All this is much more than a small disagreement. We ARE talking about people's salvations here. I am ever so grateful to all of you who have been outspoken about equality in God's doctrine even though it never did or does personally affect your life. My studies have been too easily written off as the bitterness of experience, of a complementarian system abused. No it wasn't, it was actually carried out just like the CBMW backed by the likes of the SBC want it.

KK said...


Anonymous said...

LMPG... Glad you got libertated. Not sure what school you went to but if what you said was taught God have pity on them. I agree though in spite of the hurt and pain we are called to love those who hurt us-less we become like them.