Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Only Motion from the Floor Scheduled for a Convention Wide Vote Is the Motion of Whether or Not to Seal the GCR Committee's Minutes and Internal Debate for Fifteen Years

Six motions from the Tuesday 8:30 a.m. business session (this is the business session where SBC messengers can offer their recommendations from the floor without any previous notice to the SBC) were referred to the Executive Committee, and all other motions from Tuesday morning business session were ruled out of order--except for one.

The Committee on Order of Business has scheduled the entire Convention to debate and vote on whether or not to overturn the Great Commission Resurgence Committee's decision to seal the minutes and debate of the GCR meetings this past year.

The motion is scheduled for debate and vote at 8:50 a.m. eastern time, Wednesday morning, June 16th, 2010. If Southern Baptists know what is good for us as a whole, this motion will pass.

Every single platform person, GCR Committee member, and Executive leadership will speak against the motion to unseal the records.

We'll see if our Convention is learning to become open and up-front about our business as all Christian ministries should be.
We'll see.


Bob Cleveland said...

Off Topic: Morris Chapman believes the churches of the SBC is America's "last great hope"?


wadeburleson.org said...


What's interesting is Morris Chapman is speaking directly AGAINST the GCR Report minutes before the debate and vote.

I think retirement has emboldened him.

FBC Jax Watchdog said...

The gloves are off...Jimmy Scroggins calls Morris a "senile old grandpa" on Twitter. Oooohhh....but Jimmy is a "young whipper snapper" :)

New BBC Open Forum said...

And there you have it... the motion fails. I think the title of this says it all.