Friday, January 05, 2007

Emmanuel Enid's First Internet Bible Conference

This Sunday at Emmanuel Baptist Church in Enid, Oklahoma, my father - Paul Burleson - will begin a weeklong Bible Conference entitled "What I Wish I Had Known Forty Years Ago." I asked him several months ago to prepare this special series for our church, and I wanted him to particularly focus on those significant, life transforming spiritual truths God has shown him during his fifty years of pastoral ministry. What he shares will challenge your traditional way of thinking, but it will also warm your heart. We invite you to join us.

Many of you know my father by reputation. He is a graduate of Southwestern Seminary and has pastored Southern Baptist churches in Texas and Oklahoma these past five decades. There are now literally thousands of pastors across the United States who were discipled by him while they in seminary and attending Southcliff Baptist Church, just a few miles from Southwestern. He continues to travel the country as an intinerant teacher, and is known by Southern Baptists nationwide.

During this coming week I will post the the sermons that Paul Burleson will preach at Emmanuel during our January 7-10 Bible Conference. Joel Engle will be leading the worship, and we may also post a couple of special worship times during the course of the week. I will follow this posting schedule regarding the messages:

Monday -- What I Believed Then (1967)

Tuesday -- I Believe In The New Covenant

Wednesday -- I Know Who Is The Boss

Thursday -- I Know Where The Truth Is

Friday -- What I Believed Then And Still Do

I hope you take the time to listen to each message and let us know what you think. The comment section will be open for our questions or observations about each message. My father has made a journey from a very strict Fundamentalist who focused on the performance and failures of others, to a very grace oriented, relational Christian who allows God to do His unique work in others --- according to His timetable. He has never lost his conservative belief in the authority and sufficiency of the Word of God, but the transformation that has occurred in his Christian life and in his views of what really is important in one's Christian understanding is remarkable. I have the sneaking suspiciion that much of what he says in this Bible Conference can be a help to all of us who affiliate with the Southern Baptist Convention in this day and age.

Tune In Sunday Night at 11:00 p.m. Central Time for Monday's post of the message delivered Sunday morning at Emmanuel Baptist Church.

In His Grace,

Wade Burleson


Anonymous said...

This will be great. I'm looking forward to it.

Kevin Bussey said...

I can't wait until you dad comes to our church in 2 weeks!

Marty Duren said...

Your Dad really looks young in that picture...

You guys have a great time! said...

Marty "How Are You" Duren,

I thought it was time to change up the look and throw in a picture. This is like me reading an announcement. Hopefully, we'll get some pictures of the actual service up. Hopefully. :) said...

Can anybody help me on a blogger format issue? It seems that there are some posts that drop way down to where you have to scroll down past the favorites and list of recent posts on the left to finally get to the post. Any ideas on what makes that happen?


CB Scott said...

It is caused by ugly pictures on a post. Put your Wife, Children, Dad, Mom, deaons, etc., maybe even your dog. Things will be lifted up and not "droop" then:-)

cb said...

CB Thanks for the good laugh ;)

Is anybody's else's puter showing the post 'drooping?'

Alycelee said...

Count me in on watching the conference!
Now.. who's watching the Hogs tear up Alabama? whooooo pig!

CB Scott said...


Judgment will befall the wicked:-)


Alycelee said...

I need to read profiles.
Well you can move here.
Shall I look for you a house?

Debbie Kaufman said...

I'll be there tomorrow with my husband and looking forward to it. I'll be the pretty slim woman in the front. Wait that's Rachelle. Never mind. :)

irreverend fox said...

I can not wait!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see it... i just wish i could stay all week! But, i will try to catch things via internet.

Yes, GO HOGS GO! How long has it been since we've been excited about basketball??? Wow! Who would have thunk that? We might have thought the Hogs would lose by 27 to a top 10 team... not win!!

CB Scott said...


Do you not have a 10-40 people group somewhere in the world to go to with the gospel, at this time, rather than watching the vanity of sports:-)


Anonymous said...

Now, now, CB... :) don't condemn all the readers here (except those incredible men and women who are already over there) vicariously throuugh me just because Alabama got shown to be a pretender! :) BTW, I actually was out ministering and being ministered to, had no clue the game was even happening, and my in-laws called me, who had been at the game, asking if i had seen it (and who were then disappointed when I said what game?), but they got over it quickly as they went on and on about how great it was.

Anonymous said...


Keep your eyes on Jesus, and keep it simple. I pray God's grace is with you hourly during this challenging time.

Remember, when a door closes a window opens. God's laying the ground work to prepare you for your next journey.
Christi Moxom