Wednesday, August 05, 2020

Mourning Sin and the Man in Linen Marking You


That's the number you dial when you sense trouble.

We all find ourselves in trouble at one time or another. Our actions bring pain and sorrow upon ourselves and others.

We are selfish. We lie to enhance our standing with others. We steal what is not ours. We minimize God and His Word in our lives. We're envious, jealous, and haughty. We live the way we desire and refuse to acknowledge our allegiance to God.

We get angry when we don't get our way. 

In short, we are sinners

However, the Good News is that God loves sinners and sent His Son to deliver us from our sins.
"Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners--of whom I am the worst." (I Timothy 1:15)
So it would be prudent for all of us to ponder this important question. 
Does God accept every sinner regardless?
The Bible reveals that Jesus accepts and blesses only those sinners who dial up 9:11.

Ezekiel 9:11 is the Bible's 9:11.
"And, behold, the Man clothed with linen, which had the inkhorn by his side, reported the matter, saying, "I have done as You have commanded me." (Ezekiel 9:11). 
I'll explain why this Bible verse is so important for the deliverance of your soul from God's judgment.

Ezekiel 9 records a vision that God gave to the prophet Ezekiel. Ezekiel had been captured by the King of Babylon and is now living in exile as a prisoner. The year is 591 B.C. and the Temple in Jerusalem is still standing.

But not for long.

Five years later (586 B.C.) God would use the wicked Babylonian army (e.g., "the Chaldeans") to destroy His Temple and the city of Jerusalem because of the wickedness and sins of the people.

The Glory (God's Presence) was departing Jerusalem (see Ezekiel 8).

In Ezekiel's vision, he sees seven men enter the city, "and one Man was in linen with an inkhorn around His waist" (Ezekiel 9:2). An inkhorn was a container full of ink, sometimes the horn of an animal. A feather with a pointed stem would be the natural pen.

The Man in linen was sent by God to "mark with ink" the people in Jerusalem who were "grieving, weeping and in deep sorrow" over the detestable things they'd done (Ezekiel 9:4). The other six men were executioners who were to "destroy by death" those without the mark (Ezekiel 9:5).

God told the six men:
"Utterly slay old men, young men, maidens, little children, and women, but do not touch any man on whom is the mark."
The Seventh Man, the Man in linen with the inkhorn around His waist, is an Old Testament type of Jesus Christ. The Man in linen had a specific mission.
"Go throughout the city of Jerusalem and put a mark on the foreheads of those who grieve and lament over all the detestable things that are done in it." (Ezekiel 9:4
The people of Jerusalem had done some abominable things. All of them. But there are some who are "grieving, weeping and in deep sorrow" over the detestable things they'd done (Ezekiel 9:4).

Ezekiel 9:11 tells us the Man in linen did as He was commanded, and all those marked with ink were saved from destruction.

God delivers only those sinners who grieve over their sin.

The "mark" that the Man in linen puts on the foreheads of those in mourning translates the Hebrew word TAV (also spelled "taw" or "tau" when transliterated into English). In addition to meaning a "mark," this is the name of the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet.

The TAV is an equal-armed cross + (as in the upper right corner of the diagram to the right). The Man in linen with the "cup of ink" or "inkhorn" (KJV) marked people with a sign in the shape of a cross.

The Man in linen died for those who mourn over their sin.

The only people delivered from destruction via "the mark of the cross" are those who mourn over sin.
"Blessed are they who mourn," Jesus said, "for they shall be comforted" (Matthew 5:4).
To be a Christian doesn't mean you've never done anything wrong.


To be a Christian - to be one who is saved from the coming destruction - means you've been marked by the Man in linen with the cross because you mourn over your sin.


Christiane said...
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Bob Cleveland said...

As an 11 year old kid, I was scared of dying. To the point of sitting all alone, poking at my food, etc. Then, Dad told me to remember what I'd been told in Bible School, that if you believe in Jesus, when you die, you go to Heaven.

BINGO! Suddenly all those feelings went away, instantly. But I had to study Scripture quite a bit over many years, to discover that was when I got saved!

I simply trusted Jesus. Anything else good one might see in my life, came from him!

RB Kuter said...

"The Bible reveals that Jesus accepts and blesses only those sinners who dial up 9:11."

Sounds almost like you are accounting for the "free will" of man to decide IF he will dial or not.

Rex Ray said...

When speech must pass censorship, there’s no longer freedom of speech.

Christiane said...

well said, Bob Cleveland

Rex Ray said...


This is not a comment. I just wanted you to read it.

Twin Towers were destroyed by bombs; not by airplanes

The Towers weren’t knocked over by airplanes. They fell straight down by gravity. But gravity cannot throw things laterally. Hundreds of four-ton and eight-ton steel frame members were thrown 600 feet from each of the Twin Towers.

There were 2,749 people killed, but only 300 whole bodies were recovered. Bone fragments were found on rooftops hundreds of feet away.

Engineers said for the towers to fall the central columns had to be destroyed. Airplanes only destroyed outside columns as they exploded on contact. A video showed the center of the towers collapsing which meant the central columns were destroyed, but only bombs could do that.

Bombs were probably placed out of sight when the Twin Towers’ elevators were overhauled in 2001. The 47 story of Building Seven wasn’t hit by airplanes and was 100 yards from the nearest Tower. Only bombs could make it fall in seven seconds.

The long delay in exploding the bombs is explained by:

“Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was the head of al-Qaeda's military committee. He first presented the idea for the September 11 plot to bin Laden in 1996 in Afghanistan. In 1999, bin Laden gave him approval to go forward with the plot. Mohammed provided operational support, such as arranging travel for the airplane hijackers to obtain U.S. visas.”

I believe bin Laden wanted to shock Americans by seeing airplanes crash into the Towers and that airplanes could hit any time at any place.

Twice a day clocks read 9:11. Do we remember?

Christiane said...


hope you are doing as well as possible. I see you are still enjoying conspiracy theories but I believe that Wade's 9/11 reference might have referred to a bible verse rather than the twin towers attack.

It looks like the whole virus thing will keep going as deaths are way up daily and Fauci and Birx are warning about more 'hot spots' forming;
so sooner or later, we will all be impacted in more than one way from this 'public health crisis', whether our physical health, our ways of life, our economics, our well-being in any case.

What is 'keeping it going'? That is a point of conjecture, but our country is under siege from this trouble and many are affected negatively.

Take care to shelter and take all reasonable precautions. This too shall pass but I fear we may be in trouble for a while yet and need to take care. Stay well. Enjoy your conspiracy theories, but don't buy into them too deeply. :)

Rex Ray said...

“Mohammed’s trial date of 1-11-21 has the death penalty.”

Christiane said...

an example of 'getting into good and necessary trouble'

Rex Ray said...

“Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was the head of al-Qaeda's military committee. He first presented the idea for the September 11 plot to bin Laden in 1996 in Afghanistan. In 1999, bin Laden gave him approval to go forward with the plot. Mohammed provided operational support, such as arranging travel for the airplane hijackers to obtain U.S. visas.”

“Mohammed’s trial date of 1-11-21 has the death penalty.”

I believe he knows how and when bombs were placed in the Twin Towers and building Seven.

Rex Ray said...

“Khalid Sheikh Mohammed’s trial date is 1-11-21.”

But will he die before that date like bin Laden and Jeffrey Epstein? (Dead men don’t talk.)

GladsomeHeart said...

Wow Wade. I never noticed how beautiful this passage is on so many levels. Going to give it a good study tomorrow. Thank you!

Christiane said...

Hope the people I pray for associated with this blog are as well as can be expected.
These are hard times and we do not know how others are doing, so in prayer, we ask the Good Lord to keep them sheltered. You all take care.

Christiane said...

Hope the people I pray for associated with this blog are as well as can be expected.
These are hard times and we do not know how others are doing, so in prayer, we ask the Good Lord to keep them sheltered. You all take care.