Tuesday, April 14, 2020

All Things for Good, Easter 2020, Emmanuel Enid


Christiane said...

"He is at work, conforming us to the image of His Son"
(Romans 8:29)

there's an old teaching that speaks of the value of the life of a SINGLE HUMAN PERSON. That to save even one life, is to save 'the world entire'. Perhaps it is this teaching that has helped people to connect to the image of God within themselves?

Is there a 'need' in people to connect with God through reaching out to another person to help them? And to do it without thought of 'self', except that in doing this, there is some encounter that takes place with the image of God IN that other person? I think Chrysostom saw this when he wrote,
"If you cannot find Christ in the beggar at the Church door, you will not find Him in the chalice."

Is it possible that without the intrusion of self-centered 'reason', we will sometimes act in ways that are NOT in our 'self-interests',
but instead that the image of God within us responds to the image of God in the suffering of another human person?
As Pascal has said, 'the heart has its reasons that reason cannot know'

Rex Ray said...


Good sermon!

Of all the good songs that were sung, I kept wishing I could hear this song:

Ten Thousand Angels by Loretta Lynn
He could have called ten thousand angels to destroy the world and set him free
He could have called ten thousand angels but he died alone for you and me
They bound the hands of Jesus in the garden where he pray
They led him through the street in shame
They spat upon the Savior so pure and free from sin
They said crucify him he's to blame
He could have called ten thousand angels to destroy the world and set him free
He could have called ten thousand angels but he died alone for you and me

Christiane said...


beautiful hymn, REX RAY

Rex Ray said...


Woke up from a strange dream where you and I were in a large parking lot. We got in a car with each of us thinking it was the other’s car. Our talking woke a little girl that was sleeping in the back seat and she started crying just as her father came up and was angry with us being in his car.

Then you became our pastor who was congratulating Judy and I in front of the church for the work we’d done installing a ‘drop box’ for the church.

In real life, it had taken us a long time. Someone said we should have a security camera to catch anyone that stole the contents. I replied they’d have to break into the church, and cut open a metal box. Then, all they might find would be a note to the pastor complaining their services were too long.

Yes CHRISTIANE, it’s a great song.

Wade Burleson said...

Rex, I agree with Christiane. Love the hymn!

But I disagree with you that it was a dream! It was more like a nightmare! Laughing

Anonymous said...

We joined Emmanuel Enid Sunday, but I confess, I have my own play list of must hear songs for Easter so skipped the music portion, watched and listened to the sermon. I found some wonderful choirs on youtube doing my Easter hymns so all was very good.


Rex Ray said...


Can’t argue it wasn’t a nightmare. :)

Wade Burleson said...


I would truly be interested in your opinion on the music of this video.

I respect your opinion.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure if you mean the music from the Easter service or a specific video, since there was no link. I loved the music on the Easter service, I just had a need to hear a couple of specific songs before my heart would be prepared for the Word. Via Dolorosa is very beloved to me, growing up where I did in NM it is part of home to me. Were you there when they crucified my Lord is also very beautiful, more a part of Maundy Thursday or Good Friday services to me, but that is simply a matter of what I am used to. All were excellent selections and most brought back some very good memories. But this Sunday, during covid19, I needed to hear He Arose and Christ the Lord is Risen Today. There is a contemporary (older a bit) song I know I will need to hear for before I hear you preach this coming Sunday. It is Amazing Grace/My Chains are Gone. And the old hymn "And Can it Be?"

I have no clue why I need to hear those THIS week, nor your sermon topic. But I know I need to hear them, pray them even before the sermon.

Peace! Again, excellent selections, just I need to hear/sing specific other songs.


Anonymous said...

Let me add: I did skim the songs tonight and with interruptions, so I may have missed these very songs in the service:)


Rex Ray said...


Another song I like: “Mary did you know?”


Anonymous said...

I love that song, and on a lighter note enjoy the Mark Lowry videos where he talks about what Mary had to know, about Joseph, etc.
