Friday, December 20, 2019

Christianity Today and Poor Judgment in Timing

President Donald Trump. Drew Angerer/Getty Images
Abraham Wright and I are beginning a new podcast in 2020. Yesterday, we went through a dry run.

The podcast will be organic and raw as we respond with unrehearsed answers to spontaneous questions from our listeners.

The question yesterday was, "My seven-year-old just died of cancer. He had never made a profession of faith and had never been baptized. Will my seven-year-old son be in hell for eternity."

Without going into details, suffice it to say I refused to answer the woman's question. 

Instead, I expressed my sympathy, told her that I did not believe now was either the time or place to discuss the eternity of judgment. I promised our prayerful, financial, and emotional support in the days ahead for her and her family.

Only dogmatists speak without consideration of timing. 

Yesterday, Christianity Today spoke out about President Trump in an article entitled He Should Be Removed from Office.

The timing of the magazine's article is curious.

Our country is built on the rule of law. The Constitution of the United States requires the House of Representatives to send Articles of Impeachment to the United States Senate for a trial for removal of the President.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is refusing to send the Articles of Impeachment to the U.S. Senate.

President Trump's political opponents believe he will be found innocent by trial.

The rule of law is not being followed in the impeachment process. The Constitutional requirement for a Senate trial is being ignored for political gain.

Even if the moral convictions of Christianity Today are just and right, it is more prudent for the magazine to properly and rightly judge the times. Wait to speak out until the process of law has run its due course.

My respect for Christianity Today has been diminished.

And most dogmatists consider me a liberal.

In reality, I'm a libertarian who believes the rule of law is more important than politics.

I have many Christian friends who can't stand President Donald Trump. I have many Christian friends who love President Donald Trump.

I just returned from Nuremberg. I know World War II history. I'm quite familiar with the background of Adolph Hitler.

Americans must realize it is more Hitler-esque to skirt the rule of law and demand by fiat the removal from office of political opponents than it is to follow the Constitution.

Put me on the side of liberty.


Anonymous said...

Wade said "Our country is built on the rule of law." You mean *was* built?

I'm a bit surprised that since you unswervingly believe what you've been told happened at the Oklahoma City bombing, 9/11, Sandy Hook, etc., that you are moaning about an impeachment process that isn't going well for Trump.

Ex KGB spy Yuri Beznenov's predictions about propaganda and it's effect on the US back in the 1980's are very true.


Anonymous said...

correction - you're not moaning about the impeachment, only the fact that Christianity today doesn't have your ability to delay their opinion. My bad. Ken

Wade Burleson said...

I'm not taking a position on the impeachment. I'm desiring the rule of law to run its course. Thanks, Ken.

Soren said...

You're probably going to get a lot of anger on both sides with this post. I would like to see him removed from office. But not this way, not without an actual crime or due process. Just because Trump believes in the end justifying the means, we don't all have to follow suit. If we do, the US is not going to survive as a republic.

Wade Burleson said...


"You're probably going to get a lot of anger on both sides with this post."

Good point.

I typically don't post to illicit either support or anger. I try - really hard - to focus on principles, not personalities.

Thanks for your comment!

Anonymous said...

I'm not surprised by your response to the call of Trump's removal by the Editor of Christianity Today. Unfortunately, you failed to address the main argument in that editorial.

Jed Carosaari said...

So many issues here.

You seem to think impeachment is a legal act.

You think your response to the mother was a compassionate one.

You care more about the process of impeachment than you do the immoral actions that CT pointed out.

You misunderstand the rules about impeachment.

You ignore why Pelosi is delaying- because Moscow Mitch promised that they would not have a fair trial.

You seem to think that CT has some influence in the trial. Or else that CT should not express their 1st Amendment religious opinion while a trial is a possibility???

Anonymous said...

Anon said - "I'm not surprised by your response to the call of Trump's removal by the Editor of Christianity Today. Unfortunately, you failed to address the main argument in that editorial."

A quote from the end of the CT article: "To use an old clichĂ©, it’s time to call a spade a spade, to say that no matter how many hands we win in this political poker game, we are playing with a stacked deck of gross immorality and ethical incompetence."

I don't think Wade missed their main point, but rather is asking them to wait for due process, ie. the rest of the judicial system to rule.

Problem is, my experience over the decades that I have done business with these people (fed, state,local govt) on a personal level has shown that few are principled enough to insist on the rule of law in favor of their own personal pay check and reputation. These municipled people are primarily MONicipled - my own term for greedy and money hungry people who will do what the are told.

Since they have no problem lying when it comes to financial transactions on a personal level, it leaves me very little confidence that they will be principled enough to uphold law on an official level at all times. Their is no more rule of law in a country full of people that are unprincipled.


Anonymous said...

"Their is no more rule of law ..."

Oooops. There is no more rule of law...


Anonymous said...

Yikes. My spelling is goofed today. :) Municipal. Monicipal.


stevenstarkmusic said...

Who is asking for removal by “fiat”? The Senate has made it clear that they will not actually have a trial with witnesses. Is delaying sending the impeachment articles unconstitutional?

stevenstarkmusic said...

Criticizing CT for their timing seems silly here. I believe you have principles, Wade, but sometimes you try to use them to disguise a political agenda. I think here you may want to be against impeachment, but without getting blowback for it. So you criticize timing.

Donald Johnson said...

I posted this on another post before I saw your post, but we seem to agree on the timing of the CT article.

"I think Mark Galli is claiming something that he does not know and that has yet to be assessed according to the Constitution, that is, via a trial in the Senate with the House sending delegates to present their case and with the Supreme Court Chief Justice presiding. There is a presumption of innocence until convicted, although one can in some situations make an assumption of guilt based on evidence or confession, but until all the facts come out in court and are assessed, even then there is a presumption of innocence."

Anonymous said...

Seems like the recent $2,000,000 judgement against him for stealing from a charity is pretty clear proof of his immorality.

everette said...

Wade, at what point should CT weigh in?

This is not like a normal trial. in a normal trial, it is appropriate for an editorial board to withhold comment until after the offender is convicted, at which point they might well weigh in to encourage the court to issue a lighter or heavier sentence. Alternately, an editorial might encourage an appeals court to overturn a sentence or conviction.

But there is no such interval, and no such appeals court, in this case. The Senate takes up its vote as soon as the House finishes its closing statement. If the President is convicted, he will be automatically removed. The Senate can't apply any other sentence beyond prohibiting him from further Federal employment. And a verdict, whether guilty or innocent, cannot be appealed.

So at what point SHOULD CT have issued an opinion? CT is merely following precedent, after all; it called for Clinton's removal shortly after he was impeached, and before he was tried. And why aren't you calling out the Franklin Grahams and Lindsey Grahams of the world who have already declared that the President is not guilty, despite any evidence of his innocence?

Rex Ray said...

I believe everyone will be in heaven that’s not reached the age of accountability. There’s no set age for accountably. I knew a girl that will be in heaven who never believed in Jesus even though she died when she was 13. Being mentally retarded, she could make noises, but couldn’t talk or walk. She lived in a large baby bed with rails. After she died, her mother said she missed her more than when her other children left home.

This link tells of the hurt that’s felt when falsely accused.

I remember twice of being falsely accused. When I was in the fifth grade, a girl looked at my handwriting and accuse me of writing her a dirty note. When I was in high school, I asked my teacher why she had an X on my answer on the math test. She held my paper against a window and said I’d written on top of her X.

More than once, my father throwed a guy to the ground and sat on him until the guy took back what he’d said.

Wonder if Trump sat on Pelosi, what'd she’d say? :)

Christiane said...

we live in a country where we are divided by what sources of information we trust . . .

and that is how good people can see the same thing through different lenses, and then comes confusion because they can't understand WHY or HOW the other good people they know look at the same thing and see something so totally different from their own viewpoint;

but, if we are wise, we will know this:

that people are infinitely more important to us than their points of view,

that the truth has a way of emerging completely eventually

that all this trouble is temporary and will someday pass, and to remain 'calm' in the Peach of Christ, and carry on in hopes of better times ahead and we do have great hope as a Christian people

this from JRR Tolkien, comforts me sometimes, although I worry so much these days, when it is so dark and hard to see ahead:
"[They] sat and made such a meal as they could. Keeping back the precious lembas for the evil days ahead, they ate the half of what remained in Sam's bag of Faramir's provision: some dried fruit, and a small slip of cured meat; and they sipped some water. They had drunk again from the pools in the valley, but they were very thirsty again. There was a bitter tang in the air of Mordor that dried the mouth. When Sam thought of water even his hopeful spirit quailed. Beyond the Morgai there was the dreadful plain of Gorgoroth to cross.

'Now you go to sleep first, Mr. Frodo,' he said. 'It's getting dark again.' ...

Frodo ... was asleep almost before the words were spoken. Sam struggled with his own weariness, and he took Frodo's hand; and there he sat silent till deep night fell. Then at last, to keep himself awake, he crawled from the hiding-place.... The land seemed full of ... noises, but there was no sound of voice or of foot. Far above the Ephel DĂșath in the West the night-sky was still dim.... There, peeping among the cloud-wrack above a dark tor high up in the mountains, Sam saw a white star twinkle for a while. The beauty of it smote his heart, as he looked up out of the forsaken land, and hope returned to him. For like a shaft, clear and cold, the thought pierced him that in the end the Shadow was only a small and passing thing: there was light and high beauty for ever beyond its reach. His song in the Tower had been defiance rather than hope; for then he was thinking of himself. Now, for a moment, his own fate, and even his master's, ceased to trouble him. He crawled back into the brambles and laid himself by Frodo's side, and putting away all fear he cast himself into a deep untroubled sleep."
(The Return of the King, LoTR Book 6, Ch 2, The Land of Shadow)

and this also helps much:

6 " Be anxious for nothing, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. 8Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think on these things.…"
(from the Book of Philippians, Chapter 4)

Pax vobis Christi

Christiane said...

sorry for error in spelling . . . should be 'Peace of Christ'

Christiane said...

Would be good to have a FAIR TRIAL, if that is the proper procedure in the US Constitution.
Than everything could be presented openly for all concerned so that the people could see for themselves, and I emphasize EVERYTHING .... witnesses and all

Otherwise, people will always think there were things to hide. Innocent people usually want a trial but the presidents friends and advisors caution against it. So without support for a fair trial, it is hard to see people moving forward in a good direction.

One thought: the people should be allowed to see and to hear what happened and to read documents for themselves and hear witnesses for themselves and also cross-examination of witnesses. The people need as much good information as possible in order to be able to vote upon honor and conscience, so that our system of government remains free. (sigh)

Let right be done. Simple words. Why so very hard to implement them???? Why so much anger and fear. Bring it all out in the open. TRUST THE PEOPLE OF OUR COUNTRY.

Ken F said...

"Would be good to have a FAIR TRIAL"

Hi Christiane,
The challenge is reasonable people on both sides have a very different perspective on what fair means to them. One side believes the house investigation was very unfair, and the other side believes the senate trial will be very unfair. I don't know if there is a reasonable way to get both sides to find common ground. I know of one good way, but I don't want to go down that path.

Ken F said...

I should have written "I know of a way." The way I am thinking about is effective, buy not necessarily good. I am sure you can guess.

Christiane said...

Hello Ken F

thank you for responding . . . I know that the House's work was incomplete as they wanted and needed those additional documents and sworn witnesses but that was not to be, sadly. And now, the Senate balks on a real trial, and Pelosi reacts and all is unresolved and people are concerned and upset.

I think the only proper resolution would be to bring everything out on the table and re-commit to respecting each other and attempting to comprehend each other's meanings . . . I do think that there IS and always will be a stronger element of goodness in this land than not, and I would trust the people to evaluate fairly IF they have the needed information in order to do their homework,

and therein lies the problem: two 'bubbles' and different information going to each tribe . . . of course that is at the heart of the confusion, and all I can say is in MY family, I just hope that the Christmas 'truce' at my holiday table will last until coffee and dessert . . . we shall see

Wade says 'bad timing' and in my life, this holy season was always and ever about peace.
The people I love disagree. But still they are my people. So I grieve.

And that 'solution' you did not put into words . . . we all know it's out there waiting, waiting and I just heard today that a US Representative was being charged with, well, this:

so, being concerned is not so much being paranoid, as shocked by a recognition of the emergence of something dreaded that may have lain dormant for over a hundred years. I still trust our people to resolve all this AS LONG AS THEY KNOW THE TRUTH OF WHAT HAS HAPPENED . . . . and right now much solid information is not forthcoming. So I pray.

Christiane said...


sorry, that man being charged is a STATE Representative (Washington state), not a member of the US Congress.

BAD SIGNS, these:
that this man has a 'plan' that calls for the extermination of male opponents, that there has been publicity about a politician saying that Trump's suffering is greater what Jesus Christ went through on the Cross . . .

with these signs, which are known, we can probably assume that there is much more that is not yet known, and that people are growing extremely fearful and desperate and coming up with 'solutions' that border more on insanity than reality. Sure, I'm worried. Bad times.

Ken F said...

"I think the only proper resolution would be to bring everything out on the table and re-commit to respecting each other and attempting to comprehend each other's meanings."

Hi Christiane,
I agree with with you here. But our problem is that we have politicians running the show, so this will never happen. This is what I inserted as my "Political Views" on Facebook when I set it up a more than 10 years ago: "Wishing the system would encourage decent, competent people to run for office." I have seem no changes in the system over the last ten years to make me want to update it. Still wishing...

Christiane said...


with a Christmas truce

there can be some renewed hope for civility in our land?

Rex Ray said...


Good link! But is Pelosi or Trump the Americans?

Comparing Trump’s Impeachment to a baseball game, Pelosi has declared Trump has been Impeached by it being on ‘second base’.

No, the song’s not over until the ‘Fat-lady’ (Senate) sings.

My daughter texted a picture of Trump saying, “They’re after you, but I’m in the way.”

Christiane said...

Good MORNING Rex Ray!

you are an early bird . . . I've been working most of the night preparing for the holiday and I love what I am doing but a little sleep will soon be needed . . . baking today, for Wednesday and for gifts, so I hope I can stay awake

that film? the Brits and the Germans?
I have this idea that on Christmas Eve, somehow the Kingdom of God broke through and infiltrated both sides just for a few hours, but watching these 'truce' films brings me to tears almost, thinking about all the division in our own land

Pelosi or Trump? does it matter? :)
the idea was that for a little while, there was a truce at Christmas time ... a gentle mercy for those boys, so young still on that battlefield where many would not return home alive, but for a few hours, they put the trouble aside and celebrated the Coming of the Light into the world, the nativity of Our Lord

hope we can do that here in our land, and in our own families, at least for a day (I can hope) :)

Are you and Judy going to be with your families this Christmas? My son is home from Alaska and I am overjoyed for this at least. Family matters to me a lot.
Take care and hope for better days to come.

Lissa Roberson said...

Most of our discussion so far revolves around the impeachment process and whether or not it adhered to our Constitution. There's another issue that in the day-to-day of our lives is even more important to think through. Who will lead us should President Trump be impeached?

I was soothed this morning to read Dr. James Dobson's open letter to CT, asking them whom they propose would fill the leadership void. I found myself wondering the same thing. CT's condemnation was all about President Trump's pre-Presidential immoral character. They failed to address the aftermath of impeaching him.

CT's editorial piece is very short-sighted, and I believe its timing couldn't be worse for evangelical Conservatives. We are less than a year away from electing our next president. Should President Trump be impeached, barred from continuing to serve in national office, then as of now we have nobody except a handful of socialist-leaning, abortion-loving candidates to choose for our next president.

Anonymous said...

is it true about a pending schism in evangelical circles with the majority of white evangelicals joining a separate religion focused on Trump as 'the annointed one'?

Rex Ray said...


Yes, when war ceased on Christmas day, I believe God smiled.

I was just yanking your chain when I asked was Pelosi or Trump the Americans.

Where does your son live in Alaska? My oldest son got ‘started’ in King Cove, Alaska, and my youngest son was born in Fairbanks.

Lissa Roberson,

You point out an alarming question. If Trump is not elected as President, who will lead us?

I agree with your description of “socialist-leaning and abortion-loving.”

I hope it’s not Joe Biden. He’s guilty of what Trump was accused of.


Are you trying to start a rumor?

stevenstarkmusic said...

Lissa, remember that we have a Vice President. I feel the Democrats should be emphasizing through impeachment that we are actively working to achieve a president Pence. That’s hardly seems that partisan. Pence is arguably much smarter than Trump and potentially more dangerous from where I’m sitting. But the president’s conduct, and unique destructive abilities, are enough for me to wish for a (temporary!) President Pence.

Being pro-choice is not being an “abortion lover”. Many pro-choice people believe abortion is usually wrong, but that it’s more wrong for the government to effectively force women to remain pregnant against their will. That has been Biden’s position.

I won’t go down the “socialist” straw man rabbit hole.....

Happy holidays to all!

stevenstarkmusic said...

When I say Pence is more dangerous, I meant from a policy perspective. With the exception of the tax cut for the wealthy, Trump has been fairly impotent legislatively.

Ken F said...

Just to throw a twist into the conversation, my son told me that Santa knows who is Illuminati and who is Illuminice.

Victorious said...

Ken, good one!

Christiane said...

I keep thinking that Trumpism/fundamentalism relies much on the OT for support, but there is a problem with that . . .

trumpism is all about this world, political solutions and such. But I don't think that 'evangelicals' can buy into that BECAUSE

the word 'evangelical' is connected in meaning to 'Evangelium Regni' (the Kingdom of Our Lord), and it's focus is not on our material world but on the Kingdom of God that is spiritual in domain .. .. 'evangelium regni' is an ancient term found in the NEW testament of Our Lord, this:

"35 Et circuibat Jesus omnes civitates, et castella, docens in synagogis eorum, et prĂŠdicans Evangelium regni, et curans omnem languorem, et omnem infirmitatem."
(Holy Gospel of St. Matthew Chapter 9)

which is translated to English, this:

"35 So Jesus went about all their cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching THE GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM,
and curing every kind of disease and infirmity."
(Matthew 9:35)

trumpism is 'of the world' but the 'evangelium regni' is very much about the Kingdom of Our Lord, so the FOCUS is different . . . . in the 'evangelium regni', the focus is on Christ, the Lord of the Cosmos and all who follow Him bend the knee to HIM.

it's a matter of 'kingdoms' and 'who is Master' after all . . . the OT cannot be used to point to another leader to follow, the whole of sacred Scripture points to Christ

Rex Ray said...


So, your son told you Santa knows… :)

Well, Google told me there are eight Muslims in the House of Representatives, and the population of America is 329 million.

“At present, the number of Muslims in the US is variously estimated at 3-4 million, and Islam is soon predicted to become the second largest religion in the US.”

Ken, is the link above crazy? in saying “3-4 million Muslims will soon be the second largest religion in America.” Does that mean most Americans have no religion?

Rex Ray said...

Today’s Newspaper Headlines, “Trump rails against delay in moving impeachment to Senate.”

Trump tweeted: “The reason the Democrats don’t want to submit the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate is that they don’t want corrupt politician Adam Shifty Shiff to testify under oath, nor do they want the Whistleblower, the missing second Whistleblower, the informer, and the Bidens, to testify!”

The delay denies Trump the opportunity to defend himself and clear his name.

Ken F said...

"Ken, is the link above crazy? in saying “3-4 million Muslims will soon be the second largest religion in America.” Does that mean most Americans have no religion?"

Hi Rex,
Another Wikipedia link says 65% of Americans identify as Christians.

Rex Ray said...


I'd like to know the link.

Lissa Roberson said...

Stevenstarkmusic, I appreciate the reminder that the leadership will fall to Vice President Pence, a very upright and statesmanlike leader. My concern is that with the primary season so imminent, there are no Republican challengers to President Trump that have made themselves prominent to the public. Hopefully if this all goes "down", VP Pence will be open to running for a four-year stay in the White House beginning in 2021.

Ken F said...

Hi Rex,
Here is the link:

Rex Ray said...


Thanks for the link which is a lot better even though it shows a decline of Christians through the years.

Anonymous said...

RB Kuter said...

There are military coups when forces enlist the power of the military to overthrow democratically elected national leaders, then there are political coups where those unable to gain control through the democratic process use political schemes to overthrow the opposition.

When we see the opposing political party openly and vigorously campaigning to force out the elected leader by an impeachment process from the early days of his election for no reason other than not liking him and his being their opponent, one should recognize the motive for impeachment is certainly not to pursue justice in the context of high crimes being committed.

Shouts of "IMPEACH 45! IMPEACH 45" by crowds motivated by a Congressional representative of the opposing party in 2016 makes it difficult for anyone to objectively view the current ambiguous charges for accomplishing that promised impeachment as anything but the enactment to fulfill those promises for overthrowing the elected leader. Other indications are the very obvious lack of any bi-partisan involvement in the process.

Trump nor anyone should be surprised. He campaigned on the promise that he was going to "drain the swamp" of the lethargic, corrupt, self-serving politicians in Washington, and he was not speaking only of Democrats. His tenacity in pursuing that quest has been all too obvious as verbalized in his Inauguration speech where he posed a direct threat, or warning, to those politicians who dominated the audience in front of him by condemning them for past inept performances and forewarning them that things were going to change under his administration's watch.

I thought at the time, "WOW! This guy is truly a revolutionary in the purest form! He is single-handedly taking on the entire political machine with all of its immense political, media, and social power with the intent of causing an upheaval of a political system that everyone recognizes as being full of power players who never really fulfill their campaign promises once in office. Man, is HE in for a rough ride!!"

Apparently, Trump assessed the costs prior to stepping into the office because through all of the intense counter-attack he has experienced since taking office he has not quit but amazingly seems as determined to continue this revolution as when he began. The movement has gathered steam and support as more and more people benefit from its impact.

The opposition remains intense and more desperate recognizing that a possible re-election grows in its likelihood. Not only that, but given the total investment in achieving a coup take-over during the past 3 years that has distracted Trump's opponents from performing any meaningful work in Congress to benefit the lives of their constituents, their support base is diminishing.

One Republican Senator was asked last week, "What if the House holds the Articles of Impeachment until after the 2020 election to see if they can win a majority in the Senate?" His response was totally accurate. He responded, "That's fine. Then the American people will decide what happens in the ballot box in November 2020 and that's the way it is designed to be anyway."

Rex Ray said...




Christiane said...

Today is December 22. In the Anglican/Episcopal Churches, this day is recognized as a feast day for Lottie Moon who is honored on their liturgical calendar on December 22, with these words:

“December 22: Charlotte Diggs (Lottie) Moon, Missionary in China, 1912″

” O God, Who in Christ Jesus hast brought Good News to those who are far off and to those who are near: We praise Thee for awakening in Thy servant Lottie Moon a zeal for Thy mission and for her faithful witness among the peoples of China. Stir up in us the same desire for Thy work throughout the world, and give us the grace and means to accomplish it; through the same Jesus Christ our Savior, who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.”

Today I lit a candle in her memory in the way of my faith, and prayed that her witness to Christ be remembered as something precious and holy to God.

Shawn said...

My take on the Christianity Today article - I repeat - We can all agree that he is not of the highest moral character. But, his election, for me, was not an exercise in displaying my view of his standing with God (as I understood it) but my vote was cast to prevent someone much worse being elected.

And getting someone much worse is what Christianity Today is irresponsibly arguing for. If we are to see any election as a vocal demonstration of our stand with God then we should just stay home and not vote as there is no one that would reach that standard that we should set whether a local election or a nation wide election. No one. So that leaves those who care not a whit for the LORD and his ways casting their votes and we are then complicit in helping to elect, by our inaction, one not unlike Manasseh.

If not Trump last time, would you rather Hillary were in office? That is what you are arguing for as any vote that was not a realistic effort to keep her out of office is an exercise as I have described above. You would have gotten someone so much worse than Trump and you know it. Imagine where we would be now three years into her time.

I will vote for him again, not as a demonstration of my Christianity or an endorsement of whatever morality he may have but as an effort to keep someone so much worse out.
So, who does CT endorse? Who do you endorse, if not Trump? If you name someone who has absolutely no chance whatsoever of gaining the office then you are only voting to make yourself feel good and just need to stay home and stay out of the entire process.

And my challenge for all those who object to Trump as he is not the Christian they want - name for me one VIABLE alternative to Trump. Name me the VIABLE candidate you will be voting for in 2020 against Trump.

If you cannot then you are merely Virtue Signalling and need to drop the issue.

Victorious said...

But, his election, for me, was not an exercise in displaying my view of his standing with God (as I understood it) but my vote was cast to prevent someone much worse being elected.

Shawn, I guess that would depend on what exactly one considers "worse." I would most likely be banned from Wade's blog were I to post what I think of our current President....

Voting is a privilege in our country but I don't think it's mandatory is it? As a female who was not allowed to vote prior to 1920, I take voting seriously but also serious is following my conscience in that process.

Name me the VIABLE candidate you will be voting for in 2020 against Trump.

I'm still watching and listening but of certainty is one I will not be voting FOR!

Alaskan in Texas said...

Shawn lays this challenge: "my challenge for all those who object to Trump as he is not the Christian they want - name for me one VIABLE alternative to Trump. Name me the VIABLE candidate you will be voting for in 2020 against Trump."

Here are three:
Mike Pence - Donald John Trump should be removed from office by the Senate so that Mike Pence can assume the presidency. I'd vote for Pence in November over any current Democratic candidate. (And no, removing Trump doesn't mean Schumer or Pelosi become president.)
Joe Biden - he is so viable that Donald John Trump asked Ukraine to help "us" (I guess that means all Americans?) gather opposition research on Biden. Plain vanilla solicitation of foreign interference in our country's sole national election. I did read the transcript, by the way.
Tom Steyer - a decent, smart man who puts his money where his mouth is.

I suspect that "viability" means something different to you, though.

Rex Ray said...


My missionary uncle, Rex Ray, went to China in 1920, and served 30 years. When Communists took over, he served in Korea for 6 years where he supervised building Wallace Memorial Hospital.

After his death in 1958, his daughter used his writings for a 123-page book: “Rex Ray Cowboy Missionary in Kwangsi”. It was published in 1964.

For years, the Women Missionary Union (WMU) used it as a study guide. Many people read non-stop as it tells of many stories like him being held for ransom by bandits, boat sunk by Japanese airplanes, saved people from drowning, convinced a Japanese General to believe America would declare war if the General didn’t pay for replacing his motorcycle.

He brought babies to be adopted when he left Korea. As an adult, one of them and his sons went down my slide which has a total of 679. Last guy down said, “My grandfather has me up here to die.”

My uncle’s son and grandson became missionaries.

Ken F said...

Hi Alaskan in Texas,
There are no clean politicians in any of this. Joe Biden is calling for Trump's impeachment because it will bolster his own campaign. Does he now need to withdraw his candidacy because he is trying to influence the election in his favor? I don't find honor in any of the viable candidates from either side. I am pretty convinced that the vast majority of voters are voting against the candidates they think will do more harm overall. I don't get the sense that either side has widespread enthusiam for candidates from their own side.

Michael said...

Hi Wade, please let us know when this new podcast will premiere and where to find it. It sounds great! Merry Christmas to all!

Christiane said...


your family has a great missionary history . . . my mother's cousin was a Baptist missionary for many years and when it came time for him to come home for medical care, unfortunately he chose to stay and keep serving, and when he did come home, not much could be done medically for his worn out body, but God saved his soul and the good man now rests with the Lord in heaven.

My Canadian-born pepere (grandfather) had a sister who became a cloistered nun . . . Sister St. Gabriel. She always wrote letters to keep my father's sisters ('the aunts') in line. Poor Auntie Rhoda divorced and remarried and oh boy, did she get a letter from Sr. St. Gabriel. Whew! I think Sister hoped that one of my five aunts might have a calling, but it was not to be, EXCEPT that Auntie Evelyn never married, and stayed at home and cared for memere and pepere very well indeed, and Evelyn was there for them in their last days, thank God . . . in a way, I guess Evelyn was the closest thing we had to a saint in the family but she wouldn't have thought that at all . . . she was a bit of a rebel and the happiest times of my childhood were when Auntie Evelyn took a lot of us cousins up into the forest parks of Western Mass. . . . . so much fun . . . berry-picking, ice cold mountain lakes, cooking fresh corn over a campfire, climbing up into the fire-towers to see the views over Pioneer Valley (so beautiful, and Evelyn knew ALL the forest rangers), more berry-picking, bear scares from the boy cousins who hid in the berry bushes and made bear growling sounds . . . . that's ANOTHER story. Yeah, Evelyn was OUR favorite aunt, sure. But pious? Not quite. She did however connect with nature, and had a really great respect for all of nature and its beauty. She shared that with us. And we were grateful.
That she stayed to care for the grandparents . . . that is the 'saint' part, in my view. Lot of love in that family. So much love.

you can be proud of your family, REX RAY . . . their service is something remarkable indeed

RB Kuter said...

Christiane wrote, "December 22. In the Anglican/Episcopal Churches, this day is recognized as a feast day for Lottie Moon"

WHAT???!! Are you kidding me??!!! I thought we Southern Baptist "owned" Lottie Moon!

That's amazing to hear how far her touch went to inspire people of apparently many Christian groups to be passionate in sharing the love and hope of Christ to ALL peoples. Thanks for sharing that.

RB Kuter said...

Victorious wrote, "I would most likely be banned from Wade's blog were I to post what I think of our current President...."

HA! I don't think you have read the sentiments about Trump expressed by Christiane since his election and she's still here after everything she has expressed!

From my observations, I think it safe to say that Wade seldom bans anyone's comments on his blog and certainly not for having a unique or opposing position.

Go ahead, Victorious, give it your best shot! We're all family here!

RB Kuter said...

Heard yesterday at church that two pastors in Ethiopia were recently beheaded in a outbreak of persecution by Muslims in that country. They surely need our prayers. God is obviously up to something in this old world.

Christiane said...

No, Mr. Kuter, I am not kidding about Lottie Moon. She is recognized far beyond the walls and boundaries made by men . . . and her service to Christ is much honored as it should be and I see in her example the imprint of Christ on her soul . . . she gave her food to the starving Chinese she loved, and she died eventually from the effects of starvation. And the candle I lit in her memory was in a Catholic Church.

The Holy Spirit goes where He will.

Remember this: the one who wants all the division among mankind . . . he is called 'satan'.

Our Lord came to heal the breach between God and mankind, and also to heal the divisions among our human kind. Lottie Moon served Christ and Him crucified. That service is honorable anywhere in the whole Church. She is of blessed memory.

Anonymous said...

time to leave troubled trumpland behind us

and travel over to Bethlehem

just follow The Star

in the silence

of Peace


Rex Ray said...


How about a good old conspiracy theory before Christmas? I ran into this link after midnight written by the son of Robert Kennedy that states his father was killed by bodyguard, Thane Eugene Cesar.

“On June 5, 1968, Thane Eugene Cesar, an employee in a classified section of Lockheed’s Burbank facility, was moonlighting as a security guard at the Ambassador Hotel. He had landed the job about one week earlier. Cesar waited in the pantry as my father spoke in the ballroom, then grabbed my father by the elbow and guided him toward Sirhan.

With 77 people in the pantry, every eyewitness said Sirhan was always in front of my father at a 3-6 feet distance. Sirhan fired two shots toward my father before he was tackled. From under the dog pile, Sirhan emptied his 8-chamber revolver firing 6 more shots in the opposite direction; 5 of them striking bystanders and one going wild.

By his own account, Cesar was directly behind my dad holding his right elbow with his own gun drawn when my dad fell backwards on top of him. Cesar repeatedly changed his story about exactly when he drew his weapon.

According to the Coroner, Dr. Thomas Noguchi, all 4 shots that struck my father were “contact” shots fired from behind my dad with the barrel touching or nearly touching his body. As my dad fell, he reached back and tore off Cesar’s clip on tie.

Cesar sold his .22 to a co-worker weeks after the assassination warning him that it had been used in a crime. Cesar lied to police claiming that he’d disposed of the gun months before the assassination.

Cesar was a bigot who hated the Kennedys for their advocacy of Civil Rights for Blacks. Kennedy Jr concluded: “Police have never seriously investigated Cesar’s role in my father’s killing.”

Christiane said...


I read your first sentence and started laughing. I'm still laughing. I will now try to finish reading your comment. :)

goodness, what a comment, says Christiane after reading it.. . ... well, the whole Kennedy thing seems fraught with unusual circumstances, I give you that much

but if you REALLY want to spend time on a juicy conspiracy theory, I'd stay with who murdered that pedophile pervert Jeffrey Epstein in jail. The FBI is now investigating the death, so that means some additional evidence has likely been uncovered.

Now, REX RAY, today is Christmas Eve. Spend it well. Have you bought gifts for Judy, something besides a push lawnmower ? Something really nice. I bought my husband a brand new Lazy-Boy recliner, for way too much money . . . a story:

I sent my son and his fiance out to shop for the chair with specifics about price and color. My son comes home and says 'we found the perfect chair, but it's a different color and it costs a little more than what you wanted to pay'. He wasn't kidding. Then he said, 'Mom' (he calls me Mom) it's a VERY comfortable chair, we both liked it. I said, what color? (I had asked for blue) Gray, he says, a medium gray. (I try not to look shocked.) And then, I asked the important question: 'How much?'
My son goes on the explain that it costs about twice as much as I had thought to pay, and 'BTW, Mom, it's kind of large'. . . . He shows me a picture on his 'phone' camera and I choke on my coffee. . .


so anyway the decor of the family room will now have a very large gray (ugh) recliner which I'm told is super comfortable. Now, REX RAY, I have agreed to all this. Why?
Well, I figured if my son, his fiance, and my husband are happy with this chair, then I am happy too. . . . (I keep saying this to myself)

It's to be delivered Saturday. So I have some time to get used to the idea.

Oh well, it's a good think I'm not a materialistic person. But next time we need furniture, I'm going to make time to go and check it out myself. We have plenty of furniture, too much, but the old recliner began to sag, and springs came out the back and the arms began to fray, and it acquired a rather odd persona of seeming to keep moving around the room through the day, which was a little bit disconcerting as no one ever actually saw it move (more trouble).

well, go shopping if you need to, and help out in the kitchen or stay out of Judy's way as she prefers, and take a look on line at the new Epstein bru-ha-ha. I'm fairly sure he was murdered myself, but of course I have no proof . . . but these days, that's okay. (just kidding)

Enjoy the evening. Maybe carolers will come around. In our neighborhood it happens a lot. We are on the 'tour' I guess. I hope you will spend Christmas Day with the people you love best. Take care. Thanks for the new conspiracy info. I'm not a believer but it IS INTERESTING. :)

Victorious said...

Go ahead, Victorious, give it your best shot! We're all family here!

Hi RB!

That statement was a bit of hyperbole intended to convey the depth of my disgust for the President. At the very least, he is an embarrassment to our country and contrary to everything we (as intelligent citizens and Believers) should expect in a role model.


Rex Ray said...


So, you bought your husband a LAZY-BOY. Well, I’ve told Judy more than once the reason I married her was for her LAZY-BOY. It has three positions, upright, reclining, and horizontal (heaven).

No push lawnmower Christmas gift this year. We have pecan trees. She has hand-picked 130 pounds of pecans. Now she’s happy with a push machine that picks them up, dumps them in a basket, pull a rope and they fall out on a sheet. We pay to have them processed, but we (mostly Judy) separate the ‘good’ from shells.

For breakfast, I make a drink by using a machine (Nutra Bullet) to blend a cup of pecans, one tablespoon of Nutribullet Superfood, orange juice, an apple, and six raw eggs. (Taste delicious.)

I’m surprised Robert Kennedy Jr. didn’t mention the tape recorder that picked up 13 shots when his father was killed. (Five of the bodyguard’s made a louder noise than Sirhan’s eight shots.) Neither did he mention who had the ‘authority’ (President LBJ?) to prevent the jury from seeing the autopsy report, substituted eight bullets that looked the same instead of larger bullets in Kennedy than others shot. Who furnished Sirhan lawyers that tricked him to plead guilty?

CHRISTIANE, you’ve heard history repeats itself? I believe Sirhan was a patsy just like Oswald was. Who had Sirhan hypnotized to think he was shooting balloons on a rifle range?

I believe it was the person that Robert Kennedy asked when he slammed his fist into a pillar saying, “Why did you have my brother killed?" Link below.

RB Kuter said...

Christiane, that was my attempt at humor and intended it to be facetious when I said I thought we "owned" Lottie Moon. I was just not aware of how widespread Lottie Moon's story was among others and she has always been the image of missions for Southern Baptists all my life. It's good to know that she is so well known and remembered.

Of course we no more have claim to her than with any other saint who heroically served Christ and impacts all of Christendom with their model of service.
Merry Christmas!

RB Kuter said...

Victorious, I genuinely believe that most readers of this blog's comments would benefit from hearing diverse propositions. It helps us to understand one another and even if we don't agree, we have a better appreciation for the basis of the positions of others.

I certainly did not intend to convey anything that would elicit disgust or insincerity in that comment about our "all being family", etc. I was trying to encourage you to go ahead and share your thoughts trusting in readers to consider your viewpoint.

Christiane said...

Dear Victorious,
someday, all the hate will end . . . hang on

Dear Mr. Kuter,
Merry Christmas to you also. May you and your family be blessed.

thanks for the response . . . PECAN TREES ! ! ! what a great idea, a gift from the nature

yes, a Lazy Boy recliner . . . my dear husband will LOVE it, but he is now so attached to the old recliner that is falling apart (it's going right out on the curb for the city to pick up)

A very Merry Christmas to you and to Judy.
Be well, old friend. God Bless.

Rex Ray said...


You wrote: “If you REALLY want to spend time on a juicy conspiracy theory, I'd stay with who murdered that pedophile pervert Jeffrey Epstein in jail.”

Epstein appealed to the evil desire of men to have sex with young girls.

“It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.” (Luke 17:2 KJ)

That’s what I thought of a father that had ‘trained’ his daughter. She was so young that standing in the seat, her head didn’t reach the top.

Many times, I wished I’d called the police for a ‘sting operation’.

This is the story. I was 20 years old going to college in Denton, Texas. I worked a 40-hour-night-shift at a meat-packing in Fort Worth that was 30 miles away. I had bus tickets to work, but since no buses ran after mid-night, I hitch-hiked back.

I was desperate for a car and saved more than $200. I read adds for cars. One advertised “$200 cash only” that was worth double that. I hitch-hiked with a smile on my face. The guy (I’ll name X) said “The car isn’t here, but I’ll drive you there.” The front seat had so much ‘stuff’ there was only room for him. I rode in the back seat with his little girl. On the way X disgusted me with his talk of sex with Blacks. “The color won’t rub off.”

X said, “I have to stop here for a minute.” I let his daughter sit in my lap until she started pulling down my zipper. I pushed her off, and she stood with her dress up to her chin. She didn’t have anything else on. I was so scared I ran for a long time.

I’ll bet if someone wanted to buy his car that X didn’t want, he’d say, “I’ve already sold it.” He’d chose his ‘victims’ and watch them. If a guy did or tried to molest his daughter, he’d demand their money or he’d call the police. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was being molested by him.

RB Kuter said...

Rex Ray, God was surely watching over you because you could have easily been the victim of a scam even though you were completely innocent of any wrong doing.

The only explanation I can think of with such acts of evil like that girls' father is demonic control of those involved. It is pure evil from hell. We see so much of that these days, like those two pastors beheaded in Ethiopia recently by Muslim extremists and so many other incidents.

It makes the light, innocence, holiness of Christmas all the more of a desperate need for we believers.

RB Kuter said...

A neighbor roasted an entire pig today and brought us a huge platter of pork this evening. Man, I ate too much! I know I am going to have 10 pounds of weight to lose after this week before I can get back to where I was which was already about 10 pounds over what I want it to be! It's all about discipline. With God's help, I can do it!

Rex Ray said...

RB Kuter,

I agree with your words: “demonic control”.

I felt in danger if X could find me and stop me from talking. I’ve forgotten his name a long time ago, but he probably gave me a fake name.

That might have been the way that Robert Kennedy felt with his files of LBJ getting $100,000 kickback from General Dynamics, and the deals he had with Bobby Baker and Billie Sol Estes that would send LBJ to prison. As soon as Robert heard his brother was dead, he retrieved his files from the White House.

I believe he didn’t report them because who would listen to a fired Attorney General, BUT if he became President of the United states, LBJ would have a problem.

This link tells that Robert Kennedy’s wife, Ethel Kennedy, is keeping her husband’s files a secret. Wonder why?

RB Kuter said...

Rex Ray, I don't imagine Bobby kept his files secret because he didn't think anyone would believe him. A LOT of power involved and a lot of power players are affected by things like that. Hence, the Epstein cover-up/Whitewater/perhaps destroyed files by you know who that was never prosecuted for obstruction. There is no doubt a lot of matters relative to those inner players that we will never see nor will it see the light of day. I'm sure they're hidden to protect us and for our own good, right?

Shawn said...

Alaskan in Texas (was in Alaska meownself for 3 years)

You suggest -

Mike Pence - Donald John Trump should be removed from office by the Senate so that Mike Pence can assume the presidency. I'd vote for Pence in November over any current Democratic candidate. (And no, removing Trump doesn't mean Schumer or Pelosi become president.)

Only viable if Senate finds SOLID CONSTITUTIONAL reasons to remove Trump. Very far from likely. So, NOT VIABLE.

Joe Biden - he is so viable that Donald John Trump asked Ukraine to help "us" (I guess that means all Americans?) gather opposition research on Biden. Plain vanilla solicitation of foreign interference in our country's sole national election. I did read the transcript, by the way.

Seriously? Given his support as a democrat for full on abortion? Viable if you see no trouble with abortion. His viability will only be shown by him being selected by dems as their candidate.

Tom Steyer - a decent, smart man who puts his money where his mouth is.

Samie same as Biden. Reread that.

Do you have an issue with the dems stand on abortion?


Rex Ray said...

Wade,RB, and Shawn

Republican John Ratcliffe from Texas said in his vote against the impeachment of President Trump:

“In a betrayal of the Constitution, Democrats finally got what they’re gunning for since the very day President Trump was duly elected to serve in the Oval Office. Despite failing miserably in their prolonged, desperate campaign to frame him for crimes he didn’t commit, they moved forward with a vote to remove a sitting president from office based on nothing more than their personal and political opposition.

This is the thinnest, fastest, and weakest impeachment our country has ever seen; rooted in a congratulatory phone call where there are no crimes alleged, where there is no victim, and where Democrats themselves could never decide what to even accuse the president of doing wrong.

The Founders intended impeachment to be used for actions so extraordinary that it would happen only three times in almost two and a half centuries. Alexander Hamilton warned of impeachment being used politically by the party that had the most votes. Today’s impeachment is the Founders’ worst nightmare.

When voters go to the polls next November, I hope they’ll hold Democrats accountable for wasting countless hours and taxpayer dollars on this disgraceful impeachment hoax that was designed to control the outcome of the 2020 election.”

This was written in the Leader Newspaper that has 15,000 copies going to 15 towns in Texas.

RB Kuter said...

One thing about it, I don't imagine we have ever had a President living under the scrutiny as this one since the days prior to his being elected. I am just guessing at that, but it seems that if there was anything of significance that could have been leveled against him, they would have during the past 3 years. I don't think we've ever seen a person in political office more transparent in terms of speaking what he's thinking either.

The days following Trump, whenever that is, will be very different no matter who wins. We'll never see another like this. I think there may be some who attempt to simulate his methods given the effectiveness in terms of the economy, trade, and, depending upon your viewpoint, international affairs. I believe that much of the reason for the red hot economy in the past 3 years is due to confidence. The proof in that pudding would be that, should the Democrat candidate win in 2020, I could just about guarantee the market would take an immediate and deep plunge, capital investments of companies would cease, outgoing trade would subside, and construction would bottom out. It would be so sudden as to be undeniable as to the cause.

We cannot prove that would happen, but I feel that it would.

Shawn said...

What Rex Ray said.

Rex Ray said...


You wrote: “What Rex Ray said.”
No, I said, “Republican John Ratcliffe from Texas said in his vote against the impeachment of President Trump…”

I copy/paste from what was written in “THE LEADER” December 24, 2019.

It’s a newspaper that prints 15,000 copies that is free to everyone. (We get ours from our mailbox.) The office is located in Bonham, Texas. (Five miles from where we live.) Many stores in Bonham, will have a stack of them where customers can get a copy free. The Leader is sent to 15 towns that are around Bonham. (Bonham has the “Sam Rayburn Library” that’s located two miles from his home. (Sam Rayburn was Speaker of the House for many years.)

Once, JFK made a speech at the Library. My daughter has a picture of her holding her baby standing next to him.

John Ratcliffe’s article followed “From My Life to Yours” by Bro. Bill Beasley who writes every week. He was a prisoner of the Germans in World War II. In the same issue, Beasley wrote a story with the title, “Missing the Messiah”.

In brief, he wrote: “On December 19, 1903 Orville and Wilbur Wright made their first flight. It lasted 12 seconds and lifted off to an altitude of 120 feet. Wilber sent a telegram to his sister saying, “We have flown for 12 seconds. Will be home for Christmas.” A newspaper headline said, “Wright Brothers Will Be Home for Christmas”. The lesson here: the most important story of the year, man’s first successful flight, and the editor missed it.

On the first Christmas, others missed the Messiah’s birth: the innkeeper, Herod, and the Priest. These are busy times as we ready for Christmas. Jesus has come to this earth. Don’t miss the Messiah.”

Doug said...

I find your argument surprisingly shallow. Why should CT withhold their opinion until some other point in time? It is their OPINION. We are free to give that any time.
Also, I am curious about your statement: "Americans must realize it is more Hitler-esque to skirt the rule of law and demand by fiat the removal from office of political opponents than it is to follow the Constitution." I agree wholeheartedly. But I was wondering, who exactly is seeking to remove the President by "fiat". It seems to me that the Dems, like it or mot, are following the law to the letter (as the GOP did with Clinton). Maybe you know something I don't? Is there a conspiracy theory I have missed?

Rex Ray said...


You said, “Is there a conspiracy theory I have missed?

Maybe you missed the answer to your question by not reading what John Ratcliffe said:

“In a betrayal of the Constitution, Democrats finally got what they’re gunning for since the very day President Trump was duly elected to serve in the Oval Office. Despite failing miserably in their prolonged, desperate campaign to frame him for crimes he didn’t commit, they moved forward with a vote to remove a sitting president from office based on nothing more than their personal and political opposition.

This is the thinnest, fastest, and weakest impeachment our country has ever seen; rooted in a congratulatory phone call where there are no crimes alleged, where there is no victim, and where Democrats themselves could never decide what to even accuse the president of doing wrong.

The Founders intended impeachment to be used for actions so extraordinary that it would happen only three times in almost two and a half centuries. Alexander Hamilton warned of impeachment being used politically by the party that had the most votes. Today’s impeachment is the Founders’ worst nightmare.”

Your Christmas Tree story was a hit in our church. Very funny indeed.

Rex Ray said...

After Pearl Harbor, some Japanese said, “We may have awaken a sleeping giant.”

Democrats may have done the same thing with their impeachment of Trump. Polls show his popularity is going up as many think of him as a martyr.

Anonymous said...

“The Constitution of the United States requires the House of Representatives to send Articles of Impeachment to the United States Senate for a trial for removal of the President.”
No, it doesn’t. Stop lying to people.

“I'm a libertarian who believes the rule of law is more important than politics.“
Says the guy who decided “just grab them by the pussy” wasn’t a deal breaker.
Also, “rule of law” and “libertarianism” are not synonymous ideas. Please don’t try to make yourself a libertarian and thus drag the rest of us down with you.
“Rule of law” leads to the Nuremberg defense which is as anti-Libertarian as it can possibly get. Your stance on immigrants reflects this and betrays your fake Libertarian position.

Anonymous said...

“Wait to speak out until the process of law has run its due course.”
Your blog is littered with proof of your hypocrisy here. You speak on issues not yet decided all the time.

Rex Ray said...


Did you hear what Democrats are doing?

Trump has the military ‘remove’ the most notorious murderer in the world, and they are moaning the ‘blues’: “Trump didn’t tell us; he’s going to get us in war.”


Put a sock in your mouth.

Jed Carosaari said...

Rex Ray is right. Evangelicals now follow the religion of Trump.