Monday, August 05, 2019

'Good Boys' Glorifies Child Sexuality and We Laugh

I'm not a moral prude. Far from it.

In fact, most religious people think I'm "too gracious," "too loving," "too accepting," and "too merciful."

I plead guilty to the charges.

The Good News of Jesus Christ does not require moralizing people, it requires memorizing facts.

Like a television broadcaster, preaching is recounting historical events that have occurred; some wonderful, amazing events that constitute Good News ("God loves sinners so much He sent us His Son.")

The English word "preacher" comes from the ancient Greek word kerusso, a Greek word which means "I proclaim." In Greek etymology, the word originates from farmers who used it to describe the sound a rooster makes when "proclaiming the risen sun."

So one who "preaches" (kerusso) is one who proclaims "the Risen Son."

My job as a preacher is to broadcast what Jesus has done for sinners, not what sinners should do for Jesus.

When morally blind people are awakened by the Spirit to the light of the Son, they take steps to change their lives. The blind now see, and they naturally avoid moral pitfalls where they previously saw none.

That's why the worse people are morally in our culture, the more compassion Christians ought to feel for them.

"The blind are leading the blind into a deadly pit," said Jesus.

Enter the new movie Good Boys.

My wife and I are celebrating our 36th Wedding Anniversary this week. We went to see a movie last night. I don't like being late to movies, because one of my favorite parts is the previews of upcoming movies.

I wish we'd been late last night.

The trailer for the new movie Good Boys startled me (Warning, do not allow your children to watch the preview, though the stars of the movie are 6th graders).

Even though one should expect spiritually blind people to fall into deadly moral traps, it's surprising when one sees the blind rejoicing in their falls.

Good Boys celebrates:
1. Child sex.
2. Pornographic sex.
3. Multiple sexual partners.
4. Crude, vulgar language.
5. Child sexuality.
I'm astounded how American society rightly condemns grown men for child or female sexual abuse while at the same time remaining silent about movies like Good Boys.

I was shocked at two things during the preview:
1. The over-the-top crude, pornographic, and sexual remarks of 12-year-olds (words that if acted upon are a crime), and
2. The audience laughter.
America has fallen morally, but American society doesn't yet know it.

During the Civil War, World War I, and World War II, American's had 12-year-old boys saving our country from tyranny.

Today, America has 12-year-old boys leading our country into perversity.

Americans sit by silently while other adults show our 12-year-olds the glories of moral perversion. There is a way which seems right to a person, but the end thereof is the way of death. 

I typically say nothing about the moral depravity in our culture because my expectations of morally blind people are very low.

I just don't expect morally blind adults to laugh as they lead children into their perversions.

Good Boys, which opens this August, illustrates how far America has fallen.

The next time tyranny threatens our country, I'm not hopeful we have the moral fiber to resist.


Doug Martin said...

The law of the harvest is in play in America as society has sown to the wind and is now reaping the whirlwind a'la Hosea 8:7. More mass shootings than days of the year (251 versus 216 as of this post), an opiod crisis that necessitates 1st responders carrying narcone, prolific pornography destroying the God-given privilege of sexual enjoyment in marriage, and an explosion of every sort of sexual perversion being actively advocated as normal....these spiritual/social cancers as well as a host of other societal sins all indicate to me that it's WAY PAST TIME to pray for a CROP FAILURE!

Doug Martin said...

In addition to praying for a MERCIFUL CROP FAILURE, the "seed" of the Gospel MUST be broadly sown in the soil of the souls of those who have both sown to the wind and are reaping the whirlwind, for ONLY the Gospel "seed" can set those captives free from the intention of satan to further steal, kill, lie and destroy.

Christiane said...

This is difficult to write about:

I taught sixth grade for sixteen years. Most of those years, it was in the inner city environment where it takes a special skill set to help children who may not have the usual support system at home that I would want for my own children.

One of the 'red lights' I counted on was that IF I saw a sudden 'negative' change of behavior in a student, I knew to report it to the parent(s)/or grandmother/or foster mother/or guardian and let them know what I was seeing in the classroom, as well as discussing this with our school counselors and having them speak with the child. Usually, all of the team teachers for that child would also note some of the 'change' and have input into informing the parents and counselors.

Indeed, when one of my sixth graders began to act out with sexually-explicit gestures in line on the way to lunch, I asked my teacher's assistant to take the class on and I brought the child to the Counseling Office . . . . the rest of the story is very difficult to write, but, as the boy's acting out continued, the parent was called in and informed and when the child was asked to join us, it came out that he was waiting for his mother to go to work at night and then going to the apartment upstairs to sit with an adult male who was showing him pornography . . .

There were some aspects of my job that were heart-breaking. I would urge parents to 'pay attention' if their children begin to show signs of behaviors that may be a 'red light' to be explored as to 'why' the behavior is being seen. Sometimes the answers are important.

Life is hard on young people. They are in need of good sex education from responsible people, and I'm convinced that parents need to attend classes on just how this is best handled for the sake of the child . . . . especially in our present time . . . some kids aren't ready for certain knowledge yet and parents have a duty to watch over their children. Painful subject. No way around it. Children must be protected as best we can. If we don't help the children, the predators out there are waiting for them, and THOSE monsters are real. God have mercy.

Tammy Adams said...

I appreciate the comment by the teacher. I, too, work with students that are "at risk", meaning that 95% of our student body have experienced at least one life event that has caused them to be behind in school and to experience a domino effect of hardships in their lives. More than 1/2 have records. Their stories are heartbreaking, and they come from all socio economic levels, ethnicities and cultures. It is easy to despair and to be shocked by what these students experienced as children from pre-school to high school. At first, I was frightened for my safety and for the safety of our country because of some of the perversions they shared and struggled with. The language and sexuality of these students is harsh, and they just want to feel safe. I was on my knees every night praying for them, and the Spirit of God began to show me that he had put me on this earth for many reasons, and one of them was such a time as this. Although I have a healthy respect for safety and precautions in my job, I am not usually fearful. I do have to admit that if I get threatened, I have a healthy dose of fear. But what I mostly see is that these students (I teach high school and adults of all ages) need to be encouraged and loved. I can tak to them about spiritual things, if they bring it up, and they do. The recognize very quickly that there is a difference with me, and they know it has to be Jesus. They are not ignorant of the gospel, but they have not seen it lived out. I have a very rigid boundary that I must keep to teach, but God has helped me keep it while still guiding these students to a more positive path, sometimes by helping the hear the gospel through their own questioning and by my encouragement and connecting them to things outside of school that can further help them get help to turn their lives around. None of this is possible without Jesus, and many students find him in the minimum way that I can share him because they see him through my life. This movie is an expression of an ever growing segment of the American people. Because of our privilege, we have inadvertently taught the generations behind us a sense of entitlement to "freedom" that is not what we intended. Great freedom comes with great responsibility, and we (meaning the country as a whole) have become a violent society because we support (again as a country) the idea of "tolerance" as freedom. As Christians in our current society, we need to seriously commit ourselves and our daily lives soberly to Christ and be a workman that "needeth not to be ashamed". This movie is an expression of young writers in the movie industry that have an agenda tp expose the public to what they have seen as the norm in the schools they grew up in and in the homes they and their friends grew up in. I fail so often to be above reproach in my life, even with they deep commitment I have to be that light in a very dark world. I fail to love as much as should, I sometimes feel such disgust for what a student has been through, I fail to be as compassionate as I should be. We all must put on the armor of God every day so that we can stand in the evil day. With this we have to realize that as we stand, Christ's light shines brightly in that dark world. We most likely will feel persecution, fear, mourning and frustration, but we have a great God that has taught us that greater is he that is in us than he that is in the world. The victory is His. We often pray for those missionaries serving on foreign fields, but we must diligently pray for one another to be able to stand in the evil day in our schools, our jobs, our communities and while at play. In some ways the American church has experienced profound freedom where they flourished and grew strong. Perhaps this was so we could be prepared for such a time as this and stand strong, be available and live a life worthy of the calling.

Victorious said...

I'm gonna come across in a way that's not normally perceived as "Christ-like" but I'm willing to risk it anyway.

I'm sick-to-death of those convicted of crime using the "poor me" excuse...because look at the way he/she was brought up.

Years ago Phil Donahue was one of the first "talk show" programs and became popular for the different types of guests on his show. One show in particular has been etched in my memory for some 40 yrs. or so. He had two adult men who were brothers and whose father had treated them badly due to alcoholism. Phil asked one of them why he turned to alcohol early in his life. His response was "because my father was an alcoholic." Phil then asked the his brother why he had resolved to never touch a drop of alcohol and his reply was "because my father was an alcoholic."

At some point, we have to make choices. We will either follow the bad examples we see in our lives or decide to choose a different path.

When one of my own sons was arrested for shoplifting at the age of 16, he was told he had to appear in court and should bring his parents. His father and I decided since it was optional, we would let him face the judge for his actions alone. Then on the day of his appearing before a judge, he was told by the judge he had to bring his parents. We went, of course, to the next hearing. The judge asked the parents (us) to stand and then proceeded to tell us that children's actions are in large part due to parental examples and upbringing. I objected and asked that my son be removed from the courtroom while we discussed this issue. I then reminded the judge that parents are not the only ones who influence a child's behavior; that there are teachers, pastors, neighbors, friends, coaches, etc. who are in contact with them on a daily/weekly basis. I told him we were Christians who teach the Bible to our children and attend church services twice a week so he was taught right from wrong and he was responsible for his choices.

That judge told us to get an attorney but we respectfully (but firmly) refused to supply him with the legal means to (most likely) avoid the consequences of his actions. He repeated the demand and we left the courtroom.

At home, we told our son that we had refused to engage an attorney and that we were willing to face the consequences of our actions just as he must for his choice. He went to school whining about his horrible parents who didn't love him enough to get an attorney for him and one of the teachers got one for him who would ask Larry to pay for his services a month at a time until the total was paid.

Long story are strong believers that most crimes are not made by accident but are planned and executed with full knowledge of the intended goal/purpose. The bible tells us that the government is our protection from those who willingly commit crimes and enforce a just punishment on our behalf. That is the method of focusing on the realization that one must suffer the consequences of his/her own actions and hopefully learn from that experience.

Looking back at the situation, I wonder if I would handle the judge's order the same way or concede to get an attorney for our son. I think the message he would receive is that mom and dad will always bail him out and the judge would make sure they did. Who knows?

Christiane said...

Hello Victorious,

it is difficult to know what to do in a situation regarding a child who is sixteen years old, so I can sympathize with your situation

You and your husband know your son best. So what you choose to do on his behalf, whether it be the full gambit of parental support OR a 'tough love' approach . . . that decision is very likely informed by how well you both know your son.

I can share this with you:
that in cases where young people are in trouble and acting out, counselors like to bring in the whole family together as a family-counseling situation rather than try to work with the young person in isolation on a one-to-one.

Apparently, the context of 'the family' with its boundary issues and its communication problems, etc, etc. often has much more influence on a child's behavior than it would on an adult, so if progress is to be made to deal with the problem behavior, professional counselors like to use family-counseling techniques as a way of sorting out the child's difficulties and promoting a healthy intervention and follow up. . . . .

It's complicated. Each family has its own patterns. No one way fits all situations. Each teenager is an individual and every parent tries to do what is right for their child (at least in most cases) so 'tough love' is a technique that may be more appropriate for one and not at all for another, depending. I would not judge your decisions, no. However life is tough on the young, it is tougher on their parents for sure.

You considered what 'messages' your reactions as a parent would give to your child, and you did what you thought was right for his sake at that time, and I can respect that, yes.

Victorious said...

Hi Christine,

Yes, it's complicated and no one way fits all situations. Reading back over my post it appears that we were a bad example to my son by refusing to abide by the judges demand for an attorney. However, it wasn't that we didn't want him to have an attorney (as the judge demanded), rather it was that we wanted it to be my son's responsibility to find one for himself. That was how we hoped to avoid the impression we were bailing him out of trouble, but that it was part of the difficult consequences of his actions that would be squarely on his shoulders.

I don't think I made that clear and it looked as though we were actually teaching him he could be disobedient to the law since his parents were. That was the message we conveyed both to the judge and our son....that the onus was his not ours.

By the way, a couple months ago we were on the phone (he lives about 3 hrs. away) and I complimented him on being so thoughtful, sensitive and encouraging to me and he said, "Mom, where do you think I learned that?" Thankfully, we did some things right.

Curious Thinker said...

Having watch at least three movie trailers for "The Good Boys" on the youtube just out of curiosity, I too was astounded by the raunchy humor in it involving three 11-12 year old boys. From what I heard the movie was created by a comedian writer Seth Rogen who also other raunchy comedy films "Superbad" and "Sausage Party" neither films I've seen or care too. I'm not a fan of Seth Rogen but I heard many others are and love his films. Back to the Good boys from the trailer I have mixed feelings.

I didn't get the idea of child sex since that was never shown or implied. Nor that the film glorifies multiple sex or porn. Just that in one scene it showed three boys who are curious about kissing checking out porn on the internet and getting grossed out on what they watched. Some other scenes were a bit cringey too such as the boys naively playing with sex toys not knowing what they were or not knowing that Molly is a drug and not a person, not fully understanding what a tampon is used for etc. I think the point of them film is despite the title the boys are anything but "Good Boys" as they get into all kinds of mischief and chaos in fact I think the film should be called "Bad Boys" instead.

As for child sexuality, I will have to point out that this isn't a new thing. Many children usually between the ages 9-12 become curious about their sexuality, the opposite sex, sexual behaviors like kissing as the go through puberty and changes in their bodies. Also, although it's very cringey to think about it's not very new that young boys as same ages as the boys in the film to stumble upon porn on the internet, it does happen behind the parents back. Back in the day before the internet pre-teen boys would look at playboy magazines hidden in their bedrooms, or stumble upon their dad's magazines or giving to them to gloss over when they were at their friends house. It has been shown in movies before so "The Good Boys" isn't the first. I'm not saying it's okay or good but it happens an is part of it has to do the young males coming of age curiosity of females. This has been going around for decades so is young children cursing. I even remember as girl in middle school during the 1980s, kids cursed, young boys said dirty things that were quite disgusting sometimes they were said to me that made me cringe and would shock the adults if they heard them. Even in elementary school one of my closest friends had crushes on some the boys in our classes.

These days children are even more aware then they were doing my generation and sometimes that can be a bit scary but other times I don't know if that such a bad thing. A have to agree with Christiane that young kids need a good sex-education. For Christians I learned of the Concordia series from the Concordia publishing house that has many books that Christian parents might prefer especially for kids who are about to are going through puberty. Plus finding ways to block porn sites in the internet and parents talking to children about these things in a gentle way they understand and why it is bad as well as other uncomfortable things such as their curiosity and growing attraction to the opposite sex, kissing other things once they hit puberty. Some(not all) parents may avoid discussing any of this as a misguided way to protect and preserve their innocence but that does't do any good especially if they get the wrong information from their peers, plus they should also know boundaries what is appropriate and what isn't.

As for The movie "The Good Boys", I won't be seeing that film it's not my taste anyway. But interesting post.

God Bless.

Christiane said...

I believe parents need guidance in how and when to explain 'the facts of life' to their children. A lot of parents aren't knowledgeable about who or where to go for help in finding out but they CAN start with their child's pediatrician. And the school nurse may also be able to advise them. Instruction should be age-appropriate, yes.

It's important to get this right.

Rex Ray said...


Who murdered Paul? (World’s oldest “Cold Case”)
(Scripture reference is from the New Living Translation unless noted.) war
The link above states religion as the cause of 13 of the world's 100 deadliest atrocities. Why? Because there’s no greater hatred than ‘religious hatred’. I remember reading about a pregnant woman killed by being thrown from a high window. Her baby was born alive, but was killed by a man with his teeth. When confessing his sins to a priest on his deathbed, he was asked about the baby. He claimed that was not a sin but an honor to God.

Did Paul have ‘religious hatred’?
“Let God’s curse fall on anyone…who preaches a different kind of Good News than the one we preached to you.” I say it again…If anyone preaches any other Good News than the one you welcomed, let that person be cursed. (Galatians 1:8-9)

Paul preached not to follow the Law for Salvation in Galatians
: “…They wanted to enslave us and force us to follow their Jewish regulations. But we refused to give in to them.” (2:4-5)
“…The law was our guardian until Christ came…now that the way of faith has come, we no longer need the law as our guardian.” (3:24-25)
“You are being persecuted by those who want you to keep the law.” (4:29)
“Christ has truly set us free…don’t get tied up to slavery to the law.” (5:1)
“…you are not under obligation to the law of Moses.” (5:18)

Holy Spirit tells Paul that going to Jerusalem will put him in prison
“…The Holy Spirit declares, so shall the owner [Paul] of this belt be bound by the Jewish leaders in Jerusalem and turned over to the Gentiles.” (Acts 21:11) “…the Holy Spirit tells me in city after city that jail and suffering lie ahead.” (Acts 20:24)

Rex Ray said...

With that said, skip to Acts 21 where Luke states:
“The next day Paul went with us to meet with James, [I’ll assume since he was pastor, he did the talking.] and all the elders of the Jerusalem church were present. After greeting them, Paul gave a detailed account of the things God had accomplished among the Gentiles through his ministry.
After hearing this, they praised God. And then they said, “You know, dear brother, how many thousands of Jews have also believed, and they all follow the law of Moses very seriously.” (18-20) (“…they are all zealous of the law.” KJ and NIV)

James takes the position what Paul is teaching
is so preposterous it couldn’t be true.
“The Jewish believers in Jerusalem have been told that you are teaching all the Jews who live among the Gentiles to turn their backs on the law of Moses. They’ve heard that you teach them not to circumcise their children or follow the Jewish customs.” (21) What should we do? They will certainly hear that you have come.” (22)

This warns him his life is in danger! “we” must do something because if Jewish Christians kill Paul, Gentile churches would revolt because Paul was their hero. How did they in the same breath tell the problem and have the solution? They had a day to have a previous meeting for a solution to solve their problem which is revealed in the next verse.

“Here’s what we want you to do. We have four men here who have completed their vow.” (23) “Go with them to the Temple and join them in the purification ceremony, paying for them to have their heads ritually shaved. Then everyone will know that the rumors are false and that you yourself observe the Jewish laws.” (24) (This last sentence from James is not true.)

“Go to the Temple…” THAT’S THEIR PLAN! In the Temple are Jewish leaders that will turn Paul over to the Gentiles. They could tell Gentiles that Paul observed Jewish laws because he was taking vows when arrested.

Skipping to the end

I believe Paul finally realized after years of prison and no communication from James and elders he knew he’d been tricked in going to the Temple.

“…The time of my death is near.” (2 Timothy 4:6)

“At my first answer no man stood with me…I pray God that it may not be laid to their charge.” (KJ) Paul’s prayer is the same as what he heard Steven pray. Had the same crime been done to Paul? Where were James and the elders that called him, “Dear brother”? Acts 21:20

Christiane said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Christiane said...


how was your visit to your brother? I see the bears didn't get you. :)

Knowing how very much you enjoy a good conspiracy theory, I can only advise you to restrain yourself from flights of fancy over a deadly feud between St. James the Apostle and St. Paul.

Having said that, I can help with your question, only to probably fuel your 'theories', which I don't really want to do, so if you will accept my caution in good faith, I can steer you to a site that I know you might find interesting, this, although I don't myself know if the content of this site is accurate, but it IS interesting. So be amused, but please don't take conspiracy theories all so seriously is my hope.
There, I sometimes do try to be helpful, old friend:

Rex Ray said...

The visit with my brother wasn’t exactly a visit. My sister stayed two weeks, then we stayed eleven days. He lives with his daughter. One leg is paralyzed and he has three hours of dialysis three times a week. They use a machine and a bag under him to move him from bed to a wheelchair. They always move his wheelchair for him. They hired a nurse (a boss) with 24 years of experience to help care for him five days a week. His daughter and her husband took a tour of Europa and wanted kinsmen to keep him company while they were gone. Three of their grown children were there. One was their son, 27 years old, a great guy who works as a nurse in a hospital. One was an adopted girl, a jewel, who cared for Hez whenever the nurse wasn’t there. The other adopted boy worked in construction, but had attitude problems. He seldom talked with anyone but wore headphones all the time. He never said hello to us. My brother’s wife stays in a rest home in Arizona. She is happy there without him. We were told not to mention her name as it makes him sad. He wrote this a few years ago.

To Bev, my wife
You were made to skip, to kiss, to caress.
I was made to behold your tenderness.
You were made to smile, to charm, to please.
I was made to court, to love, to tease.
We have run across virgin fields unplowed
And laughed as we watched the mountain top kissed the cloud

You were made to sing, to laugh, to sigh.
I was made to hold you by my side.
You were made to architect the home, the child.
I was made to climb, to joist, to tame the wild.
Together we marched into sweethearts’ promised land
And answered ever call of its high command.

Yes, we have danced on the valley’s velvet floor.
Yes, we have huddled in the cold at danger’s door.
We have lifted our voices in the joy of victory’s cheer.
We have prayed in sadness of lost causes’ bitter tears.
But now the years have piled up high,
And time begins to dim the ear and eye.

Our walk has slowed to such an easy gate
That it matters not if we are early or late.
If I should leave too soon this sunlit place,
I’ll watch for you from the hills of Grace.
And when you shall leave to earth your charms,
I’ll greet you here…in Heaven’s arms.

EMS Guy said...

My wife and I just saw the film, Good Boys. It was everything the opening blogger said...and worse.
Another often overlooked issue with movie of this nature, featuring very young actors: What kind of a parent or legal guardian would knowingly allow their child to participate in an acting role such as in the Good Boys? My opinion is that some individuals with reckless morals, and a pre adolescent child, looked upon as a 'Meal Ticket'.
Do I hear Amen to that?

Anonymous said...

I'm just I reading this correctly that a couple of people commenting here saw the movie after seeing the trailer and even after knowing more of what the movie was about? So I'm asking why? Keep in mind that I spent 20 yrs as a Baptist and, of course, we didn't go to movies. In the first church, that restriction was written into the "statement of faith" or whatever it was called (no movies, theater, stage, etc.), As I grew older, I got a bit more discerning, but I can still probably count on one hand the number of movies. And so I still ask why one would even attend such a movie as it appears to be