Thursday, October 01, 2015

ISIS Makes Russia a Friend to the U.S.

Yesterday I heard for the first time that the Russians were bombing targets in Syria.  In a previous Republican Presidential debate, Marco Rubio predicted that Russia would begin bombing Syria because "Putin desires to re-establish Russia as a geo-political force." In other words, Russia desires to be "the power broker" in the Middle East, replacing the United States' weak leadership in the region. Rubio is right. Russia is making her move. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said that Russia is pouring "gasoline on the fire" in Syria. The Obama administration is quick to make Russia the enemy.

I would caution all Americans about jumping to hasty conclusions, or believing everything you hear from the media or the United States government. Those with an understanding of past wars will tell you that often America must side with a perceived enemy to accomplish an even greater good. The greater good will sometimes turn a perceived enemy into a friend on the battlefield. This is precisely where the United States may find itself with Russia. Those wishing to remove President Assad of Syria are radical Muslims of the ISIS variety. Everyone knows what happened in Iraq after there arose a vacuum of governmental leadership. The Islamic State moved in. Russia is supporting Assad, and both Russia and Assad are arch-enemies of the Islamic State. So is America. During World War II America aligned with the Soviet Union to defeat the Nazis. After the war was over, Russia became our "enemy." But with our enemy as an ally during the war, Adolph Hitler was defeated.

America, don't be too hasty on choosing a side in this current conflict. Before you condemn Russia for her moves in Syria, ask who it is that Russia is fighting? It very well could be that a common enemy makes our perceived enemy a friend.


Pege' said...

The enemy of my enemy is my friend. ( I use the word friend very loosely).

Dan from Georgia said...

The so-called prophecy wonks are going to have a field day with this turn of events....#gag.

Bennett Willis said...

There seems to be some concern about the groups that the Russians decided to bomb first. Maybe they were not ISIS.

ScottShaver said...

The rhetoric in a lot of the media is that Russians are bombing the wrong "militants".

The idea that they're all potential "ISIS" followers gives a different perspective. Thanks.

Christiane said...

ISIS is pure horror. But what Assad did to his own people with Sarin gas rivals anything ISIS is capable of. If memory has failed, google Assad's Sarin gas victims and look again at the pitiful corpses of little children. Some things are hard to forget. Maybe we are called to remember them instead?

Anonymous said...

Russia is still bombing terrorist targets so let's be thankful for that. I predict ISIS targets will be next. ISIS is no friend to Russia or anybody else for that matter.

Scott said...

"It very well could be that a common enemy makes our perceived enemy a friend."

This worked out so well for the USA in Afghanistan in the early 1980s when we armed the Taliban to fight the Russians.

Rex Ray said...


You’re correct in saying, “After the war was over, Russia became our enemy.” Any GI found across the border was put in prison. They put a machine gun within inches of my father’s head while checking his papers.

General Patton believed they were just as evil as Hitler, and asked permission to start a war with them while they were weak. (Tanks worn out etc.)

Yesterday, Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu in his speech (rebuking the U.N.) said if you have two enemies, don’t help one…weaken both of them. He said Iran is making long range missiles NOT for Israel, but for you.

I believe making Iran a friend would be like petting one skunk while it was fighting another skunk; we would smell like both of them. The ‘deal’ is a BAD deal

Christiane said...

Does Israel benefit by Assad being in power? I'm trying to sort out why anyone would want to support Assad.

GM said...

This makes an interesting addendum to your post Wade. about Russia and its intentions.

organicnaturals said...

Christine, Israel may benefit with Assad in power only while the Russians are bombing and fighting the anti-Assad regime rebels (who Obama armed) and ISIS. Prior to the Arab Spring, Assad has always been a major sponsor of terror groups against Israel along with Iran. Now that Assad's regime is in trouble, Iran has taken over.

Phil L said...

Unknown said...

I ask Google if John Wilks Booth was Muslim. You came up ? Why?

Setting the Record Straight: Abraham Lincoln, John Wilkes ...
Aug 15, 2008 - The account of how John Wilkes Booth shot Lincoln at Ford's Theater in .... David E. George/alias John St. Helen/alias John Wilkes Booth is a ..... of the title of this post, let me remind everyone that I have many Muslim fri.

When I ask if he was a Christian, White, Black, or any other question Your not their??? Why?

Christiane said...

An update on my comments here: It is now 7/19/17, and there is great concern that people in this country have been targeted to support Russian interests. One of the 'mouth pieces' of the Russians is Rep. Rohrabacher who was warned by the FBI about the Russians who were contacting him, but he ignored them. And now tonight we learn about Rohrabacher's deeper involvement with the Russians.

I recommend people stop for a moment and consider the wider implications of advocating FOR Russian interests. Russia is not a friend to the USA. And we are not a country that can afford to turn a blind eye when Putin takes over independent peoples ....... he won't stop there.

Please rethink any advocacy of Putin and his henchmen. A lot is now under investigation and I hate to think that the Southern Baptist people would be influenced by this evil person in any way. We are Americans and our country needs patriots now, more than ever. Love to all, Christiane.