Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Hear ISIL and Share 'Israel's Statehood Is Lasting'

There is a growing controversy on the Internet due to President Barak Obama's use of the acronym ISIL in referring to the brutal terrorist organization most commonly referred to as ISIS. Some are proposing that Mr. Obama is intentionally denigrating Israel by using ISIL, which stands for “Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant" rather than ISIS, which stands for "“Islamic State in Iraq and Syria." Al-Jeezera, the Islamic broadcasting arm of most Arab Muslims, solely uses ISIL in their media broadcasts.

The word 'levant' comes from the French language and means "rising." In ancient history, the word was used to refer to the lands where "the rising of the sun" occurred, or more generally, the eastern lands. However, it is a word that Muslims have historically used to refer to the land bridge between Africa and Europe (see map). Most Muslims believe the Jews have no rights to Levant land and refuse to recognize Israel as a state. ISIL is an acronym that some believe calls into question Israel's right to exist as an independent state.

The southern part of the Levant was once called the land of  Canaan, and the people who lived their were known as the Canaanites. When the Jews conquered Canaan after leaving their Egyptian captivity under the leadership of Moses and Joshua,  the land became known as "the land of Israel" (eretz Israel). Israel stretched from  Dan to Beersheba during Old Testament times, about 150 miles north and south along the Levant landbridge. When Rome defeated the Jews during the Jewish Wars of the 1st Century AD, the Romans renamed the region Palestina, after Israel’s most bitter enemy (the Philistines), to humiliate the Jews. The word Palestine comes from the Latin Palestina which means “land of the Philistines.”

So, it seems throughout history, Israel has been slighted by their enemies. It very well could be that ISIL is a slight against Israel. However, the prestigious Journal of Levantine Studies is published by Jews in Jerusalem, so one cannot be dogmatic that the word "Levant" is an insult to the Jews themselves.

Regardless, for those who believe ISIL is an insult to Israel, I propose every time ISIL is used to refer to the Caliphate that radical Muslims are attempting to establish, we should share with others- -



Unknown said...

Very interesting. I have to say I have noticed that when the administration speaks on this its ISIL and I am glad I read your blog to see what that meant. As for Israel being slighted I wouldnt be surprised by this group.

Anonymous said...

Nothing Obama does is surprising and he's proved over and over that he's pro-Muslim and anti-Israel. Oh well, at least someday he will know the truth when he stands before the King of Kings.

Anonymous said...

To anonymous @ 6:49 AM, I would like some empirical data to back up your statement that our president is pro-Muslim and anti-Israel.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who would ask the question that anonymous @ 11:51 would ask has no discernment in life.
Did the Jews in Germany have any empirical data to back up Hitlers future plans for them?


Anonymous said...

Very good, attack the questioner without addressing the question.

Anonymous said...

Avoid the Truth ....

BTW , Jesus answered provocative pointed questions with questions.


Anonymous said...

Here's some fun data to look at .....


Anonymous said...

We are still awaiting an answer to the question posed by anonymous 11:51 PM. As to the website you linked, it reminds me of the TV commercial where bonjour was the pointed comment.

Anonymous said...

Now I know why you believe Georgr W Bush blew up the WTC ....


Have a nice life....


Anonymous said...

Thank you, I do have a very nice life, but you did give me some new information. I did not know that "fact" about President Bush. Another statement without evidence?


revrogers said...

I'd like to ask that no one use the "Anonymous" option for commenting. It makes the distinguishing of persons difficult. Instead, select the "Name/URL" option and make up some name so you can be distinct in the comments bur still unknown if you must.

Kingdom Road Kill said...

A great resource for information concerning Anti Jew charters, etc of many terrorist groups is Front page mag by David Horowitz. A former red diaper baby who wrote Radical Son. Lots of archives, etc. Surprisingly a very pro Palestinian/Anti Jew president was Jimmy Carter who helped Arafat (who died a billionaire) quite a bit in ways that might surprise people.

I am not so sure Obama is "pro Muslim" as much as he is "anti America".

Kingdom Road Kill said...

And thanks for this info. I had no idea the L referred to the Levant. That brings in some very interesting history.

For example, before 1930's Palestinians referred to themselves as "Assyrians". It would be like a Kentuckian changing their reference to "I am an Appalachian" for political/regional reasons. And it worked.

Anonymous said...


IMO President Obama is not anti-American.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, i understand where you are coming from and simply disagree on an ideological level.


Christiane said...

I recently saw a clip that has gone viral and it gave me reason to question my own news sources for credibility, and sure enough there were discrepancies being touted as 'news' . . .

a caveat: the clip contains some sharp'language'
but aside from that it is worth watching for the way it makes us look at where we are going for those who claim 'truth' but in effect are telling us 'how to think' . . .
maybe it's time to re-examine all that we have been told in the news for ourselves . . . if we are going to remain a free people, we can not afford to be a people who need to be told 'how to think' by pundits. . . take a look:

Anonymous said...

Lydia, actually you are wrong. Palestinians are NOT "ASSYRIANS" as you assert so inaccurately. Assyrians are Christians in the Middle East, primarily in Iraq. They differ from Chaldeans only in that Assyrians are Protestant. Traditional Assyrians speak Aramaic, spoken by Jesus. There are a few remaining Assyrians in Iraq and a Assyrian community in the United States. Before you assert your ignorance, please don't.

Anonymous said...

"Lydia, actually you are wrong. Palestinians are NOT "ASSYRIANS" as you assert so inaccurately. Assyrians are Christians in the Middle East, primarily in Iraq. They differ from Chaldeans only in that Assyrians are Protestant. Traditional Assyrians speak Aramaic, spoken by Jesus. There are a few remaining Assyrians in Iraq and a Assyrian community in the United States. Before you assert your ignorance, please don't. "

I am responding to the word used "Palestinian". Ironically, the word Palestine at one time in history was an insult to an Arab as it was used by Jews.

The Arabs in that region typically referred to themselves as Assyrians before the Partition vote...Not Palestinians. It has nothing to do with 'relgion'. They saw themselves as Syrian Arabs. For many years the Jews and Arabs lived quite peacefully in Palestine.

No need to be so vitriolic as yes I can be very ignorant. Yet, I also know History is very nuanced and not as black and white as we would like for it to be.
