Monday, June 10, 2013

Be Careful of the Hashtag SBC'ers

I am not in Houston, Texas for the annual Southern Baptist Convention. However, I'm keeping up with what is going on in Houston through Twitter. Barry McCarty, the chief parliamentarian for the Southern Baptist Convention, tweeted this morning that many pastors are tweeting about the Southern Baptist Convention using  #SBC2013 instead of the "official" Southern Baptist Convention hashtag of #SBC13.

What's the big deal? Well, it seems #SBC2013 is the "official" hashtag for the annual Sports Bra Challenge (SBC) in New York, whose theme is "Reveal Yourself." I really think God must have a sense of humor. Here are a few tweets this morning from pastors at the Southern Baptist Convention using the wrong hashtag (some soon deleted):

"That was incredibly uplifting!" #SBC2013

"Anybody else think we look small on television" #SBC2013

"Why is it so cold in this arena?" #SBC2013

"I can't tell if that pastor was glaring or staring at me" #SBC2013

"I find myself growing more and more irritated." #SBC2013

Be careful of your hashtags SBC pastors.


Victorious said...

How funny! Yes, God has a sense of humor!

Chuck Andrews said...

That is funny. Especially funny if the Southern Baptist Convention wishes to become more transparent.

Anonymous said...

Now that's funny! Got to love technology!

Anonymous said...

Also found:

"Way. Too. Hot. For a Canadian boy... #SBC2013"

"Watching the #sbc2013 streaming's not the same, but it'll have to work!"

"All dressed up and ready to go at @BiblicalWoman! Come see us tomorrow at #SBC2013"

Wade Burleson said...


That's funny. :)