Some contemporary Christians seem to believe that hell is outside of God and He has nothing to do with it. They act as if hell and heaven are enemies and God is attempting to keep people out of hell like a football team keeps the opponent out of the end zone.
Not so.
Hell is as much from God - and of God - as heaven is.
Hell is holy and serves God's holy purpose.
In fact, it wouldn't be biblically wrong to state that hell is the holy presence of God that consumes all wickedness. "For our God is a consuming fire" (Hebrews 12:29).
Some contemporary Christians wrongly believe that hell is a place of torture. God never tortures. Torture is contrary to God's good nature.
God is holy. He punishes unholiness like a judge punishes His Lawbreakers, those called sinners or sometimes criminals (Psalm 5:5).
The Bible teaches us that God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but God will raise the wicked (Ezekiel 33:11), righteously judge them for their sins on earth, and sentence them to die a second time (John 5:27-29).
This is Divine justice.
The punishment of judgment and the second death is God's just and appropriate sentence for sinners. The Scriptures teach that "the wages of sin is death" (Romans 6:23). "The soul that sins shall die" (Ezekiel 18:20). All sinners die the first death. Only redeemed sinners escape the second death, or what the Bible calls "the coming wrath" (I Thessalonians 1:10).
Hell is the place where God implements the sentence of death He hands out on the Day of Judgment (Acts 17:31). If there is any torture in Judgment, it is the sinner's own conscience as he contemplates his rebellion against the Creator.
The Bible seems to indicate that there may be a period of time between the Judgment and the implementation of the sentence of death that all the wicked receive. Before being "cast into hell" to experience the second death, there may be a time of separation, isolation, and contemplation on the Divine death row. The sentence is death; the fulfillment of that sentence may be delayed for holy judicial purposes. Jesus said:
The Divine separation, isolation, and imprisonment of the wicked (e.g., "a Divine death row") on Judgment Day (Matthew 25:31-46) with the eventual consumption of the wicked in the "fires of God's wrath" (e.g., "hell") is God's final act of redemptive work for mankind.
This is Divine justice.
The punishment of judgment and the second death is God's just and appropriate sentence for sinners. The Scriptures teach that "the wages of sin is death" (Romans 6:23). "The soul that sins shall die" (Ezekiel 18:20). All sinners die the first death. Only redeemed sinners escape the second death, or what the Bible calls "the coming wrath" (I Thessalonians 1:10).
Hell is the place where God implements the sentence of death He hands out on the Day of Judgment (Acts 17:31). If there is any torture in Judgment, it is the sinner's own conscience as he contemplates his rebellion against the Creator.
The Bible seems to indicate that there may be a period of time between the Judgment and the implementation of the sentence of death that all the wicked receive. Before being "cast into hell" to experience the second death, there may be a time of separation, isolation, and contemplation on the Divine death row. The sentence is death; the fulfillment of that sentence may be delayed for holy judicial purposes. Jesus said:
"Truly I tell you, it will be more bearable for Sodom and Gomorrah on the Day of Judgment than for the people of that town." (Matthew 10:15).If you've ever been in a courtroom at a criminal's sentencing, you understand that various lengths of imprisonment are distributed based on the severity and intensity of the crimes committed.
The Divine separation, isolation, and imprisonment of the wicked (e.g., "a Divine death row") on Judgment Day (Matthew 25:31-46) with the eventual consumption of the wicked in the "fires of God's wrath" (e.g., "hell") is God's final act of redemptive work for mankind.
Death is the last enemy conquered (I Corinthians 15:26); once sinners are consumed, death is consumed with it. Immortal life is the gift of God to those in the Christ who conquered sin and death.
A vivid Old Testament type of the coming Day of Judgment is found in destroying all those associated with Korah (see Numbers 16:31-35).
God's wrath for the wicked is not like the wrath of your drunk relative. God's anger towards sinners is impartial, unselfish, tempered, just, and holy. He takes no pleasure in the sentencing of the wicked (Ezekiel 18:32) but sentences them He will (II Thessalonians 1:8-9).
Hell is the penalty of Divine destruction where those sinners outside of Christ are justly sentenced for their crimes against humanity and their Creator.
Christians need to start viewing hell as the end product of the most efficient, honorable, just, and righteous judicial process in the history of mankind.
We have several local and state judges who are members of Emmanuel Enid. The District Attorney for the largest judicial district in Oklahoma is a member of our church. We have many policemen and policewomen at Emmanuel. We have sheriff deputies and jailors, probation officers, and others who are daily involved in the judicial system of Oklahoma. We consider the judicial system in our city, county, and state a very good thing.
Justice is necessary because lawbreakers exist.
A vivid Old Testament type of the coming Day of Judgment is found in destroying all those associated with Korah (see Numbers 16:31-35).
God's wrath for the wicked is not like the wrath of your drunk relative. God's anger towards sinners is impartial, unselfish, tempered, just, and holy. He takes no pleasure in the sentencing of the wicked (Ezekiel 18:32) but sentences them He will (II Thessalonians 1:8-9).
Hell is the penalty of Divine destruction where those sinners outside of Christ are justly sentenced for their crimes against humanity and their Creator.
Christians need to start viewing hell as the end product of the most efficient, honorable, just, and righteous judicial process in the history of mankind.
We have several local and state judges who are members of Emmanuel Enid. The District Attorney for the largest judicial district in Oklahoma is a member of our church. We have many policemen and policewomen at Emmanuel. We have sheriff deputies and jailors, probation officers, and others who are daily involved in the judicial system of Oklahoma. We consider the judicial system in our city, county, and state a very good thing.
Justice is necessary because lawbreakers exist.
The punishment of criminals in our community is a just and holy process because the people involved in the judicial process and the judges who sentence the criminals are honorable. The judicial system works, and its effective operation improves life in Enid, Oklahoma.
So it is with God. So it is with His eternal punishment of sinners.
The real hell is really holy.
God is the author of it. Every person created in God's image who dies without Christ and His redemption will stand before God and give an account for every idle and thoughtless word, every careless and selfish action, and every hidden intention of the heart.
The solemn judicial process on that day will be the holiest, most righteous, and honorable event mankind will ever witness.
There will be no cries of "Unjust!" Every mouth will be silenced, every wrong will be made right, and justice will eternally reign.
Again, God will take no pleasure in sentencing the wicked to hell, but He will do so for the sake of His honor and retributive justice for His people.
Hell is of God, and the real hell is really holy.
Judgment is the Divine death row created by God to house the wicked until their final sentence is carried out (e.g., "the second death").
Three words from a biblical perspective accurately characterize the Day of Judgment, God's retributive justice, and the final sentence of death by hell.
First, the Day of Judgment is a place of separation, where the sinners are separated from God's mercies, people, and grace (Matthew 25:31-46).
Second, the Day of Judgment becomes a place of isolation where the sinner is isolated from all human relationships in place of Divine imprisonment, not much different than the place of imprisonment reserved for "the angels who disobeyed God in the day of Noah" (I Peter 3:19).
Third, the Day of Judgment is a place of condemnation. The sinner lives, breathes, and exists as a human being under the sentence of death. God raises all the dead on the day of judgment (not just the righteous), and those whose names are not in the Book of Life will have the record books opened, and every thought, action, and intention in their lives will be brought to light.
So it is with God. So it is with His eternal punishment of sinners.
The real hell is really holy.
God is the author of it. Every person created in God's image who dies without Christ and His redemption will stand before God and give an account for every idle and thoughtless word, every careless and selfish action, and every hidden intention of the heart.
The solemn judicial process on that day will be the holiest, most righteous, and honorable event mankind will ever witness.
There will be no cries of "Unjust!" Every mouth will be silenced, every wrong will be made right, and justice will eternally reign.
Again, God will take no pleasure in sentencing the wicked to hell, but He will do so for the sake of His honor and retributive justice for His people.
Hell is of God, and the real hell is really holy.
Judgment is the Divine death row created by God to house the wicked until their final sentence is carried out (e.g., "the second death").
Three words from a biblical perspective accurately characterize the Day of Judgment, God's retributive justice, and the final sentence of death by hell.
First, the Day of Judgment is a place of separation, where the sinners are separated from God's mercies, people, and grace (Matthew 25:31-46).
Second, the Day of Judgment becomes a place of isolation where the sinner is isolated from all human relationships in place of Divine imprisonment, not much different than the place of imprisonment reserved for "the angels who disobeyed God in the day of Noah" (I Peter 3:19).
Third, the Day of Judgment is a place of condemnation. The sinner lives, breathes, and exists as a human being under the sentence of death. God raises all the dead on the day of judgment (not just the righteous), and those whose names are not in the Book of Life will have the record books opened, and every thought, action, and intention in their lives will be brought to light.
The wicked - not the righteous - will give an account of their lives to God (Romans 2), and the sentence they each receive is death.
The period of isolation and separation until final condemnation may vary according to the level of wickedness on earth, but the capital sentence of death is the same for everyone.
The period of isolation and separation until final condemnation may vary according to the level of wickedness on earth, but the capital sentence of death is the same for everyone.
The second death is reserved for those who are found guilty, and according to Romans 3:23, the guilty verdict will be heard by every human being apart from Christ.
Now, here's the deal. God is as glorified in the sentence of death for the wicked (His justice) as He is in the gift of immortal life for the righteous (e.g., "those in Christ").
Now, here's the deal. God is as glorified in the sentence of death for the wicked (His justice) as He is in the gift of immortal life for the righteous (e.g., "those in Christ").
The Scriptures declare the holy and judicial punishment of the wicked in hell makes heaven a better place. Augustine comments on Isaiah 66:24, saying, "For those who shall be in hell shall not know what is going on in the joy of the Lord, but they who shall enter into that joy shall know what is going on outside in the outer darkness."
Christians throughout the centuries have disagreed on how God's justice is impartially displayed in the sentencing of individual sinners in hell. How is it just for Adolph Hitler to receive the same prison sentence of separation and isolation from God and people that a twelve-year-old boy who dies without Christ receives?
Christians throughout the centuries have disagreed on how God's justice is impartially displayed in the sentencing of individual sinners in hell. How is it just for Adolph Hitler to receive the same prison sentence of separation and isolation from God and people that a twelve-year-old boy who dies without Christ receives?
Answers to this question vary:
(1). Some say that there will be eventual annihilation. John Stott and many others are in this camp. They say that the prison sentence for the wicked may vary, but the capital punishment (death) is the same. The less wicked are rewarded with a lesser sentence on death row, waiting for destruction. The wicked will spend the most time in isolation, separation from people, and mercy. Ultimately, all the wicked will receive personal destruction and cease to exist. Eternal life is only the gift for those in Christ. This is my view.
(2). Some say that there will be expectant restoration. George McDonald and C.S. Lewis were in this camp. McDonald was Lewis' mentor, and both wrote about what they called "hopeful restoration," where God would eventually win over and restore even the most wicked with His amazing love. Lewis did not go as far as McDonald, but both men believed in degrees of rewards and punishment in hell, hoping that God would eventually win the wicked over with His love.
(3). Most evangelicals believe in the eternal continuation of God tormenting the wicked. That is, God is punishing the wicked (active tense) throughout eternity, and God's actions of punishing never cease. I prefer to call this third view the eternal punishing of the wicked. Why? Both the first view and the third view believe in eternal punishment—the first view calls death the punishment that is eternal, and the third view calls continuing torture the punishing that is eternal.
Why do most evangelicals believe the third view?
(1). Some say that there will be eventual annihilation. John Stott and many others are in this camp. They say that the prison sentence for the wicked may vary, but the capital punishment (death) is the same. The less wicked are rewarded with a lesser sentence on death row, waiting for destruction. The wicked will spend the most time in isolation, separation from people, and mercy. Ultimately, all the wicked will receive personal destruction and cease to exist. Eternal life is only the gift for those in Christ. This is my view.
(2). Some say that there will be expectant restoration. George McDonald and C.S. Lewis were in this camp. McDonald was Lewis' mentor, and both wrote about what they called "hopeful restoration," where God would eventually win over and restore even the most wicked with His amazing love. Lewis did not go as far as McDonald, but both men believed in degrees of rewards and punishment in hell, hoping that God would eventually win the wicked over with His love.
(3). Most evangelicals believe in the eternal continuation of God tormenting the wicked. That is, God is punishing the wicked (active tense) throughout eternity, and God's actions of punishing never cease. I prefer to call this third view the eternal punishing of the wicked. Why? Both the first view and the third view believe in eternal punishment—the first view calls death the punishment that is eternal, and the third view calls continuing torture the punishing that is eternal.
Why do most evangelicals believe the third view?
Because they (wrongly) believe it is impossible for the spirit of a man to perish, They've been taught that the spirit of man is naturally and inherently immortal. So, to them, hell must mean the eternal punishing of the wicked because, in hell, the wicked continue living. But Jesus said:
It's eternal because there is no resurrection from the second death.
The real hell is really holy.
No mistakes of justice are ever made by God in His righteous and impartial sentencing of the wicked.
Evangelical churches and mission boards make a huge mistake when they don't rightly understand that hell is of God and that hell is holy. When we go into the world and act as if God is desperately trying to keep people from hell, we are lying to sinners.
Hell is necessary because there are sinners.
Instead of going to the world with good news, we should tell them the bad news.
Every person outside of Christ will give an account to their Creator for everything they've ever thought, said, or done. After being weighed on the scales of His justice, they will be found wanting, and He will sentence them to an appropriate, just, and personal term of isolated imprisonment.
However, if sinners begin to feel desperate about their predicament when they hear the bad news and desire deliverance from the wrath to come that leads to judgment and the second death, then we will tell them the good news that Jesus Christ died for sinners. So sinners who believe in Him may not die the second death as a Judgment for their sins and live forever as a gift from God.
We churches screw this up big time. We go to sinners who have never felt accountable to God and say, "Smile; God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life."
Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell. (Matthew 10:28).The biblical truth of the punishment of the wicked is eternal condemnation. The wicked perish. They die. This is their sentence. In Scripture, it is called the second death. (Revelation 20:14).
It's eternal because there is no resurrection from the second death.
The real hell is really holy.
No mistakes of justice are ever made by God in His righteous and impartial sentencing of the wicked.
Evangelical churches and mission boards make a huge mistake when they don't rightly understand that hell is of God and that hell is holy. When we go into the world and act as if God is desperately trying to keep people from hell, we are lying to sinners.
Hell is necessary because there are sinners.
Instead of going to the world with good news, we should tell them the bad news.
Every person outside of Christ will give an account to their Creator for everything they've ever thought, said, or done. After being weighed on the scales of His justice, they will be found wanting, and He will sentence them to an appropriate, just, and personal term of isolated imprisonment.
However, if sinners begin to feel desperate about their predicament when they hear the bad news and desire deliverance from the wrath to come that leads to judgment and the second death, then we will tell them the good news that Jesus Christ died for sinners. So sinners who believe in Him may not die the second death as a Judgment for their sins and live forever as a gift from God.
We churches screw this up big time. We go to sinners who have never felt accountable to God and say, "Smile; God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life."
Truth is, we should reserve that message for those who are in Christ.
Sinners who have never felt their need for a Savior need to be given the grim, solemn news that there is a day of wrath coming.
Their only hope is to flee to Him, who will provide an escape.
When a sinner comes to faith in Christ, a Great Exchange takes place.
Sinners who have never felt their need for a Savior need to be given the grim, solemn news that there is a day of wrath coming.
Their only hope is to flee to Him, who will provide an escape.
When a sinner comes to faith in Christ, a Great Exchange takes place.
All of the sinner's sins are taken by Christ—past, present, and future—because God is not bound by time. When Christ died, He died for all the sins of His people. The believer in Christ exchanges his sins for the perfect righteousness of Jesus Christ. He takes our sins; we receive His righteousness.
This Great Exchange is the reason our names are written in the Book of Life, and we escape the Day of Wrath.
The evidence that our name is written in the Book of Life by God Himself is that we continually grow to love others the way He has loved us (John 13:35).
The evidence that our name is written in the Book of Life by God Himself is that we continually grow to love others the way He has loved us (John 13:35).
We live lives that cannot be accurately described as "sinless" but are always "turning from" our sins (Matthew 1:21) and "turning toward" God in faith. God's people are trophies of grace and are redeemed for the praise and honor of His grace.
Likewise, men who rebel against their Creator--by their own free agency, I might add, never forced to rebel by a holy God--and refuse to bow before the only true Deliverer available to sinners will experience a just and holy sentence of punishment in hell.
For the sake of the praise of God's justice and the recognition of the biblical truth that hell is the Divine means for making all things right in the universe, please never forget that the real hell is really holy.
Likewise, men who rebel against their Creator--by their own free agency, I might add, never forced to rebel by a holy God--and refuse to bow before the only true Deliverer available to sinners will experience a just and holy sentence of punishment in hell.
For the sake of the praise of God's justice and the recognition of the biblical truth that hell is the Divine means for making all things right in the universe, please never forget that the real hell is really holy.