Friday, April 26, 2013

Written a Book? Get It Published

Tim Price, publisher at Ekklesia Press, is opening another publishing company called Trestle Press which will focus on genres other than theological or church related. I was introduced to Tim through Jon Zens. His company Ekklesia has published a couple of biographies I've written. I have been very impressed with Tim. His background is in the railroad business, but he is also an author and a perfectionist in terms of publishing. Other books that I have written have been published by more established, larger companies, but Tim has done as good of a job as I've seen in preparation of the manuscript, designs for the cover and chapter separations, as well as distribution of the books through electronic and paper means via the Internet and distributors like Amazon.

For the grand opening of Trestle Press, Tim Price is running a writer's contest. Trestle Press is taking submissions for a contest to win our full publishing capability. This includes a custom cover, eBook conversion, Cataloging In Print, ISBN, custom interior layout and many other features of our publishing approach. Your book will be released to 28,000 book sites around the planet (including Amazon, Books-A-Million, Barnes & Noble and iTunes), and printing on three continents: America, Europe and Australia. You book will be advertised in Ingram Advance catalogs. You will receive industry standard royalties for both printed and eBook versions. The winner of this publishing package receives services valued at $3,200.

Genres sought after:
Crime Fiction
Science Fiction
Historical Novel or Non-Fiction

For more details and information regarding submission of your manuscript, click here. Even if you do not win the contest ($60.00 entry fee), you will be one step closer to having your book published because an editor with expertise has reviewed it and will be able to get it published for you at a very affordable price.


Rex Ray said...

Does the price go up if a book is a foot thick?

I'm thinking about my brother's that's been writing for years. :)

Wade Burleson said...


I'm not sure, Rex!

Christiane said...

I would be the first customer to buy a book by Rex Ray OR his brother.
Best stories I've heard in years have been written about here by Rex Ray . . . wonderful stuff, funny and moving, and inspiring, and unforgettable.

I'm a fan.

(a.k.a. 'Christiane')

Rex Ray said...

Now I know why I’ve always enjoyed your comments! :)

Your words mean as much as the notice I got today from Austin College (Sherman, TX) saying I’d received a Gold Star winner for “Surprise – Surprise” road trip story.

Double Love to you,

Rex Ray said...

I read what you wrote to my brother, and he told a story I’ve never heard.

After a bitter election, the new mayor of Fairbanks, Alaska wanted to unite the town and asked my brother to help him think of a ‘cause’.

Hez was the towns; Athletic Director and said the kids needed playground equipment that everyone would be in favor.

He said to appeal to women to raise the money. They came up with $10,000 which was quite a bit in the 1960s.

But they made the check out to Hez. He told them they should make it out to the City, but they said they didn’t trust politicians.

He got flack from them later because that night he spent it all with one order for equipment. One item was a $2,000 air bag used for pole vaulting and high jumping. It was called “Cloud Nine”.

The first day it arrived, he tried it out that night. He set the bar at five foot and almost killed himself. He couldn’t believe it so he tried it at four feet and then two feet with the same results.

The night janitor said, “I’ve been watching you from the balcony. The kids been telling me how tough you are, but I didn’t believe them till I saw you working out. You’re one tough dude.”

Next day, Hez was angry with the Company and wanted money back for the pile of junk.

“Did you read the directions?”

“No! There’s nothing to it!”

“Unless you stake the four corners down, they will fly in the air and you have no cushion of air.”

“You can’t stake corners down on concrete!”

“CONCRETE?” Well, you’ll have to use heavy weights.”

Just an example of “When all else fails, read the directions.”

Christiane said...


you and Hez have a great gift for story-telling

your family reminds me of my father's sisters, 'The Aunts' . . . and all the fun stuff they got up to during their life time

so much joy, so much love

there was great sadness in their lives,too;
but we remember the joy most of all when we remember them

they would have liked it that way

Thanks again for sharing, REX.
You made my day. :)

Rex Ray said...

Thanks for the reply. I showed it to my sister and a look of amazement came over her face. She said, “THAT’S IT!”

“What’s it?”

She repeated your words: “…there was great sadness in their lives too; but we remember the joy most of all when we remember them…”

“What are you talking about?”

“Long ago when I was young, I told an elderly woman in our church that I loved my uncle, but because of his weekly interruption of the service with his emotional ravings about God killing Jesus; I couldn’t take it anymore. We had to vote him out of the church or I was leaving!”

“The lady replied: “Oh no. Your uncle is old and about lost his mind, but we love him for all the many things he’s done in the past.”