Sunday, December 04, 2011

I've Changed My Mind About Twitter: It Is an Incredible Tool to Connect with Others

About six weeks ago I wrote a post regarding a conversation I had with my sons about Twitter. At the time that I told my sons I found Twitter banal (definition of banal: "trite, obvious, predictable or commonplace").  I told them that "I don't care about what people are eating, where people are sitting, or what people are thinking regarding trivial things. I also have zero interest in telling people trivial things about my day as well." My concept of Twitter at the time was it was used only to help people keep up with celebrities, and since I have no interest in celebrity worship, I had no interest in Twitter. I enjoy people who think deeply, write cogently, and contribute to culture beneficially. I didn't think Twitter had much to offer. However, my sons began to argue with me that I didn't understand Twitter. They said Twitter could be used for either asinine information or important information--that one could receive from Twitter what one wished to receive. My boys explained to me that through the use of #hashtags# (something I had never heard of), Twitter could become a medium through which I could either link people to excellent articles that would be beneficial for people to read, or I could receive articles of interest for me on particular and obscure subjects. They then challenged me to try Twitter using hashtags and see Twitter as a medium through which people could connect.

 So I tried what they suggest--last night--after the Oklahoma State Cowboys beat Oklahoma. I wrote a brief blogpost asking the question of whether or not boosters for the University of Alabama were paying broadcasters to promote Alabama to the BCS Championship Game. Most of you who read my blog regularly know that I usually write about history, theology or current events--and I am an Oklahoma Sooner football fan. So I knew that not many people who regularly read my blog would be interested in last night's post.  But I wrote the post to test Twitter. I copied the link and tweeted "Do Alabama Boosters Pay ABC and ESPN Broadcasters to Promote Albama"  using hashtags to connect the post with the following subjects: Alabama football, Mike Gundy, BCS Championship, Oklahoma State University Cowboys, ABC, ESPN, Kirk Herbstreit, and Brent Musberger. Again, I don't really care about the question or even the possible answers to the question--what I care about is whether or not people who do not normally read this blog would be attracted to read it . Oh my. With last night's post up for only 15 hours, and that on a Sunday when many don't read blogs, my blogpost had over 5,000 unique hits. Not everyone commented, but a few who did, notably Alabama fans, took exception to me asking such an 'idiotic' question. What those Alabama fans don't realize is they have helped my sons prove to me the value of Twitter. Twitter is simply a means of connecting people with other people. You get out of Twitter what you wish to get out of Twitter. For example, if I desire to stimulate conversation about the abolishment of the Old Covenant and what it means for followers of Christ to worship God in "spirit and truth," then I can link the theology post I've written on the Old Covenant to my Twitter account and hashtag it with key words. People from all over the world can be introduced to something they might otherwise remain unfamiliar with were it not for Twitter.

I've changed my mind regarding Twitter. I am convinced of its value. I am currently working on a blogpost regarding The Wizard of Oz and how it was written to promote the author's political and economic views on bimetallism, and how "Oz" is actually the measurement of gold (i.e. "ounces" or "oz"), and how the "Wizard" behind the curtain represents Washington's politicians whose economic policies keep Americans in bondage. It is my belief that the Wizard of Oz has as much to teach us about modern economic policies as it did when first written in 1900. I think I've learned how to use Twitter to connect with people who may find the the land of Oz fascinating.

Thanks Alabama fans for proving Twitter works. And, good luck in the BCS Championship game.


Tom Rich said...

Wade - I too find it useful, once I cut the list of people I follow to about 30 or 40, the people in my life I actually DO care what they are doing, eating, saying, etc.

As far as blogging goes, it is a great way to get the word out on a new post.

If you want to take your Tweeting to a "whole nutha level", use HootSuite to do your tweeting. You can schedule tweets for future posting. Very, very nice. said...

Thanks for the tip, Tom, about HootSuite.

Checking it out now!


rixshep said...

Wade, check my comments on twitter itself, where I replied to your tweet. Another tip, if you get to a point where you follow list is too big to keep track of, use the twitter list function. I have a number of lists where I file certain folks in relation to certain common traits or topics. For example, you are in a list now that specifically follows those who consistently reflect a Christian worldview. Rick Shepherd said...

Great tip Rick.



Martin Kids said...

Ahh, "The Wizard of Oz" one of the finest libertarian movies ever made. My young children love it.


Anonymous said...


I am pleased that we have been able to correct your views on technology. Now, if we could just do the same with theology.:)

from a non-Calvinist moderate.

Merry Christmas and thank you for another year of superb blogging.

Anonymous said...

It what we read in your previous blog post comments please leave Twitter alone.

It is kind of interesting that Tom Rich will post his picture on here but not on his own blog. Maybe he should put it up there so people can see who is writing that thing. said...


The good news is I get along grandly with my non-Calvinist moderate friends, for I do not consider myself a Calvinist either!

Quite the contrary, I disagree with the vast majority of what Calvin taught. I am a strong advocate of SEPARATION of church and state, a die hard New Covenant believer who believes Calvin is humongously (if there is such an adjective) wrong on integrating the Old Testament into New Testament worship, and of course, I disagree with the baptism of infants into the church/state as a token of patriotism and faith.


Glad you enjoy my blog!! We probably agree more than you realize.


Anonymous said...


Thank You. Even though we have never met I certainly consider you a friend.

Anonymous said...

YAY!! My comments on your last blog may have not convinced you, but at least something did!! (-: One thing I do sometimes to weed out who follows me...sometimes I retweet the amp bible verses...some ppl take off running when I do that. On your last post though about whether or not to get on twitter...go down to where I posted the news anchors twitter accounts...they are good people to follow...some of their posts are random...but when it comes to whats going on (such as tornadoes, earthquakes and news)...they are spot on!" Those were posted on: Sun Nov 06, 02:06:00 PM 2011/Sun Nov 06, 02:08:00 PM 2011

Since you've gotten Twitter... you should check out: <--its a better form of Twitlonger (Helping you bypass the 140 characters that twitter limits you to.

And in case you haven't found it yet, here's Kevin Durant's twitter @KDTrey5 (if you want it)

And a lot of people like to have an image on their background: <---howto on making the sidebar transparent

Anyway, welcome to the world of Twitter!! (-:


Anonymous said...

Though I'm not sure why you abandoned it...looks like you've been on since July (as I skim ur tweets - did a search for your name), randomly tweeting.
T. said...

I never could get the hang of it. Now, thanks to my boys, I understand the functionality and purpose of each tweet.

Gene S said...

Just glad you are taking commentary again and sharing your good insights with us!

Wade Burleson said...

Thanks Gene!

greg.w.h said...


Greg Harvey (and, yes, I had to shout it) said...


:) Agree!