Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Amazing Math Quiz Guaranteed to Accurately Pick Your Favorite Movie of All Time

A member of the church I pastor sent me the math quiz below that spooked me with its amazing accuracy at picking my favorite movie from among eighteen greatest movies of all time. See if the math quiz works for you too. Be honest and don't scroll down to the list of eighteen feature films until you have done the math! You may be as amazed as I.

Math Movie Test

Start by picking a number from 1 - 9.

Multiply by 3.

Add 3.

Multiply by 3 again.

Add the two digits of your answer together to find the number of your predicted FAVORITE MOVIE of all time from the list of 18 movies below.  Scroll down for the list .....







(1). Gone With the Wind
(2). E.T.
(3). Blazing Saddles
(4). Star Wars
(5). Forrest Gump
(6). The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
(7). Jaws
(8). Grease
(9). The Obama Farewell Speech of 2012
(10). Casablanca
(11). Jurassic Park
(13). Pirates of the Caribbean
(14). Titanic
(15). Raiders of the Lost Ark
(16). Home Alone
(17). Mrs. Doubtfire
(18). Toy Story

Now ain't that amazing?