Thursday, March 13, 2008

Commission Stories: A Site That Will Excite You

Commission Stories is a new site dedicated to telling compelling stories of how God is working in other parts of the world through Southern Baptist missions. One of our IMB employees recently travelled to Rio De Janeiro and documented, then produced, a video about an extraordinary individual named Eric Reese. God is using Eric to transform hostile communities through the power of the gospel both in life and word.

If you have any involvement in SBC missions I would encourage you to watch the six minute video of Eric Reses's ministry in Rio. Eric is one of those Southern Baptist missionaries that, after viewing his story, makes you thank the Father for how He is continuing to expand His kingdom around the world through the cooperative efforts of Southern Baptist churches and people.

Commission Stories puts flesh and blood to the black and white print of mission reports. I would encourage every pastor, lay leader, or other church member who reads this blog to direct other people in your church to Commission Stories. It will help bring the Cooperative Program, Lottie Moon, and other mission efforts of the SBC to life. To me - and to the young Brazilian girl who gives her testimony in the comment section - reaching people for Christ is the reason why we identify ourselves as Southern Baptist.

It is all about missions.

In His Grace,



John Moeller said...

Compelling video Wade! I love to see missionaries on the front lines!

Makes me wonder what Eric Reese would say to us about all the "stuff" we have been debating over

greg.w.h said...

Not to oversell what Wade has already done a good job on marketing: I always loved The Commission magazine (I asked for subscriptions as Christmas gifts) because of the photographs. The site has that same sense of richness of experience in part because it communicates so well visually.

There is something about being able to see the people that we are reaching as Southern Baptists that makes the whole thing both more incredible and more believable at the same time. It was also one of my favorite parts of watching my dad and other missionaries in their stateside assignment presentations in local churches (what used to be called "deputation work.")

Greg Harvey

Lin said...

My daughter and I just watched Eric. How powerful and inspiring. He will be in my prayers.

Now, why would I care if he had a private prayer language?

OC Hands said...

Thanks for the heads-up on this wonderful site. I have provided a link on my Voices of Praise blog. There are instructions for downloading and embedding these into your website or blogsite.
A menu from the website can be posted on your site that will provide visitors access to the videos without actually going to the website itself.
Thanks again. Excellent material for inspiring and informing.

Rev. said...

Thanks for the info and the link, Wade.

Ron said...

Thanks for sharing this site. Eric's testimony is inspiring and encouraging. It helps us know how to pray for missionaries in that part of the world.
I wonder how many Southern Baptists know about this site and log on to it. I wonder how many WMU ladies who sponsor the Lottie Moon offering in the local church have access to it.
One of our biggest mistakes in the New Paradigm was doing away with the Commission Magazine. Everyone I ask seems to say that was a mistake but no one does anything about it. It is like the story the Emperor has no clothes. Everyone knows something is wrong but they are afraid to tell the Emperor. Someone needs to tell the trustees and the RVA administrators they need to try to undo this mistake. Maybe a resolution at the SBC this summer would get their attention. This video will be watched by lots of people who would probably never pick up a Commission Magazine but there are many who will never watch this video that used to follow our mission stories in the magazine.

Anonymous said...

Great story!


E. Goodman said...

Thanks for pointing to the site, Wade. I'd like to see more emphasis on communication between the field and the churches in the States.

Unfortunately, many of our people are "waiting" for the resources of the IMB to facilitate the flow of info. This is a mistake. These days, there's no excuse for the lack of communication from (and to!) the mission field.

A NAME region blogger recently wrote about it quite well. The task of communicating what God is doing on the field to the people who support us belongs to all of us.

Anonymous said...

I see one of the greatest mission/discipleship fields as being the opportunity to minister back to the people who send/support/pray for us on the field.

Anonymous said...

I like the play on the greek in your name. Check out my blog "An Un Common Grace" one of my most recent post is "Cash Got Grace" on Johnny Cash's walk with Christ. Let me know what you think. Here is the link:

Anonymous said...

Dear Wade,

Thanks for posting this. What an awesome account of those Brazilian brothers and sisters and the missionary family who are unreservedly obeying their Lord. Nothing is more unifying and uplifting to all Southern Baptists, and believers, than seeing the testimony of those completely sold out to Jesus.

Steve said...

Exciting -
Encouraging -

RonK said...

I recently saw these for the first time and posted on them earlier today. What a blessing and an encouragement. There are thousands more stories of how God is moving and saving, I'm sure, but it's marvelous to see it on Eric's face and to hear his convition in his voice. We serve an awesome God and a mighty King. Hosanna!