Thursday, August 02, 2007

Thank You for All Your Help for the Klouda Family

This is the final update for all of you who have contributed to The Klouda Benevelonce Fund established here at Emmanuel Baptist Church on behalf of Pinky and Sheri Klouda and their daughter Abbey.

Pinky has been unable to work as much as he would like due to his heart condition. Due to the financial difficulties the Kloudas have faced since their unexpected move to Indiana, it has been impossible to afford the necessary treatment for Pinky.

As of August 1, 2007, Southern Baptists from around the nation, and in some instances missionaries from overseas, have contributed in the last four months a total of $16,333.36 to the Klouda fund here at Emmanuel. Sheri told me over the phone yesterday that her family has been overwhelmed at the generosity of Southern Baptists. Pinky has now been scheduled for an angioplasty procedure to remove the two blockages in his heart, and the financial support the Kloudas have received has made this affordable for the family.

Our church is now closing the Klouda benevolence fund for the Kloudas, but we do so with an abiding and deep belief that Southern Baptists really do care about people in need. Our prayers continue for Sheri, Pinky and Abbey. We believe the Lord will provide for them in the future in surprising and unexpected ways.

In His Grace,


P.S. Sheri Klouda emailed me this evening the following to be posted here. "Once again let me express our humble gratitude to all of those who shared gifts with us and supported us during our struggles. I recognize that we are not only referring to Southern Baptists, but other believers from diverse places, all of whom have demonstrated their caring towards us. May God bless all of you richly for your generosity and your sensitivity to our needs. We do ask for your continued prayers on our behalf as we seek the next steps in our lives. We have been truly OUTblessed!" Sheri


Lin said...

This is awesome and gives me renewed hope for our support and encouragement for our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update. Let us know if more needs to be done at a later date.