Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The Conference On The Holy Spirit: Arlington, TX

I will be traveling today to Arlington, Texas for The Conference On the Holy Spirit at Cornerstone Baptist Church. Let me encourage you if you are within driving distance to come and participate with the six hundred day registrants and the hundreds more who will attend the open plenary sessions Friday night, Saturday night and Sunday morning. I will post my reflections on the conference each night. The schedule for the conference is as follows:

Host Pastors’ Roundtable
Friday, April 27
10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
JE & Joel Worship Leaders
Ralph Emerson Roundtable Speaker
The Role of the Holy Spirit in Church Revitalization
Robert Fowler Roundtable Speaker
The Role of the Holy Spirit in Preaching


Friday, April 27, 2007
Evening Sessions

7:00 p.m.
Gary Smith The Person & Ministry of the Holy Spirit
Wade Burleson The Role of the Holy Spirit in the
Great Commission

Denny Davis The Role of the Holy Spirit in Church Growth
Vicki Yohe Special Music
St. John Baptist Church Choir
Fielder Road Baptist Church Choir
Daniel Brymer Worship


Saturday, April 28, 2007
Morning Sessions
9:00 am.

Daniel Brymer Worship Leader
Robert Fowler The Holy Spirit – Topic of Choice
Bart Barber Plenary Session:
The Cessasionist/Semi-cessasionist Viewpoint
Sam Storms Plenary Session:
The Continualist Viewpoint

Conference Panel
11:00 a.m.
Ben Cole - Panel Host
Wade Burleson ,Robert Fowler, Sam Storms, Dwight McKissic, Robert Foster, Alan Cross, Bart Barber,Boyd Luter


Dwight McKissic Saturday Luncheon: 12:30 p.m.
The Role of the Holy Spirit in the Sandy Creek-Charlestonian Tradition


Afternoon Session
Times to be Announced

Boyd Luter Can Continualists & Cessasionists Co-exist
In The Same Church?

Robin Foster
The Cessasionist/Semi-Cessasionist Viewpoint
of Spiritual Gifts

Alan Cross
Defining and Defending the Continualist Position

Daniel Brymer & Joel McCray
Worshiping In The Spirit 2

Dwight McKissic
Praying in the Spirit


Saturday, April 28, 2007
Evening Sessions

7:00 p.m.
Sam Storms The Role of Holy Spirit in Worship
Vicki Yohe Special Music
Daniel Brymer Worship Leader
Choir Cornerstone Baptist Church Mass Choir
Choir Cornerstone Baptist Church Children’s Choir


Sunday, April 29, 2007
Early Morning Service

7:30 a.m.
Wade Burleson Walking Worthy of Your Calling

Morning Service
10:00 a.m.
Sam Storms The Role of the Holy Spirit in Prayer
Daniel Brymer Worship Leader


Paul/Mary Burleson said...

Dad and I are also driving down to Arlington today to attend the conference. Finally, I get to meet some of the bloggers and put a face with the name. That's always fun. And I'm also looking forward to hearing my second favorite speaker. ;-)

Gary Snowden said...

Wow! A 7:30 a.m. worship service on a Sunday morning. They weren't joking when they labeled that one as an Early Morning Service. Does Dwight's church typically have a service that early or is this a special one just for the conference? I look forward to reading your posts on the conference. It sounds like from the pre-registration that there will be a great turnout. said...

Gary, When they first gave me the time I thought it was might be Easter and it was the sunrise service. :) Mom, see you and number one in Arlington. :-)

Alyce Faulkner said...

I was orginally flying out at 7 am Sunday morning. This morning when Mackey looked at the schedule, he said I would be missing you speak and suggested I change my flight.
I'm going to try and look forward to meeting all of my blog friends. I can't wait!

Anonymous said...


FYI (and in case you wish to amend your post), Dwight has changed the breakout sessions on Saturday afternoon to be for everyone, and mine is now scheduled at 3:30-4:10. I don't know when the others are because I wasn't sent that info.

Also, Dwight asked me to expand my topic to "Can Continualists and Cessationists Co-Exist in the Same Church and the Same Convention?" This apparently happened after Les Puryear contacted me, asking for a comment on the handling of the resolution I had put forth in Greensboro by the SBC Executive Committee. Les later asked to post it on his blog and I said, "No problem." But, that ended up becoming a brief non-heated discussion between Les, Bart Barber, Alan Cross and me (mostly Bart on one side and the other three in pretty general agreement on the other), which Dwight saw. Anyway, although I would have never ever thought of expanding my assigned topic, I am prayerfully willing to take it on. It really is an "800-pound gorilla in the room" long-term practical bottom line issue in the current controversies and for what the organizers are courageously seeking to accomplish in this conference.

Boyd Luter

Bart Barber said...

Bart tends to wind up in that situation (everyone on one side and himself on the other) more often than he likes!

Anonymous said...


Well, at least you now know that, as far as I can tell, you played a part in getting my session title broadened. Frankly, I'm not sure whether to thank Les, Alan and you you for that or not. But, I am very much looking forward to meeting you face-to-face Friday evening and doing the panel discussion on Saturday morning, which should be enlightening, to say the least. (I can't get there for the Roundtable because of a previous family commitment.)

Boyd said...


I was unaware of the change. Thanks for the heads up. I've changed the post to reflect the information you gave me.

Bryan Laramore said...

Hey Wade,

Sounds like an interesting's a shame you couldn't come on down to the DFW area a day sooner and attend our SWBTS Cook-Out that we had tonight...they had a dunk tank set up in which students could dunk certain Prof's if their 'aim was on'...and, of course, the Grand Finale was Patterson on the dunk-tank stand...excellent...I say no more.

Looking forward to your reflections on the Conference...take care.


David Rogers said...


I'd love to be there with you.

Do you know if there will be any on-line video or audio? said...

I don't believe there will David, but I will make sure you get at least an audio CD of all sessions.

Anonymous said...

Rex Ray said…
How long was the line for Patterson? “Excellent…I say no more” says a lot.

Our paths miss again as our County Missions Association annual event will be Sunday at our church. There will be 50 booths of organizations from all over. A lot of work falls on a few.
I hope we can read some of what’s said.

Bryan Laramore said...

plenty long...i couldn't get up to the line to make my own 'toss'...Dr. P seemed to be having a good time too, for what it's worth to you...