Sunday, March 25, 2007

A Few Lessons On Change from Breckenridge, CO.

Wade and Rachelle at Breckenridge, Colorado, Saturday, March 24, 2007.

This past week Rachelle and I enjoyed a few days in Breckenridge, Colorado with some friends of ours from Emmanuel. They have a beautiful condominium at the base of Peak 9 in downtown picturesque Breckenrdge. When we arrived in Colorado on the second official day of spring, the temperature was near seventy and our son Boe was quite concerned that there would not be enough snow to ski. To our surprise the skiing was very good with many skiers wearing shirtsleeves. On our last day of skiing this past Saturday, the mountain was covered with ten inches of new snow, and the temperature was seventeen with near whiteout conditions on top of the peak. The change from Thursday to Saturday was dramatic . If asked, I would be hard pressed to say which conditions were better for skiing; they were both good -- just different. The picture above was taken Saturday night at 6:30 p.m. on the balcony of the condominium. The sudden change from sunshine and heat to snow and cold brought to mind a few lessons about change.

(1). One should learn to appreciate whatever cicumstances he finds himself in.

(2). Sometimes the most beautiful changes occur not slowly, but quite suddenly.

(3). Some of the best changes are totally outside of anyone's control but God's.

(4). Ultimately, the company you keep and friends you have make any day beautiful.

(5). It's wise to never get too disappointed or too excited about current events, since change is certain.

(6). "Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself" Tolstoy.

(7). "I am the Lord, I change not" (Malachi 3:6).

I close with this thought. A reporter interviewing A.J. Muste, who during the Vietnam War stood in front of the White House night after night with a candle, one rainy night asked,"Mr. Muste, do you really think you are going to change the policies of this country by standing out here alone at night with a candle?" Muste replied, "Oh, I don't do it to change the country, I do it so the country won't change me."

Just a few reflections on the sudden change from sunny seventy to snowy seventeen.

In His Grace,



Anonymous said...

In everything give thanks, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus!

I have learned to be content in all circumstances!

Wait on the Lord!

In Christ all things hold together!

Oh how good it is to rest in His arms. Thank you, Wade, for an excellent word picture of the greatness and goodness of our Father. May His Kingdom be ever mroe real in our lives.

Anonymous said...

Wade -

Great picture! As to change, contentment, etc. mentioned in your post, I couldn't decide which anecdote of my own to share as there are so many I could give in concurrence. So I guess I'll just say ...

I agree! :)

Good reminder for today. Thanks.


Bob Cleveland said...

Amen, Wade. Isn't it wonderful that we can fully depend on God not to change.

jasonk said...

I pastored for three years in the far western Oklahoma panhandle. My first week on the job, I drove out of town fifteen miles or so, to visit one of our elderly couples. When I walked into their house, and began to get acquainted with them, they said, "we have a cabin in Breckinridge, and its as much yours as it is ours."
Some of my most fond memories were spent in that little cabin in Colorado, because of the generosity of a sweet couple at our church.
Your post brought back some of those nice memories. Thanks!

Dave Samples said...


I'm glad that you enjoyed your time in Colorado. Just imagine what it is like to live here...

Charles R said...

Today's post led my heart and mind to Lamentations 3:37ff. Eugene Peterson translates it this way:

Who do you think "spoke and it happened"? It's the Master who gives such orders. Doesn't the High God speak everything, good things and hard things alike, into being? And why would anyone gifted with life complain when punished for sin? Let's take a good look at the way we're living and reorder our lives under God.

volfan007 said...


are you wearing a suit coat on your vacation? surely not.


ps. relax is the theme of vacation, bro. said...


Sports coat.

I was taking my wife out on the town!

:) said...

By the way, for me that was casual.


Anonymous said...

How timely as I face a season of change. Ironically, I am most worried that change is not happening fast enough. May your perfect timing be perfect Lord Jesus!

volfan007 said...


you really need to learn what casual is all about. i love casual and comfortable. all neck ties should be burned by the town hall employees.

did you ski in that sports coat?

david :)

Marty Duren said...

What you can't tell, due to the table being in the way, is that Wade is wearing Daisy Duke's, black socks and Doc Marten's.

For him, that's casual.

volfan007 said...


lol. that would be a sight!


Unknown said...

A sports coat in Breckenridge has got to be some kind of manlaw violation. said...


You are funny.
