Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Remember the Alamo

A photograph sent to me by a Southern Baptist friend from up north. Your comment becomes the caption.


Unknown said...

"Shoot low, boys, they're ridin' Shetland ponies."

Anonymous said...

"As everybody can plainly see, this place is in real good hands."

David Troublefield
Wichita Falls, TX

Anonymous said...

Ummmm..."The Good, The Bad and The Ugly?"

Anonymous said...

Just for the record I never said which was which.

Anonymous said...

Who's the chick in the middle?

IMB M Europe

CB Scott said...

Ben, close your mouth they are going to shoot you right in the teeth.

CB Scott said...

Malcolm Yarnell says:

Boys I'm up heah on nes here wall ahine ye. I done got you culture chasers wher I want ye. Now ddanceee.

Scotte Hodel said...

"I thought you said this church had PowerPoint."

Bob Cleveland said...

"Comedy Club advance team visits Alamo in preparation for upcoming gig"

Charles R said...

I checked my Blackberry and learned you supported me but weren't sending me more troops.

Anonymous said...

"Ben, I thought you said this was the 'car rental' place that Paige managed. . .We're just lucky that they don't have any security around here."

T. D. Webb

jasonk said...

"The rest of you can go to he**, I'm going to Texas."
--Davy Crockett

Rex Ray said...

Dlar say stgech an’t comng.
Do’t matr, I an’t scerd, gt rfle.
Yo gys wry to mch. Lts et som mr.


wadeburleson.org said...

Who's the guy behind us with the shotgun in the high position?

Kaylor said...

“Maybe we should hide in the basement!”

wadeburleson.org said...

C.B. says the Malcolm and David says the Chairman. I say it's David Dockery in the wings. :)

wadeburleson.org said...


OC Hands said...

"What Me Worry?"

Bryan Laramore said...

"Oh boys, look what I got here!...

Where da' liberals at?"

Steve said...

"If we don't see something to hunt pretty soon, supper's gonna be beans and taters agin."

Anonymous said...

Wipe that smile off your face! We got troubles pardner.

wadeburleson.org said...

That's funny anonymous.

One's man trouble is another man's vision.


Micah Fries said...

hmm, I don't really have a caption but I'm wondering what Ben is standing on? That's one heck of a lift! :-)

Unknown said...

Yeah, he was a very humorous guy!

Kevin Bussey said...

I want to know how I ended up the shortest in that picture when I'm 6'2"

Anonymous said...

Gentlemen, the time has come. Let's bag a leopard for my collection.

Anonymous said...


It seems to me your clothes in this picture are baggy ... kind of like the photographer asked you to crouch down to make sure your head was in the shot.

Glen Alan Woods said...

"Ahma bow legged chicken, ahma knock-kneed hen. Never been so happy since ah don't know when. Ah walk with a wiggle and a giggle and a squawk. Doin' the Tenessee wigwalk!"

Public Service Announcement: No actual chickens or hens were harmed in the singing of this song.

JayLee said...

Would you look at that...you CAN herd cats.

The StogiEvangelist said...

"You misquoted me. I said 'I like Santana,' not Santa Anna."

Anonymous said...

Look at all those people, Whoope, the landscapers are here!

Rex Ray said...

“Hey! I’m looking down the barrel of a cannon.”

“Start smiling, or they won’t think it’s a trap.”

“I’m smiling big, but they see my knees shaking.”

Bill Scott said...

And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him...(Pale Rider)(Rev 6:8)

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure this is a good exercise,:) ALL the good guys died at the Alamo.

But here is my go at it:

Ben: "There he is."

Wade: "Who?"

Kevin: "Paige"

Wade: "Where?"

Ben: "Behind the big hat."

Anonymous said...

"All three definitely crossed the line."

Anonymous said...

Watch your back, baby! selahV

Rex Ray said...

Handsome: Is Patterson coming with his seminary?

Rifleman: No, he can’t hear anything in his bunker of silence, but Burleson’s putting us on his blog.

Big Smile: Then our worries are over. His 542,515 visitors will scare them to death.

Anonymous said...

New York City??? ... Get a rope.