Thursday, September 14, 2006

'Ask Any Question' Weekend

I really appreciate everyone who has honored my posts over the last several months by making comments that pertain to what I have written. I would like to show my appreciation by offering to each of you an opportunity to ask any question of me that you would like to ask. I would only ask that the questions be phrased clearly and in the fewest number of words possible.

I promise to answer every question that you ask. You may not like the answer, and it may not be as lengthy as you like, but I will answer your questions honestly and forthrightly.

Please recognize that I do not officially represent any agency. Official press releases and public statements are neither my duty nor my forte. I will be giving you just one man's opinion.

This "Ask Any Question Weekend" will end Saturday night. I will post the first question myself to help you see that the brevity of words in both the questions and answers will help us all learn more.

For this one weekend I will let people post questions anonymously in order to allow some with no blogs to ask questions.

Blessings to you and have a great weekend.



«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 221 of 221 said...


The short answer is the fear of liberlism. said...

b funk,

I don't count the hours.

My church is very supportive. said...


I am looking into the BWA break in fellowship.

I don't know enough about it to comment intelligently. said...

Mr. Anonymous,

I always appreciate any person who wishes to visit with me about things that they feel would strengthen my leadership or ministry. I always listen, I don't always agree or apply what I hear, but I do respect the person who shares with me their feelings.

I would encourage you to talk to your pastor said...


At Bob Cleveland's suggestion, I am doing the Hokie Pokie and shutting down this POST.

You may ask additional questions, but they will go unanswered.

Thanks for participating. I have done my share of answering questions, so posts this week will be made without me dialoging in the comment section.

Blessings to all and Thanks for Partiicipating. said...


It was the "Hokie Pokie" that you commented on that reminded me of "Okie Dokie" which is what I usually say when I am through and ready to move on.

:) said...

Good Night Folks.

Have a great Lord's Day.


yugaidemeht said...

Good night Wade..........Good night John Boy.....

Rex Ray said...

It is good that you quote questions, before answering. People won’t take the time and it’s hard to go back and look for the question. An answer without the question is sometimes vague. That’s why I was disappointed that you did not quote my questions on my first comment of ten questions. I will quote a couple of them and your answers.

4. Are IMB trustees exempt from ‘obeying God rather than man’ if they obey IMB policy they believe to be wrong?
You replied: Obviously Rex, I believe I am accountable to God. I can't answer for others.
6. Since the BFM says, “Confessions are only guides in interpretation, having no authority over the conscience”, how does the IMB obtain authority to fire missionaries over ‘confessions’ that are on the third tier doctrinal level?
You replied: Number six is a great question. I am doing what I can to stop the continuing of the narrowing of the parameters of cooperation. We must not divide over third tier doctrines.

You say you have not read Dilday’s book. Could it be that you already know more than you want to know of past events that are upsetting, or would reading such a book might label you a moderate, or some other reason?
That’s my one question. I hope you print my question.
Rex Ray

Rex Ray said...

Ahhhhh, my last question missed by 5 minutes. I thought we had 24 more hours since you wrote: “Ask Any Question Weekend” will end SUNDAY night.”
Have you forgotten that? (That’s my one question.) I was just getting warmed up.
Like Fox said, “This is fun.” Shame on you Fox—look what you caused—you know Baptists are not allowed to have too much fun.

Liam Madden said...

Ouch Wade,

Are you giving me the boot from this thread because my topic is such a hot potato? Does this mean that you don't buy my premise that the struggle to secure the human rights of Muslims in the midst of this war on terror is the defining moral struggle of our time? Again, I'm disappointed because no poster answered the two questions that were in my previous post. I thought this blog session was a Q.& A.

Dave in Florida, in all sincerity, I will answer your questions if you will answer mine, but perhaps in separate forum or private emails as Wade has suggested.

I realize that the topic I raised is not a cheerful topic, although it is a sensitive one, especially for a denomination that has gotten very cozy with certain politicians. So I just want all to know that I also am a fan of the hokey-pokey and have my lighter side. I have even owned a rubber chicken or two and have some goofy neckties that make my students question my fashion sense.

Even so, I'm not out of the mainstream on this issue of abuse of detainees. As with Southern Baptist life, what has been understood to be the mainstream of conservative politics is being re-defined right now precisely because of this issue. This week alone, a cadre of conservative senators moved to block the current administration's request for expanded authority to use torture in interrogations, while the JAG's of each branch of the armed services released a joint letter expressing their own concerns about the legal liabilities resulting from the continuance of torturous practices.

Wade, I'm not completely sure why you're booting my topic off of this thread, but since you're the host (and a hospitable one at that), I will defer to your wishes. I don't have a blog of my own for this topic, but the conservative blogger, Andrew Sullivan, has covered this debate in great detail this year. Interested persons can visit his site and browse his archives at:

Wade, best to you and all of our fellow bloggers here. I wish you all a happy Lord's day with all of the good fellowship and refreshing that comes with it.


Anonymous said...


As for the Scripture not speaking of a single pastor, only a plurality: What about the 7 churches in Revelation that are addressed to a single messenger ("Angel")of the church that most commentaries refer to the pastor (singular)of the church?


Rex Ray said...

Not answering questions sort of puts you in a position of a boxer backed into a corner with his guard down. On Sat. Sept. 15 at 12:15, you made the statement, “The CBF is another denomination with its own mission force.”
I don’t understand your calling the CBF another denomination. What denomination are they? How can they be another denomination when they have been Baptist all their lives?
It’s true they believe the ‘glue’ that holds Baptists together is ‘missions’ and NOT ‘doctrine’ as Baptist Conservatives have argued. But does that make them another denomination?
I’ve been a SB for 64 years, but lately I believe the ‘glue’ should be missions. Does that change me into something that is not Baptist?
I believe that you yourself, after seeing all the problems ‘doctrine’ has created, have started ‘leaning’ toward missions being our ‘glue.’

Baptist Conservatives argued with the BWA that the CBF was the same denomination which disqualified them to join the BWA. But the BWA voted in some kind of new rule that allowed CBF to join. That’s the main reason the SBC was led to leave the BWA.
Rex Ray

Rex Ray said...

Once again, you did not print my question, so your reply on Sat. Sep. 17, 12:36: “The short answer is the fear of liberalism” was very vague.
My question was: If the devil has used “inerrancy” to divide Baptist, what is so important about “inerrancy” that Conservatives don’t erase the word out of Baptist vocabulary?

Come to think of it, your answer even with the question is vague. I don’t know if you are ‘complaining’ about fear or ‘bragging’ about fear—if you know what I mean.
Where does this “fear” come from? Is it the same fear that the Holy Spirit cannot guide our missionaries without a lot of rules that make the circle smaller? Does this fear of liberalism cause conservatives to fall into the opposite ditch of legalism?

The real truth of “inerrancy” is it was made into a political word to rally the troops to win a political battle. It was used to ‘kill’ their opponents even if they were true conservatives but were on the ‘wrong’ side of the ‘takeover.’

It’s about 15 minutes to midnight and Sunday will be over—don’t know why the post is two hours later than Texas time.
Rex Ray said...

Ron West,

I like your style. said...


Lest you continue to become irritated, I have a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a minor in Corporate Finance.

:) said...


I do consider CBF another denomination, and the BWA agreed, thus their admittance.



Rex Ray said...

I was wondering why you didn’t answer my question to you on Wade’s Sept. 17 post until I saw that it had been deleted. I’ll ask it again on this post and see if it has a longer life:

“Irreverend Fox,
Did you ask Wade why he changed Friday’s blog on the cut off time from “Sunday” to “Saturday” also? Did Wade delete your comment like he did mine?
I’m jealous that he said you deserved an explanation and didn’t mention me.
There’s another explanation that after deleting my comment, he forgot who sent it and thought it was you. You know—you being a ‘trouble maker’ like me. I’m going have to start being nicer if he has us in the same boat.”

Another comment was deleted so I’ll trying posting it here also:
If you explain to ‘Grosey’s messages’ why his question about your academic qualifications was deleted, would you also explain why my comment was deleted? I mean, you answered my question very well in replying to Fox, but why did you remove my question? In case you don’t remember the question, I’ll repeat my comment:
I’m surprised and greatly impressed that you have done such a good job of answering “Ask Any Question Weekend” as long as you have.
If you had said, “I’ve bit off more than I can chew”, “I’ve didn’t realize the amount of time it would take to answer questions”, or some other reason, I would sympathies with you.
But your changing your post of Friday September 15 from “SUNDAY” to “SATURDAY” without an explanation could be interpreted as sneaky.
It might be interpreted that you never said “Sunday.” Do you know how many papers have been printed that say Sunday?
Until you give an explanation—there’s a shadow on “Grace and Truth.”

Wade, I don’t mean to cause you grief—your blog has been a blessing of God in spreading truth. You have ‘rolled’ with many punches—and taken a lot ‘on the chin’ and I’m proud of you. I tell a lot of people, even strangers, about your blog.
I will repeat what I was told yesterday by this 10 year old girl in our church who loves to show how hard she can hug me. I asked her twice before she would answer; “How old are you going to be before you quit hugging me?” She kept looking at me, and finally said, “Until you die.”
So Wade, I’ll keep hugging you until we are separated by heaven.”
Rex Ray said...


You are one persistent person.

I explained why, but unfortunately put Irreverend's name on the comment and not yours.


He is the explanation again, with the right name.


You deserve an explanation. The Lord's work at Emmanuel is particularly tiring this Sunday. Three services, a luncheon, deacon's meeting and preparations for a mission trip to Niger, Africa.

No time to answer any questions.

Thanks, though for your interest.

Jacob Jones said...

Did God ordain OU to have the worst booth reviews of the brief instant-replay history?
Does He hate OU? Why is the universe so unfair?


Groseys messages said...

Many thanks Wade for making that clear,

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