Sunday, April 23, 2006

"Too Late" --- The History of Failure

Two interesting events occured last night.

First, I laughed out loud when someone sent me this photo. For those of you who don't know me, this is a picture of my face superimposed on my hero's visage --- Charles Haddon Spurgeon.

I do not know who Arkansas RazorBaptist is, but he seems to be pretty sharp guy! Granted, my perspective may be skewed since he said some nice things to say about me :), but hey, anyone is entitled to his opinion. :)

I listened to the audio tape he linked from the book of Philippians and enjoyed it. I usually listen to each and every message I preach the day after I preach it. I can be pretty hard on myself, since I always listen with a critical ear. Last night I listened to the message from Philippians entitled "People, Problems and the Pastor," which I preached over seven years ago, and I found it both relevant and refreshing. The outline had been forgotten by me, and what I was going to say next could not be remembered. I was reminded that someone who exegetes the Word of God never has to worry if he is fresh or relevant. The Word is always both.

Second, last night we celebrated the 25th anniversary of Emmanuel Christian School in Enid, Oklahoma. Our Headmaster, Mr. Paul McDonald, challenged school parents, teachers and students in the area of preparedness for the future. In his exhortation to us all Mr. McDonald went to his own history files and reminded us of this quote by the late military strategist and hero par excellence, General Douglas McArthur.

"The history of failure can almost be summed up in two words: too late.
* Too late in comprehending the purpose of a potential problem.
* Too late in realizing the impending danger.
* Too late in preparedness.
* Too late in uniting all possible means of help.
* Too late in standing with one's friends."
- General Douglas Macarthur

Food for thought for my soul last night in glancing back in time and then focusing on the future.

In His Grace,

Wade Burleson


Jeff Richard Young said...

Dear Brother Wade,

So far on your blog you've been Martin Luther, Martin Luther King, Jr., and now Charles Spurgeon. I love you and appreciate what you are doing, but have you thought what it looks like to your opponents?

Still praying for you and hoping for the best for the IMB.

Love in Christ,

Jeff said...


You speak a language with which I am unfamiliar.

I don't know that I am capable of altering the opinion of those who see me as a gossiper, slanderer, insubordinate trustee, arrogant person, recalcitrant rookie, who is resitant to accountability and without the ability to trust.

So . . . to answer your question, "Have I thought what it looks like to my opponents."


My friends and family will laugh.


P.S. I've searched the blog world over, and thus far have found no comparison to Martin Luther, Junior, but if I do, I will delete it ASAP. Grins :)

Bob Cleveland said...

As to the food for thought, I'm 67 years old and wish I'd learned the secret of just doing the right thing right now, long ago.

As to the picture, I have an inexplicable desire to go out and buy cough drops. Strangest thing...... said...

That's funny Bob,

Jeff Richard Young said...

Dear Dr. B,

Okay, that is a lesson I am still learning.

Love in Christ,
