Many "reformed" churches are dying. The authoritarian male elders have no idea why. They think it is "because most people today don't accept the clear teaching of Scripture." The reality is those church elders are stuck in a Hebrew Old Covenant rule of law. The vapor of death descends from the law-oriented lips of leaders who believe they have "spiritual authority" over people. Their demand for obedience from God's people is the natural outgrowth of their false belief that they are God's appointed vicars to His church.
More than a few church elders today seek to "rule over" Christ's people in the manner Moses and the Hebrew priests and prophets ruled over Israel. Even worse, these men actually believe God wants them to rule over His people. The biblical truth that the Old Covenant system of worship, including authoritarian elders, has become obsolete to God (
Hebrews 8:13) is a foreign language to them.
For those men who wish to rule like Old Covenant leaders in Israel, I have a simple question.
I Kings 1, King David of Israel is dying. He already has four wives (including Bathsheeba, Deborah and Haggith), and many concubines. As King David lies on his death bed,
the elders of Israel search the country far and wide for a "beautiful young woman" to "lie with the king" and "keep him warm" (v. 2). The cultural custom of Old Covenant Israel was that the kings of Israel could have many wives and many concubines. Kings of nations in Old Testament times must be virile and able reproduce many sons.
Here is my question: When a Christian pastor is sick and lying on his death bed, do the church elders call for "a young, beautiful woman to strip and lie beside him in bed to keep him warm?" If not, why not? This practice was as much a part of Old Covenant Israel as worship on the Sabbath, paying tithes to the Temple, etc.... Why do church elders today pick and choose which laws and practices of the Old Covenant Scriptures they will follow?
Not one Hebraic civil, ceremonial or moral law is binding on a Christian. Every one of the Old Covenant practices of Israel pointed to the coming Messiah but is now obsolete when it comes to the people of God.
Jesus Christ has come.
The revelation of God in "the law of Israel" has progressed to the
full and final revelation of truth in Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of the law. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. All the ceremonies, civil ordinances and legal commands of the Old Covenant way of life have now been made obsolete. The righteousness that sinners need must be received as a gift from God through faith in Who Jesus is and what the Christ has done (
Philippians 3:9).
So what "law" do we believers in Christ have over us?
Only one. It's called the Royal Law of love.
"A new commandment I give you: Love one another as I have loved you. In this manner, you must love one another. By this love will all know that you are My disciples." (John 13:34-35).
Think about this for a moment.
Are you truly loving someone else as Jesus loves you? That means are you thinking
selflessly, serving
sacrificially, doing what you do for
the ultimate good of the one being loved, without regard for your own welfare, benefit or reputation? If you can answer that question with "Yes, I am!" then do what you are doing, and don't worry what others say. If not, then stop doing what you are doing. It's that simple.
That's how sin is defined for the Christian. We don't need any other law. For example, you can't take another woman as your own and
truly love your wife the way Jesus loves you. You only need one law to understand what sin is, and that is the Royal Law of love.
Of course, we all fail the Royal Law. But when that happens
we own our sin rather than point our finger at someone else. We humbly seek forgiveness for not loving as we are loved by Jesus. We quickly and easily seek forgiveness of others because we've learned to rest in the forgiveness we have from Him who loves us. We don't draw our identity from our failure. We are who we are because of His victory.
That's New Covenant living.
Jesus told us that
"heaven and earth will pass away, but my words shall never pass away" (Matthew 24:35). In Biblical language, "heaven and earth" is
Old Covenant Israel. The law of Israel has passed away. Any Christian church which bases its governmental structure and principles of operation along the same lines Hebrew leaders governed and led Old Covenant Israel is missing the Spirit of God and will die a legal death.
So what should be the normal practices of a New Covenant Church?
I will list them:
New Covenant Primacy
On top of the Mount of Transfiguration, the mountain shook, the glory of God descended, and Moses (the Old Covenant Lawgiver) and Elijah (the Old Covenant Prophet) disappeared, and only the transfigured Jesus remained. Then the voice of God proclaimed, “
This is my beloved Son,
acouete auton (
hear Him!).” Any church that emphasizes to followers of Jesus instructions on how to live from the Old Testament Law and/or Prophets will be a church that teaches, “if you will…THEN GOD will.” Indeed, the Old Covenant is conditional. But Jesus is
“the fulfillment of the Law and the Prophets,” all the blessings and promises of God are
“yes and amen in Christ" (
II Corinthians 1:20). Therefore, our desire this side of the cross should be
“to know Him, and the power of His resurrection” and
to “rest in His righteousness, and not my own that comes from my obedience to any law” (
Philippians 3:7-11). In other words, we are to get our identity, and our marching orders, from Jesus Christ, who told us, “By this will everyone know that you are mine,
if you love one another as I love you.” (John 13:35). For more information read
Radically New (2016).
Limited Pastoral Authority
Contrary to the Old Testament, leadership in the New Covenant is based on a person’s giftings by the Holy Spirit. I believe the New Testament teaches there is no inherent spiritual authority in church position or office. Jesus Christ has all spiritual authority and those who know Him
serve one another in the power and grace of His Spirit within us. Old Covenant style leadership fights for control; New Covenant style leadership serves in love. In a modern culture where governments grant tax exemption and legal requirements for churches, pastors may have legal authority, but the notion there is a position of
spiritual authority over anyone is not a practice Jesus taught (see
Matthew 20:25-26). For more information read
Fraudulent Authority (2017)
Broad Evangelical Unity
In my experience, very little good is done when we evangelicals make it a priority to tell others what we are against. The Gospel is Good News. Gospel preachers are neither
moralizers nor
motivators. We are called to proclaim as
broadcasters the Good News in the highways and hedges of life. We in the church are to only report the Good News, we are not called to make it (see
John 17:23). I’d rather the world and culture know me for what I’m for (the person and work of Jesus Christ) than for what I’m against. For more information read
Hardball Religion (2010).
Full Gender Equality
In the New Covenant Church, men and women are equals. What distinguishes us from one another is our giftedness. Jesus Christ is the sole authority over His church, for
“there is Jew nor Gentile, neither male nor female, neither slave nor free, for you are all one in Christ” (
Galatians 3:28). We are the
collective body of Christ; He alone is our Head. In a New Covenant Church, servant leadership is determined by giftings, not gender. For more information read
What’s with Paul and Women (2014).
Shared Grace Theology
Those whose lives have been changed by the Gospel will tell you the most transformative truth is
“The Gospel message of God's grace in Jesus Christ." This also should be the message of every Christian teacher. It should be the theme of every Christian church. It should be the philosophy of every Christian ministry. Christians must know grace to know Christ. Therefore, if you want to get a feel for whether or not a church shares the grace theology of the New Testament, ask yourself how many prisoners, down-and-out, homeless and helpless, invalid and disabled, needy persons the Christians who gather at that building are reaching in the community - not only on Sundays but throughout the week. The message of grace first transforms what a person thinks and feels; then it will transform how a person lives and loves. For more information see
Happiness Doesn’t Just Happen (2002).
I recently heard that a group of church elders read my above statements regarding "The Normal Practices of a New Covenant Church," and responded, "That's so opposite of the way we practice things at our church."
I'm glad that my writing was clear and understandable to the point they could see the differences. Their lack of implementing New Covenant principles, as well as their emphasis on Old Covenant authoritarian leadership, may be a couple reasons their church will continue to decline in Kingdom influence.