My thoughts and prayers go out to the family members of the 49 killed in the
Pulse Nightclub shooting in Orlando, Florida. Unless you've experienced the emotions of suddenly losing a loved one to random violence, it would be difficult to understand these families' pain. We can collectively
feel for these families, and we do. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all those suffering through the effects of this horrific crime.
Newspapers and social media are now filled with articles on why America ought to have strict gun control. I completely understand reacting to the emotional trauma we all feel, but I would caution every American to take a position on gun control on the basis principle, not emotion.
After the Sandy Hook massacre occurred, I wrote an article explaining why I was against gun control on the basis of principle. The timing for publishing such articles like mine is often questioned by those advocating gun control, but this is precisely why I believe it's important to re-publish what I wrote a few years ago.
Water in one's eyes often obscures clarity in one's mind.
When our country was founded, our nation's Founding Fathers believed in what is called
Natural Law. Natural Law is a view that certain rights or values are inherent in or universally known by
human reason. The best summary of Natural Law is contained in the following seventeen word statement:
"Do all you have agreed to do and do not encroach on other persons or their property."
In the early days of our nation, when a criminal encroached on another person or their property, the courts of the United States established the precedent that
restitution would be made to the victim(s).
In the case of murder, the murderer would be swiftly brought to justice
via execution. In cases of encroaching on property (i.e. theft, vandalism, etc...),
restitution would be made by the robbers to the victims as ordered by the judge.
Over time, a series of decisions in the courts of the United States established what we call
common law. Judges would look at previous legal decisions in similar cases to make a ruling on restitution that would be
fair and equitable to the victim. It's important to note that in the early days of America,
the people encroached upon were the victims, not the state. Therefore, the criminals who encroached
made restitution to the people, not the state.
Amendment II of the Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution gives to citizens of the United States
"the right to keep and bear arms" for two very important reasons.
(1). Our nation's forefathers knew there would be occasions when criminals would not make restitution to their victims as ordered by the courts.
When this happens in a country built on Natural Law,
outlawry is invoked.
Outlawry is the ability for citizens in a civilized society to pass judgment and punish those criminals who refuse to make court ordered restitution to their victims.
Most of us understand the term "outlaw," but few of us understand that it is derived from the word outlawry. Outlawry means criminals who run from court ordered restitution are handed over to society and placed
"outside the protection of law." This is what it meant for an outlaw to be
Wanted: Dead or Alive.
It did not matter how the outlaw was captured. When you brought the outlaw in before the judge,
dead or alive, you received a bounty for the capture. The outlaw was outside of "the protection of the law."
In the old days, prisons were fairly empty.
Incarceration was limited to those awaiting trial. Once a court ordered the terms of restitution, the criminal was released in order to work and pay for his crimes. If the criminal ran from his responsibilities, he was turned over to society (by the courts) as "an outlaw."
Our Founding Fathers understood the need for civilized society to "keep and bear arms" because a society of free and civilized people were ultimately
the highest power in the land. The citizens of the United States would need to keep and bear arms because of outlaws. Natural Law demands the principle of outlawry.
A modern version of outlawry would be a free and law-abiding citizen in a school or a club, armed with a weapon, shooting and killing a murderer in the act of encroaching. The citizen doesn't wait on
"law enforcement" to take action--for our Constitution, built on Natural Law,
demands citizens take action.
Many believe a country is more civilized when free citizens don't have guns. Our Founding Fathers believed just the opposite. A free society, according to Natural Law, makes the free people of that free society the highest authority--not the state or the government.
Government is of the people, by the people, for the people.
Could law-abiding citizens in a free society make a mistake in dealing with they deem to be an outlaw? Of course, but the checks and balances on a free people is the knowledge that you yourself might be deemed an outlaw if you violated Natural Law and encroach on an innocent person.
Natural Law is as much a science as biology, physics and math. It is understandable regardless of one's religion, because it comes from Nature and Nature's God. Natural Law says the
victims are those who experience the crime of encroachment and the
criminal is the encroacher.
Unfortunately, our government has assumed the role of victim.
Statism, sadly, has become the
expected form of government by the American people. The government of the United States - in practice - is replacing the people of the United States. Statism says the criminal pays his or her debt "to the state" instead of to the victims of the crime.
When a state usurps the governance of a free people by the people themselves, then the state (government) will eventually devolve into a fascist state. Fascism (e.g. Nazi Germany) does not arise overnight. Just like Germany in the early 20th century, fascism progresses slowly as more and more power is handed to the state and more and more freedoms are taken from the people.
One of the fundamental requirements for a fascist state to exist is for its
citizens to not be armed. I oppose gun control in the United States for the principled reason of resisting the rise of fascism in the United States.
(2). Our nation's forefathers understood that there could be an occasion when the state violates Natural Law (by encroaching on free people), and it would be the duty of the free citizens of that state to rebel.
Very few Americans know that the rationale of the Patriots - the men and women who
fought the British government during the American Revolution - was a rationale built upon Natural Law.
People like Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, John Adams, and others believed that
England's monarchy (the King of England) was
encroaching on the people and property of the colonists. The Patriots rebelled because Natural Law was being violated.
America's Patriots believed a nation of people should always be able to keep and bear arms because
there always needs to be the ability for a free people in a free society to revolt against a government that violates Natural Law. England violated the principles of Natural Law, and in obedience to Nature and Nature's God, the American colonists revolted against England.
Thomas Jefferson,
when writing the draft of the Constitution of Virginia, wrote "
No free man shall be debarred the use of arms." Alexander Hamilton wrote, "
The best we can hope for concerning the people at large is that they be properly armed." (The Federalist Papers, pages 184-188).
Abraham Lincoln,
declared at the commencement of the Civil War,
"This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it or their revolutionary right to dismember it or overthrow it."
These men understood that any government which removes the right to keep and bear arms from her free citizens takes a gigantic step toward statist facism.
So, though we grieve over the mass murder of those in Orlando, and though we deplore acts of violence by criminals throughout our land, we should resist with all our might any intrusion by the government to take weapons from us.
Natural Law, America's Constitution, and freedom's fight against facism all demand that America's citizens have the right to be armed.
As a follower of Jesus Christ, I may choose not to bear arms, to turn the other cheek, and to live like Jesus Christ lived.
But as an American, I must resist any effort by the state to take weapons from her citizens.