But one of the most bizarre Lincoln conspiracy theories seems to have very long legs. The New York Times and other international major newspapers continue to follow the story of the Enid Booth Legend.
Booth's Descendents Believe Booth Died in Enid, Oklahoma
The account of how John Wilkes Booth shot Lincoln at Ford's Theater in Washington, D.C., and then escaped by making his way to southern Virginia, where he hid with his accomplice David Herold in the Garrett family barn until Union troops discovered them both, is summarized here. It is without dispute that Union soldiers surrounded the Garrett barn and Herold gave himself up. He was later hanged by the United States government for conspiracy to commit murder of the President. It is in dispute, however, by Booth's descendents, whether or not John Wilkes Booth died at the Garrett barn on April 26, 1865, twelve days after he shot the President. Booth's family alleges that another man, holding Booth's belongings, was shot and killed by a Union soldier who had stuck his rifle through the wooden slats of the barn and fired. The Union soldier who fired his weapon, an evangelical Christian by the name of Boston Corbett, violated the direct orders of his superior officer by firing, but later explained his actions, according to modern biographer James Swanson, with these words; "Providence directed me." Boston Corbett was himself arrested for conspiracy to commit murder of President Lincoln, chiefly for killing the assassin who could have explained why he did what he did and identifying any others involved. But Boston Corbett himself was later exonerated by Secretary of War Edwin Stanton who declared, "The traitor is dead. The patriot lives."
Booth's family believes Edwin Stanton and the War Department detective on the scene went to great efforts to cover up the identity of the man who was killed in Garrett's barn. They say that a simple farm hand, helping both Booth and Herold that night, was the man killed, and Booth was escaped. Their argument is summarized in the legal documents that comprise the 1994 lawsuit Kline vs. Green Mount Cemetery, where the Booth family urges exhumation of the body buried in Green Mount Cemetery to prove that another man, not Booth, was killed by Boston Corbett. In an attempt to prove the necessity to exhume the body, the plaintiffs in the case used the Enid Booth Legend as the basis for their belief that John Wilkes Booth actually committed suicide 38 years later in Enid, Oklahoma, at the age of 65.
The Most Famous Mummy Since King Tut
I've lived in Enid for sixteen years and am very familiar with the Booth legend. The History Channel, the Discovery Channel, and several Civil War authors have made their way to Enid in order to either film or research the story. I have taken several people to downtown Enid on field trips to explain the bizarre Booth legend and have recounted it countless times. A simple search of internet sites will bring you reams of printable material on the subject, but this blog is designed to give you a concise history of the Booth Legend in order to correct a recent error in the Oklahoma Historical Chronicle concerning Boston Corbett, the man historians say killed John Wilkes Booth.
Contemporary newspaper accounts for January, 1903, record for us that a man named David E. George killed himself by strychnine poisoning in room number 4 of the old Grand Hotel, which was located on the second floor of what is now Garfield Furniture in downtown Enid. Strychnine poisoning causes a very agonizing death, and when people heard the screaming from room 4, they couldn't get through the locked door, so they vaulted a young child through the transom above, and the door was unlocked from the inside. The adults sought to assist the dying David E. George only to be shocked at his audible confession that he was, in fact, John Wilkes Booth. George died shortly thereafter, and the furniture store owner across the street, who served as the funeral home director as well (as was common in those days), took possession of the body until next of kin could be located.
The body was carefully prepared by Penniman Furniture Store and Funeral Home, using materials now outlawed, and as a result, the body was mummified within hours. Stories circulated in newspapers across the United States that the real John Wilkes Booth had died in Enid, Oklahoma and was on display in the window of the Penniman Funeral home, awaiting next of kin to claim the body. Within ten days of his death, several prominent Enid businessmen had performed analysis of the handwriting on the George suicide note, comparing it with a note feartured in the Harper Brother's Pictorial History of the Civil War, that the United States Government says came from the handwriting of John Wilkes Booth. The similarities were uncanny. In addition, physicians examined the body and noticed similarities to wounds known to be consistent with wounds suffered by John Wilkes Booth, including a broken tibia, a facial/neck scar, and a crushed thumb.
An attorney in Memphis named Finis Bates read a newspaper account of George's death and made his way to Enid to see if David George was the same man he knew as John St. Helen in Granbury, Texas in the 1870's. It seems that Finis Bates, who by the way is the grandfather of actress Kathy Bates, was friends with John St. Helen, and on one occasion, when John St. Helen was seriously ill (he thought near death), he confided to Finis Bates that he was John Wilkes Booth. Upon recovery, St. Helen denied ever saying he was Booth. Yet, a while later, a United States Federal Marshall showed up in Grandbury, Texas, asking questions about John St. Helen. It seems when people went to look for Mr. St. Helen, he had mysteriously disappeared. Finis Bates never forgot his friend, and wondered if David George could be the same man.
Finis Bates rushed to Enid to check it out. Upon arriving in Enid, Bates headed to the Pennimann Furniture Store and Funeral Home to see the body of David E. George. Yes! This was the man he had known as John St. Helen. Finis Bates, an attorney and skilled at getting things accomplished, obtained the mummy and took it back to Memphis. He spent five years conducting research to prepare a book about this matter, all the while hiding the mummy in his garage during this time. In 1908, Bates released his book entitled The Escape and Suicide of John Wilkes Booth.

The Sentence That Caused Me to Fall Out of My Chair
I am personally skeptical of the Enid Booth Legend. David E. George/alias John St. Helen/alias John Wilkes Booth is a fascinating person, but I remain unconvinced he was John Wilkes Booth. The man who really interests me is Boston Corbett, the soldier who shot the man alleged to be John Wilkes Booth in the Garrett barn. Not many people know much about Boston Corbett, including historians. However, he is a man that should be studied.
Particularly since the prestigious Oklahoma Historical Society wrote in its May 22, 2008 Historical Chronicle Magazine that "Boston Corbett is buried in Enid." This sentence is the last sentence of the article written by highly respected historian Dr. Guy Logsdon. I called Dr. Logsdon at his home in Tulsa and asked him for his source material for his statement. He assured me that he had it but it could possibly take a few weeks for him to find it. I respect Dr. Logsdon and look forward to him providing the source material for his statement, but until he does, I felt it appropriate to place the only source material I have on Boston Corbett's death on this blog. Dr. Logsdon's research may well prove mine to be insufficient, and if he is, indeed, correct on his assertion that Boston Corbett is buried in Enid, then other historians looking into the Lincoln assassination may not feel as inclined to call this fact "coincidence."
Truthfully, when I read the May 22, 2008 Oklahoma Historical Chronicle article that asserted Boston Corbett was buried in Enid, I about fell out of my chair. I am friends with the owner of Bass Construction, Bob Barry, whose grandfather, Henry B. "Heiney" Bass, was considered the premier historian on Abraham Lincoln in his day. Heiney was close friends with Carl Sandburg, Harry Truman and other lovers of history, and would make an annual trip to the Truman Library to discuss historical research regarding the Civil War. Heiney, who died in 1975, is in the Oklahoma Hall of Fame, and his entire library is in the Western Heritage Museum at Oklahoma University. This library contains the largest collection of Lincoln poetry in the world, including a few either written by Lincoln's own hand, or signed by Lincoln, that would be worth today millions of dollars.
Heiney's grandson, Bob, has donated to me a copy of his grandfather's personal journals where Heiney writes about Lincoln, Corbett, Booth, David George and the Enid collection. History records for us the bizarre antics of Boston Corbett (self-castration, growing his hair like Jesus, breaking up a mock Kansas Legislative Sesssion, etc.), but Heiney Bass tells us in his journal something that very few people know. He writes on February 15, 1959 that
Boston Corbett appeared in Enid, Oklahoma. Kansas authorities were relieved to be rid of the troublesome hero and made no effort to secure his return. For some time Boston Corbett peddled patent medicine for W.W. Garrit and Company of Topeka. Then his shadowy figure faded away. No authentic report of his ultimate fate has ever been recorded. Whether he died in Enid and found a burial place in a potter's field or drifted on seems to be veiled in eternal silence.
If Dr. Guy Logsdon has uncovered that Boston Corbett is actually buried in Enid, Oklahoma, then this little hamlet in northwestern Oklahoma may have much more to do with Lincoln's assassination than heretofore told.
Time will tell.
Fascinating! Thank you for sharing. I saw a show on NBC several years ago that detailed the Enid/Booth conspiracy. Only a year prior to that, I was visiting my hometown in Maryland, and had the chance to visit the school where Booth attended as a boy. The thought that he spent his final years in Oklahoma was really interesting. It reminded me of the Brushy Bill Roberts/Billy the Kid legend.
Thanks for sharing. I hope you will keep us updated on the status of Logsdon's source.
Jason Kearney
For those interested in reading Finis Bates' book, the full manuscript is available on Google book search here.
Good post, Wade.
So the connection to Granbury, Texas is kind of weird to me because my wife used to work at a church there. That is one legend about the town that we never heard about.
But how would Lincoln have voted at the SBC convention?
Miss the blog!
Good to hear from you again Wade. I had never heard about this conspiracy theory. While we were in DC last year we visited Ford Theater several times including the museum in the basement. They mentioned some of the controversy around the assassination but I don't recall Enid, OK being mentioned or that Booth was not actually killed.
I am sure that volfan and C.B. Scott on reading this will say this conspiracy proves that the Conservative Resurgence was needed.
I very much was fascinated by the post. I have also not heard of the Booth-Enid connection. I read portions of the Finis Bates book this evening (thanks Les).
I wonder if professor Logsdon was citing the source listed on bottom of the wikepedia entry about Boston Corbett contained at "Find a Grave." This site does indeed list Enid as Corbett's place of death. However, no location of said grave is given. That would have been far to easy!
Great post! Oklahoma history is rich indeed.
Bill Scott
Wade, that's very interesting there are multitudes who have no inkling of these historical happenings. Welcome back. I've seldom been in agreement with you but I have great respect for you. You always cause me to look and listen to the great theological problems that confront the SBC and Christendom as a whole in these treacherous last days. I look frrward to your book and I know it is time consuming, but devote just a little time to this glog please.
Jim Sadler
Thanks for the info Wade! As you know...I love conspiracy theories, especially about Lincoln and my home town. Thanks again and I hope all is well. Look forward to more info about this strange connection.
A. Heath
Wade, the intrigue concerning the whereabouts of Booth's body leads this Okie to the inevitable question as to what the person who last possessed the corpse said after realizing his loss. Could it have been, "I WANT my mummy!"? ;^)
In His Grace and Peace,
T. D. Webb
Now that, my Okie friend, is funny.
My grandmother, on my father's side, followed the path of many people after the original airing of Roots and traced our family lineage through the Bowen (her maiden name) side of the tree.
Aside from the joy of knowing that I am somehow related to Edgar Allen Poe (sarcasm noted), my grandma also discovered that the world-renowned stage actor Edwin Booth was also a great-great-you get the idea-uncle. I mention Edwin Booth but not his brother ... John Wilkes. And I will leave it that way. :-)
Amy Downey
Well i actually looked a lot at this conspirrisy theory about 5 months ago. i found it very fasinating and the next time i do a history project i will probably do it on this. thank you for sharing the news about that other guy that could be buruid there to that helps me thinking that it is 100% false....now i have a little hope that this could be real.
Very interesting, I like this kind of stuff.
I`ve read that Jimmy Hoffa now resides in Enid, using the name Lyle Mannion. Have you seen him?
Great to hear from you...
Good to see you back on the blog.
Somewhere West of Enid and a a friend of a familiar face.
Robert Todd Lincoln, the only child of Abraham and Mary Todd Lincoln to survive to adulthood, had a beautiful home in Manchester, Vermont. You can still tour it today. Welcome back!
John in the STL
Wade, I've been engrossed in the Lincoln assassination for days. Funny the twists and turns. I've always been a Lincoln lover and still am, but found myself (I even hate to use the word), feeling a little sympathy and understanding towards John Wilkes Booth. I notice that many see him in a different, more sympathetic light, after reading "Right or Wrong, God Judge Me."
Then I became fascinated, of all people, with David Herold (one of the 4 hanged), after reading from Booth's diary about "this brave boy with me" "who often prays (yes, before and since) with a true and sincere heart." Then one of Booth's final statements about Herold was, "I declare, before my Maker, that this man is innocent."
Lastly I've been combing the net for more info on this David E. George story and you had the most in depth by far! But I'm not sure what you are hinting at, Wade: that Corbett could have been in the conspiracy too? Thank you for a riveting post!
logananderson @ verizon dot net
Unsolved Texas Mysteries
Chariton, Eckhardt, Young
Wordware Publishing Inc 1991,
has a great story on the John Wilkes Booth aka John St. Helen aka David George / Enid Mystery.
It also has a picture of David George, after his death and before his mummification, staged..sitting in a chair holding a newspaper from Lincoln's assasination. The newly dead body looks very familiar.
Check out the book, "Legend and Lies" by Dale L. Walker. It mentions Boston Corbett in Enid, OK.
great article i agree that boston corbett should be the one we research
booth reminds me of billy the kid and jess james all american legends
Check out the book: True Tales of the Old -Time Plains by David Dary, pg . 228 - 235. Article: What happened to Boston Corbett. After staying with DeFord for a few days Corbett declared he was going to Mexico. " Some people believe Corbett died in Mexico. Others believe he lies in an unmarked grave near the site of the long vanished town of Seapo in Republic County, Kansas. A few others claimed he drowned in the Kansas River near Topeka, but no one knows for sure."
I have a question can DNA prove this. As of this point and dose the government have his DNA there could be living proof that in fact could prove that he lived did you ever think of that
Check on Boston Corbett's Wikipedia page. The man who claimed to be Corbett in Enid was an impostor and was sent to prison for the ruse. Corbett is believed to have died in Minnesota in the Great Hinckley Fire of 1894.
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